Bush Week #2 Lady Jacko

Down the end of lonely street –  at the Dog Rock cafe.

Another Bush Week entry from Caribou Bob, again from Albany. Straight after the Wacko death, this stencil came out on the Albanian Streets. Perhaps the rush to get this stencil out on the streets accounts for the fact that it looks more like Divine than Jackson. Bush Week rolls on.


About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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33 Responses to Bush Week #2 Lady Jacko

  1. Frank Calabrese says:

    Speaking of Divine, here he/she is miming to the 12″ version of You Think You’re A Man on Countdown.

    And an interesting tidbit about Divine was that he would never be interviewed in Character, but in his normal street clothes, as he said Divine was only an on stage Character and not him full time.


  2. shazza says:

    The cloven hoof hands confirm all I suspected. Particularly after reading his veiws on Hitler over the weekend.

    Geez TLA I hope we get some Michael Jackson fans onto the site today.


  3. I’d prefer Divine fans, but potato potarto.


  4. 13th Oyster says:

    Bears greater resemblance to a Planet of the Apes extra than to Wacko Jacko.


  5. Bento says:

    Is that scar from Voldemort?


  6. Leo says:

    Looks like Michael Jackson is sporting one of Daryl Sommers’ famous woolen jumpers. Which brings me to the Hey Hey It’s Saturday Reunion show on Wednesday night on STW9 in Perth. Why is that on? That show ended years ago and the we probably doesn’t laugh at the same things anymore. Another strange decision from Channel Nine; possibly just as bizarre as was MJ.


    • Add to that the fact that the show was total shite and darryl a fuckwit.


      • Leo says:

        Yes, and when he hosted that dancing show he got it all ballsed up. Congratulating people when they lost etc. Bringing back HHIS is all a bit ye olde worlde tv isn’t it? I think it finished on air before the turn of the century. And desperate programming by idiot tv “executives”. Bwhahahaha.


      • shazza says:

        Hey Hey It’s Saturday blitzed the ratings last night. Who the hell is tuning in to watch that crap? Did the country viewers get it too? That might go some way to explaining.


        • monkeypants says:

          haha. harsh but funny!


        • Bento says:

          Lamentably, I missed it.

          Did Molly Meldrum return to allow them to make more ‘backs to the wall’ gags at his expense?


          • Frank Calabrese says:

            Yes, Molly did return and brought his Shitzu dog on which barked whenever Dicky Knee popped up.

            And they even brought back Maurie Fields from the grave – literally, thanks to modern technology sparring with his son Marty who was live in the studio – very creepy and a sign that they could do the show WITHOUT anyone actually being there.

            Next week’s show will feature Ossie Ostrich (who’s creator Ernie Carroll is now 80) and Jackie McDonald (who no doubt will be subjected to this refrain.


      • Bill O'Slatter says:

        “darryl a fuckwit” Ahem, ageing wunderkind with his future behind him.


    • Onanist says:

      Is it just me or is TV becoming increasingly inane and unashamedly mainpulative?

      The HHIS hype started weeks ago and continues this morning by Channel 9’s Today show.

      Also 20 to 1, (a trivia fan’s wet dream) is now being ripped off by The Spearman Experiment which not only covers the same themes but is screened at the same time!


  7. Germaine says:

    Hey, yo! That’s my baby bro in that photo and thanks to you every street artist in Albany will now be tagging his image. You people are fucked up. I mean, he is the King of Pop and what are you? Sad geeks who spend all weekend searching for funny things to photograph and post up on your pathetic little website. If Michael was alive he’d slap you upside your face with his anaesthetic drip. Grow up bitches and show some respect!


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