People have sent in shots of Michael Keenan’s publicity photos before, several asking why he seemes to be wearing eye makeup. He was also mentioned a year ago when he couldn’t work out whether he should have his flag up or whether he should  haul it down down to honour bushfire dead. WAtching found another excuse with this TV bus stop Keenan installation. Another subtle worst for the history books.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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63 Responses to On TV

  1. Hugh Jass says:

    why he *seems* to be wearing eye make up. :)


  2. munkipants says:

    Great to see the John Howard eyebrows still live long and strong within the Liberal Party:


  3. shazza says:

    Great shot Watching. Vision is immediately drawn to the vampire like Keenan, then out of the corner of your eye something else captures your attention.

    A worst and not worst in one.


  4. WAtching says:

    BTW: I know someone will ask around midday.

    It’s Alexander Drive. Dianella

    All the Nonnas were on their Juliet balconies wondering what the hell I was up to…


  5. vegan says:

    is it makeup, or bad facial work?


  6. Pfortner says:

    What this bus stop needs is an arm thru each view-hole, with a hand over each of Keenan’s eyes. Perhaps with a couple of teeth blacked out.


  7. Pfortner says:

    It’s a pity that this is out in Dianella, far from the hobo haunts of the inner city, because it strikes me that as a hobo pissing post, Michael Keenan’s face is far from worst…


  8. Natalia Fan #1 says:

    I dimly remember seeing this or a similar MK image on a billboard somewhere along Wanneroo Rd. Surely the larger the MK the worser. Mind you, it could have been a nightmare.


  9. Mikaela says:

    I caught a bus this morning – for the first time in years cause my car is being fixed, and the fucking thing got a flat tyre and tipped us all out in Welshpool! I am not sure if Michael’s smiling face on the side of the bus stop would have made me more cross than I already was but I think the telly might have lightened the mood.


  10. my ning says:

    This is from his website under the “Where I stand” link.

    It’s about as bland as Mark McGowan’s reply to The Worst all those years ago when he felt compelled to try to defend Rockingham after it was portrayed as a crime ridden slum full of bogans.

    No wonder he wears make up:

    “Having been born and raised in Stirling, I believe that this is the best place in Western Australia to live, work and raise a family. Because I am a local resident I know the enormous sense of community that exists here.”

    “Living and working locally for many years also means that I have had the chance to talk with many of our young people, families, workers and small business owners in order to find out what is important to them – and what must be fought for in order for our communities to plan for the future with confidence.

    “This means keeping our local economy strong, our families protected, our children educated to the highest level, and our environment protected and preserved for future generations.

    “As the local MP, I endeavour to set goals based on this constant stream of information from the local community – and to make sure they are followed through so that the job gets done. Since I was elected in 2004 we have secured many millions of dollars in funding for important projects such as vital infrastructure for schools, huge incentives for small businesses, and money to improve the very worst black spots on our roads.

    “It is everyone’s right to feel safe and secure in their own homes and it is also my job to speak out on the crime and antisocial behaviour that we are all so sick of – including hoons on our streets and the senseless graffiti plaguing our communities.”


    • shazza says:

      He is not the most erudite member is he My Ning? I’m quite surprised he didn’t mention god on his speil.

      If he knows what’s good for him he will get on here
      quick sticks. It worked for Buckels.
      Then again Buckels does have a personality.


    • G'day from WA says:

      No mention of the senseless graffiti plaguing the TV sets atop our bus stops?


    • Slanderer says:

      Greetings My Ning, I’m concerned that you memorised that speech? Mind you, parts of it look like extracts from a certain script that was never made into a film in the 1980s. You didn’t write the speech for him, did you?

      And a couple of non-ironies from the morning news for posterity. Teh West’s “W” breathless report on some folk swimming to Rotto next weekend finishes with some wheat cockies stating “we are not doing it for sheep stations”.

      And this morning ABC radio news had the Haitian President promising that his country was not going to die. To which one wonders, where did voodoo arise?


  11. G'day from WA says:

    Senseless as in, what sense is there in painting graffiti on the TV when MK’s big stupid face is right there at chest level.


  12. shazza says:

    I note a reference to MK in todays STM Confidential. Apparently he recently returned from his honeymoon in South America.
    He enjoyed good food, trekking in the mountains, lying on the beach and “a lot of good honeymoon stuff”. Which I assume is pollie speak for rooting.


  13. Went past on the bus today – TV sadly removed. Has the City of Bayswater no sense of humour?


    • shazza says:

      Are you saying Michael Keenan was still there?


      • Of course – Keenan is omnipresent in the North. It occurred to me today to do a count of how many times you can see his beaming mug on the bus down Alexander Drive between my joint and town. It also occurred to me where I had seen the same image en large – on that atrocious billboard across from Scitech and the West Perth subway bridge. Keenan was obviously thinking, ‘there’s no escape – any commuter making their way home from the city to the North MUST see my face’. Some of the teeth had been blacked out, if memory serves.


  14. Pingback: More on TV « The Worst of Perth

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