Emptying her Jugs

I couldn’t resist this one from Ross Salvage. Wide or close always the horror, the dolphin, the boozies, the hand… I was so taken aback, I forgot to check the price. Would someone really buy this?

Pour me one

Pour me one

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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9 Responses to Emptying her Jugs

  1. Snuff says:

    Nice work, TLA. So wrong, in so many ways, except two.


  2. B.T. says:

    I thinks it’s time you started a “Worst Jugs” category.


  3. David Cohen says:

    The hand is easily explained: she’s a Philangist.


  4. edwarddebozo says:

    It might be better if the milk was expressed


  5. Snuff says:

    Indeed, DFOC. The swan never lies.


  6. Hey, Edward de B! Is Don is Good man.


  7. Woof.
    Ross’s is even better after a few pints of shite Aussie beer at the skimpy show on a friday arvo just 20 metres down the road at the Peninsula Hotel. That place oozes class. God bless democracy.


  8. … and you manage to smuggle that blue dolphin into the shot.. Pingu the Dolphin ……..sheer genius.


  9. Pingback: Let concrete norks be your legacy « The Worst of Perth

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