Let concrete norks be your legacy

I was sure I’d put this up before, but WAtching swears it hasn’t been seen. I’m sure Oggi’s are a cut above the general garden feature, but I like that while you’re not even cold in your grave, your kids might be fighting over a concrete nymph with big boozies who pours water from her jugs, like this one. Or a maiden befouled by Zeus himself, like this. Or even one like this from 2007 or the more recent elephant hung like a donkey. Is that what they mean? When you are dead, the kids will be fighting over the garden gnomes? Maybe Oggis can show us a sample of their wares so we can judge the quality. Me, I was born a this man, and I’ll die a this man.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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97 Responses to Let concrete norks be your legacy

  1. Richarbl says:

    Whatever … Y’know, like whatever


  2. Hugh Jass says:

    I agree… what the fuck?


  3. munkipants says:

    that is an attrocious tag line – very clunky and ridiculous to boot.

    Must be because they have gifted “degigners”



  4. Bento says:

    I’m sure this has been on before.


  5. David Cohen says:

    Oggi is Italian for today.

    Perhaps for maximum effect the company should be called Oggi Domani?


    • margeryx says:

      I thought the tag line very Italian as well. Italy is all about authentic art being collected and kept for prosperity.

      This is perhaps a sad and dislocated emmigration of a grand idea.


  6. Pfortner says:


    now where did that come from


  7. Should anyone snap off the dangly bits of their garden sculpture, you can replace it with an oggi knob



  8. shazza says:

    UH OH!!!
    Can i just take this moment to say what a wonderful group Patti Patti, Bree and all the other A-listers are. Good for you, and all the good work you do.

    Cyber poison-penner hunted down and sued TONY WRIGHT
    February 25, 2010 .
    Legal counsel Martin Bennett has a short message for those who allow themselves to attack reputations over the internet, imagining they are safe under the cloak of anonymity. ”You can be hunted down and found,” he said yesterday.

    Mr Bennett has done just that for a Perth client, winning $30,000 in damages and costs, an apology, and undertakings from a Colac man that he won’t post any more defamatory comments.

    The hunt for the man’s true identity proved the stuff of private detective novels updated into the age of blogs.

    It is, Mr Bennett said, one of a very few such actions in Australia against the author of anonymous postings on an internet forum. He predicts it is the tip of a legal iceberg.

    ”There has been an increasing proliferation of internet chat sites where people feel free to hide their identities and make defamatory comments about companies and their executives and directors,” he said in a statement released after the case in the Supreme Court of Western Australia was resolved.

    The action against Graeme Gladman began after highly uncomplimentary comments appeared last November under pseudonyms on the HotCopper website, a stockmarket forum.

    The postings related to technology security company Datamotion Asia Pacific Ltd and its Perth-based chairman and managing director, Ronald Moir. One posting appeared under the pseudonym of ”witch”.

    Datamotion and Mr Moir hired Mr Bennett to launch defamation proceedings. But first Mr Bennett had to track down ”witch”. He asked HotCopper to reveal the identity of the person registered under that pseudonym, plus two others under different pseudonyms, but HotCopper refused.

    Mr Bennett then took court action, forcing HotCopper to turn over its files. ”Unfortunately, the registered membership name appeared to be false,” he said. ”It turned out to be attached to an escort service in Geelong.”

    But Mr Bennett was not prepared to concede the trail was cold. He told The Age he did not wish to reveal the details of his next detective steps, but the upshot was a defamation action against Mr Gladman alleging that, as a result of his postings, Datamotion and Mr Moir had been ”brought into hatred, contempt and ridicule and thereby suffered damage”.

    It was resolved last week, with Mr Gladman agreeing to pay damages totalling $20,000, taxed legal costs of $10,000, and to provide apologies and undertakings not to publish further defamatory postings.

    Mr Bennett has launched two more cases. Both are pending before the WA Supreme Court.

    Source: The Age


  9. anonymous perthon says:

    xxxxxx OGGI xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx sock-puppet xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx Martin Luther King xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx ha ha ha ha


  10. Pfortner says:

    This seems as appropriate a place as any to mention how appallingly shit Perth writer Craig Silvey is. Check the blurb from ‘Rhubarb’:

    Meet Eleanor Rigby – tiny, blind and left behind. Led by her zealous, overprotective guide dog, Warren, she courses constantly through the places she knows. Tired, mired and sequestered from the world, Eleanor can’t shirk the feeling she’s going nowhere slowly. Until, of course, she recognises something in the sound of Ewan Dempsey, reclusive and compulsive maker and player of cellos, who impels in Eleanor a rare moment of caprice…

    xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx x xxx cunt!


  11. David Cohen says:

    Bugger: I thought Pfortner was Craig.

    Are you Robert Drewe, Pforts?


  12. Caribou Bob says:

    Is this the new Work Makes Free of advertising taglines?


  13. Frank Calabrese says:

    Breaking News – Bob Maumill quits radio due to pain – to be replaced by Ted Bull:


    Rob Fletcher reduced to dubbing 96FM playlist to computers and other audio bits and pieces.


  14. Shreiking Wombat says:

    Yeah. Total cunts.


  15. munkipants says:

    i love this comments not linking up thing- like a giant online puzzle!


  16. artheretic says:



  17. Shreiking Wombat says:

    Fuck me sideways Jesus. Whoever would have thought there was such extensive marketing potential for niche vaginal products?

    Cunts. You completely have to love them. A bit like puppies really.


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