Like a leaping salmon

Have been chasing the elusive donger aerial for some time. Many have claimed to have seen one, had one,  or that their brother’s HQ sported one, but G’Day’s missus is the first to get it. Love it. Although it does seem to have been fashioned by someone who vaguely heard about an erection from a woman whose husband had one once. And it was dark. The lighting conditions not the erection I mean. I bet that picks up Simon Beaumont no problems. 882, clear as a bell. Eoin Cameron I suspect would sound better, filtered through a cock and balls too. Awesome G’Day’s missus.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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130 Responses to Like a leaping salmon

  1. monkeypants says:

    it’s like the christmas miracle LA!


    • Onanist says:

      Here is another for you mp:


      • monkeypants says:

        further confirms my suspicions onnie, that tony abbott is in fact a “window licker” :)


        • Richarbl says:

          It surely can’t be worse than this

          I was listening to jjj on the morning of this story and some guy rang up and said he was parked next to Rudd in traffic and saw him with his finger jammed way way up his nose digging for boogers. At the time I just thought it was bullshit but then a few hours later the world was treated to the sight of Rudd having another snack.


        • Snuff says:

          A generous assessment, mp, which overlooks the ugly, yet more pertinent fact that Howard’s standing right in front of him.


          • skink says:

            the photo that killed Joe Hockey’s leadership challenge:


            • Snuff says:

              Cleverly staged, skink. Joe’s dodged a bullet today, and will step into the vacuum when they meet here after the next election.


              • skink says:

                will shazza and lisa be screaming:

                “get your rosaries off my ovaries!” ?


              • Bill O'Slatter says:

                I have to respectfully disagree Snuff. Jnr ( “The Biggest Loser”) has copped a bullet. All that remains is to bury him.


                • Bento says:

                  I’m more inclined to agree with Snuff. By offering a free vote, Joe remains untainted by climate change denialism, but without earning the hatred of the deniers in his party, and is not required to lead the Libs into their next resounding defeat. Either he’s a tactical master, or blessed by good luck.

                  There are several more months of score-settling to look forward to.


                  • Bill O'Slatter says:

                    Jnr was playin the wrong game. The game was who has the most emotion for/against climate change abatement. Sittin on the fence was not an option,


                    • G'day from WA says:

                      I think the game was “if you don’t agree with Minchin and the coal companies you’re out on your ear”.


                    • Snuff says:

                      Respectfully, Bill, I’m not so sure. Neither Abbott nor Hockey wanted the job … not now, anyway. Turnbull did, and Hockey knew he would run. Hockey also knew that if he ran with the proviso that his run was in effect the same as Turnbull’s, Abbott would have to run too.

                      If Turnbull had won, and it couldn’t have been any closer, they’re back to square one. If Hockey had won, he would have done so on Turnbull’s and his terms. Back to square one, albeit with him in the firing line instead of Turnbull. Abbott won, which leaves Hockey to pick up the pieces after the next avalanche. Anyway, bookmark this page as I have, Bill, and we’ll see how things turn out down the track.


                    • WAtching says:

                      Thats my reading of it Snuff. I am amazed they could find three people willing to fight over that poisoned chalice.

                      Let me just say i have been in raptures for the whole week. To watch these people tear shreds off one another is truly a beautiful thing…

                      Could only have been improved if Bishop got involved. She has claws, you see.


                    • Claireee says:



                    • Snuff says:

                      Indeed, Claireee.


                  • G'day from WA says:

                    Yep, he showed he can be spineless, but half +1 of his party don’t hate him. There was no way he could have run on an anti-ETS platform.

                    I hope all this leadership stuff settles down now, I’ve got some work to do before Christmas.


                    • skink says:

                      it’s all still in play, as possum comitatus points out

                      Turnbull lost by one vote.

                      Fran Bailey was absent and would likely have voted for Turnbull.

                      Two new Libs join the house from Higgins and Bradfield, who are moderates.

                      and one Lib voted informally by spoiling their vote paper, possibly by writing ‘just kill me.’

                      Turnbull will be back after Christmas for another tilt, unless Rudd makes him Special Ambassador Plenipotentiary to the Kingdom of Smug


                    • G'day from WA says:

                      So you’re saying I won’t get any work done until next November? Bugger.


                  • shazza says:

                    I’m inclined to go with the dodged a bullet theory too. As I see it all 3 got what they should have. Hockey got let off the hook, as I believe there is more treachery to come. Malcolm got a dignified send off, and Tony gets 24 hours of ego stroking before the white-anting commences.


  2. Snuff says:

    Tony Abbott ? Surely that can’t be true, unless the mad monk was right after all, and there is a god.


  3. shazza says:

    An early Xmas pressie from the Liberal party.
    Malcolm is going to have a whole lot of fun watching from the back bench.


  4. Bento says:

    No need to worry about Abbott’s abortion stance. I understand he’s more in favour of education and prevention, rather than cure. Here’s his first policy statement.


  5. Richarbl says:

    Bloody hell! Tony Abbot elected as the Opposition Leader, I quite like Abbot as a person but he is simply unele


  6. Yes, but the donger aerial?


    • shazza says:

      The donger arial is fantastic LA. But like when Farrah Fawcet’s death was overtaken by the demise of Michael Jackson, aerial cock can’t compete with cockhead Abbott. And as you rightly pointed out to Frank recently the people at pollbludger are …. well I can’t remember the word, but it’s much more fun here.


    • G'day from WA says:

      Nice try LA, but apart from a few standout cases (Chong, B&Stards), the quality of the worst, and in fact the content of the worst, shows almost no correlation to the number of comments. The news of the day always ups the comment count.

      Hence Rolly’s excellent F1 Baravan was all but ignored.


  7. skink says:

    I too enjoyed LA’s Bishop tweet

    and the ‘et tu Bluto?’, which was gold

    I loved that some media are commenting how Bishop ‘masterfully manoeuvered’ to retain her job as Deputy

    by doing absolutely nothing.

    I bet she was the one that abstained

    my theory is that this car heard about Bishop keeping her job, and went on the droop


  8. Bento says:

    Juding by the aerial, there was a fantastic song on the radio about 3 minutes ago.


  9. I like that everyone in the list haben ze gravatar. Since the commenters are part of the show, maybe I should insist on gravatar to comment?


  10. skink says:

    look who is playing the martyr:

    no mention of vibrancy, or whether the Commonwealth Heads of Govt will arrive in Perth and find that it is shut.


  11. Would be nice if this Subaru was towing the poetry wagon.


  12. curious says:

    g’day, just where did mrs g’day snap that beauty?


    • Oh, I should have mentioned that. Gosnells, home of the Samurai sword.


    • G'day from WA says:

      Gosnells, as we were passing through. On our way out of town to miss the TWOPmeet on Sat. Gotta keep your eyes peeled for worsts in Gossie, they’ve got them aplenty.

      Had to pull over into the car park, we weren’t going to risk missing it out the window of the car as we sped down the highway.


  13. Onanist says:

    Oh yeah, back to the aerial:

    1) The balls are too small, a common fault with genital art and

    2) Speaking of Eoin Cameron, I think it is more accurate to say a cock and balls were filtered through him!


  14. Frank Calabrese says:

    Russell Woolf on Climate Change.


    If the climate changed as much as the Liberal party’s leadership, then no legisaltion would save the planet 1 minute ago from web

    And the tosser is a Weather Presenter FFS.


  15. cookster says:

    Russell was a tremendous source of Craven Special Milds throughout the course of the evening.

    He’s a very funny man TLA – a stand up weather man and drive presenter.


  16. skink says:

    re: your Zempilas tweet.

    I had the pleasure of meeting Basil the other week.

    I would have said he was more Jeff Goldblum than George Clooney. Without the talent, clearly

    he walked in like he owned the place, and was cock of the walk until Rick Ardon arrived.

    Rick was smaller than I expected. Hair plugs, since you ask.


    • Ljuke says:

      Rick Ardon’s hair is astounding. Did you know that when he needs to go somewhere he makes photocopies of other people’s street directories so he doesn’t have to buy his own? A man after my own heart.


    • And for the second time today a worster has been in the presence of the A listing motherfucker and not taken an image.
      Ai YA!


      • shazza says:

        LA, recent polling shows news/weather presenters are no longer considered A list. Or even B I suspect.


        • skink says:

          the A list now officially only contains Ben Elton, Hank Marvin, and that bloke that’s a friend of that girl from Harry Potter


          • Bento says:

            Fuck. I type too slowly.


          • shazza says:

            Your’e forgetting the Russian. And Stormy.


            • skink says:

              that Russian is only on the list because he gives out lollies in the playground at lunchtime, much like the Indians.

              behind their backs the Western Suburbs set are calling them arrivistes and taking bets on how long it will be before they are gunned down in their driveway by their overseas associates.

              Stormie’s free beer will only last as long as his relationship with his purple girlfriend


        • Bento says:

          No Chong, no Holly Wood (good riddance), no weather presenters, and no newsreaders. Who’s left on the A List? She-Ra, TLA and Bree Maddox can’t fill a room on their own, you know.


          • I’m on no fucking list! That’s the problem with this town. I am on no list and I have not received carton one from any liquor producer!

            (Apart from the unfortunate Mainstay Rum launch at The Merlin Hotel, but that was in 1983. You can stay as you are for the rest of your life…or you can change to Mainstay…Mainstay…)


    • curious says:

      yes, but rick is larger girthwise than i expected. the hair plugs are amazing.


      • Bento says:

        No newsreader is freakier looking than Russell Goodrick. I saw him at the cricket once – the entire stand was mesmerised by his orange glow and gigantic coiffe.


      • skink says:

        it is a neat optical illusion by Rick

        stand behind Susannah Carr and everyone thinks you are tall and slender


  17. At least this deserving post has over 100 comments now.


  18. monkeypants says:

    i can’t believe those guys are still around after all these years.

    Susannah Carr gave us a rev up speech at high school in the mid 80’s about girl power. She was kind of cool.

    Rick Ardon has always been an arsehat if my memory serves me correctly.

    And bloody Russell Goodrick – show the man some respect. According to this website:

    he has 45 years of media experience fake tan or not.


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