Trucks new target for Barnett

After taking on the mighty bong industry, Colin (Asleep before he even got to the wheel) Barnett and Rob (Starka) Johnson will turn their attention to trucks. Thanks to Cimbali for this picture. No doubt Labor will also blindly support this truck arresting policy. arrester

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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56 Responses to Trucks new target for Barnett

  1. WAtching says:

    Well done Colon Bayonet
    This is a step in the right direction. It literally screams vibrancy.
    You WAnkers shouldn’t sit around and snigger.
    Perhaps we need more of this kind of thing.
    A quasi-femo-chauvinist arrester bed at Curtin.
    A Mike Ward arrester bed at Perth Train Station.
    An obvious metaphor arrester bed at muresk.


  2. Snuff says:

    Anything would be an improvement on the old truck laws.


  3. B.T. says:

    Yeah right, just like they’re going to extend trading hours.


  4. Jackson says:

    One day while smoking a bong, talking on my mobile phone and generally not paying attention, I drove into it thinking it was a gravel road. It’s not, it’s car quicksand. Highly unrecommended.
    I think my car is still there.


    • G'day from WA says:

      A few years ago I drove past one of these and there was a bunch..


      • G'day from WA says:

        of poor sods trying to exrtact their car from it. It looked like they’d just gone in there for fun but the car sunk to its axles, however they got far enough in that their mates car with the tow rope couldn’t get close enough to pull it out.

        I can only assume their car too slowly submerged and that’s why it’s no longer visible.


  5. Well done Colon Bayonet
    This is a step in the right direction. It literally screams vibrancy.
    You WAnkers shouldn’t sit around and snigger.
    Perhaps we need more of this kind of thing.

    Er, weren’t these truck arrester beds introduced more than 15 farking years ago after the Greenmount hill accident?

    “Colon Bayonet”? Get your fucking hand off it.

    Unless it’s a TWoP in joke? …and I’m sure the lovely Shazza will set me straight any moment now if it is.


  6. WAtching says:

    “Colon Bayonet”? Get your fucking hand off it.
    Shouldn’t that be
    ‘you xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx xxxxx xxx WAnk’

    This is the bit you wanted edited right WA?


  7. I’m still laughing at the concept of a vibrancy arrester at the airport from Bill.


  8. Shouldn’t Frank C have chimed in with a comment about how political reality means that Ripper has to match the coalition’s arrester policy?


  9. Frank Calabrese says:

    Offtopic Request,

    I’ve just recieved an email from Steve Gordon asking for a copy of Trevor Carleson’s “Day Trip To Rotto” which 6PR don’t even have a copy – if you have an mp3 Can you please contact me via Lazy Aussie ?


  10. Kwality says:

    I remember it (almost) well. Wasn’t it Watts and Martin? It was right up there with “Shaving Cream”.


    • Frank Calabrese says:


      The song was recorded by one of the announcers Trevor Carleson and was a parod y of Day Trip to Bangor, and funds raised were donated to Telethon – Shaving Cream was on the flip side.

      While doing some research to try a find an mp3 online I noticed it was featured on the February 10th edition of RTR’s “Music Mix” program.


  11. Sarah says:

    The accident happened in 1992. The ‘chick’ that died was one of my brothers closest friends as she was in his year at high school. She was out delivering her 21st birthday invitations [to be held 3 wks later] with her older sister who was a friend of mine.
    Her older sister almost died, in hospital a VERY long time and being the only children of their parents it was awful to think they could lose both their children. Luckily, she made it and has her own children now.
    It was a tragic accident.


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