Dude, you slashed my Tupac

Poor old 2Pac, not only gunned down by rivals, but also has his poster slashed and thrown out in Victoria Park. Why couldn’t they have taken Ton Loc? Why? WHYYYYYY! I can maybe (maybe) understand throwing out a Tupac poster, but it’s been slashed open as if it may have contained drugs. And it seems to have been signed by someone. Surely not Tupac himself. maybe it was signed by Ton Loc.


About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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100 Responses to Dude, you slashed my Tupac

  1. monkeypants says:

    maybe they discovered the “6 pack” and didn’t feel the love for this one anymore?


  2. I’m disappointed. By now Frank should have posted 6 videos of 2Pac singing “Six white Boomers” with Jill Perryman.


    • Snuff says:

      I couldn’t help out either, TLA, as my schedule these Thursdays keeps me away from the keyboard until well after hours. However, your mention of Six White Boomers does allow me to belatedly make this contribution which I’ve been saving.

      Fans of Deep Purple, Divinyls, and the Stones, amongst others, best brace themselves.


      • Bill O'Slatter says:

        Let Skink look on in awe at that animation and the way he gets the voice synchronisation. ” I’ve been everywhere man , blah , titty , blah blah blah”.


  3. Cookster says:

    Was this perchance spotted among the kerbside collection detrius in the Floreat / Wembley area? I was a bit short on items for the pick up this time so I threw out a small foam child’s couch with a stuffed Bart Simpson sitting on it sporting an ‘I love Sexpo’ sticker on his t-shirt. It was gone in about 3 minutes.


    • Leonard Street Victoria Park.


      • Cookster says:

        No ‘kin way! I lived in a student house in Leonard St back in the mid-80s… been demolished now, but in its day was the scene of many a Curtin ESA shindig, including one where we dispensed 50c cans of beer out of the granny flat out the back.

        What a place – we had an OD in the loungeroom (a friend of the landlord’s nephew) who came in to use the phone and never finished.

        Julie Cutler used to hang out there, before she disappeared and they found her car floating off Cottesloe Beach.

        Barry Barkla’s son’s pool table was the only functional furniture.

        The landlord’s nephew was a xxxxx xxxx and former sound techie for Alby Mangels. We were ripped off, raided by the drug squad waving pistols and generally had a good old time.

        Now this?


        • Big Ramifications says:

          Were you involved in a fungis growing competition with Patrick Maslen et al in your respective bedrooms, by any chance?

          Me and a few buddies were smashed, wandering aimlessly around John Street and Marine Parade ~2am the night she disappeared. Didn’t see anything, but still a bit creepy.

          But I’ve said too much already…


          • Cookster says:

            Hmmm, can’t recall a Patrick, but there were definitely things growing.

            Personal hygeine didn’t really come into play at the Leonard St household, apart from our resident army reservist and thespian, Peter, who not only kept his room pristine, but would do 100 sit ups every afternoon in the midst of our drunken, cigarette misted cavorting.

            I once lived on army emegency rations – rock hard crackers topped with condensed milk – and bourbon for two weeks. Thanks Pete!

            Suffice to say, Peter doesn’t talk to me anymore.


  4. CB One says:

    Who’s Ton Loc? Is he some 1000kg rapper?


  5. Cookster says:

    Me the future Perther, or Ton Loc? Monorails – probably next on the agenda after the Perth foreshore revamp.

    No need to have edited the post, the landlord, the nephew and the vast majority of his friends have long gone.


  6. Big Ramifications says:

    I always refer to him as Poo Pack. I’m funny like that.



  7. Richarbl says:

    In the interests of good natured controversy and poking fun at people it would appear that I am the only one noticed that Ton Loc is incorrectly spelt, it is of course Tone Loc.


    • Bento says:

      No, you weren’t the first. That was the basis of the kilogram riff CB One and I went on, above.

      I know that will make me sound like a cunt, but I don’t mean to be.


      • Big Ramifications says:

        Cool. Totally went over my head. So the 907kg is a tonne / ton / metric / imperial / short ton / long ton gag, I guess?

        Also took me about a day to understand the 5 Shilling quip.

        Er, in Richardbl’s defence, just coz you were joking about tons doesn’t necessarily mean all y’all knew his name wasn’t spelt correctly.


        • CB One says:

          I can confirm that the mis-spelling of Tone Loc was the basis for my gag. I was also trying to think up something witty about the Challenge stadium concert being Loc’ed after dark but couldn’t quite get there.


          • Richardbl is a farking asshole, then.


            • monkeypants says:

              how did Richardbl morph into a farking asshole all of a sudden? i spent the whole day yesterday cracking up at this post and i must have missed something?


              • It’s a bit of an in-joke that I’m really not involved with so I shouldn’t be adding fuel to the fire.

                Something to do with quasi feminists. And Snuff. Or is it Bento?



                • shazza says:

                  Big Ramifications,

                  I initially swore to avoid engaging you again, but since then three things occurred,
                  1) You wrote above post.
                  2) I have had a few Semillions.
                  3) It’s Friday eve and usually very quiet on TWOP.

                  So just wanted to say, if there is an ‘in’ joke that your’e not quite up to speed with, either ask, or read back over the last couple of threads and all will usually be revealed. But you know that latter point dont’ you. You know because it wasn’t that long ago you were on board with richarbl. You ensured you were involved by jumping in, and now claim that you “shouldn’t be adding fuel to the fire”. A fire, by the way, that had already faded to ashes.

                  Point is, don’t be disingenuous. There are too many smart arse, misanthropic types with long memories on this site to get away with it.

                  Have a great weekend.


                  • Big Ramifications says:

                    Jesus Christ people. It was a joke. I thought you might be able to work it out by its COMPLETELY over-the-top, 180 degrees turnaround, bombastic nature.

                    Let me quote skink:

                    you are a sensitive soul, aren’t you?

                    you still seem not to understand that a lot of folk on this site use irony and hyperbole for dramatic effect. Not all of the opinions expressed by users are necessarily a true expression of their position, and not all opinions have been properly thought through

                    you chose to make posts that were critical of other contributors, then call foul when you get some back. quid quo pro, and such like. At some point everyone on this site will get called an asshat, and it is usually thoroughly deserved. It keeps us humble.

                    you make fun of me, I make fun of you, and we all make fun of Rolly.

                    It’s the circle of life. kahuna matate.

                    quid nunc.


                    • Richarbl says:

                      Welcome to the “What the Fuck are These Clowns on About Club” BR.

                      For a bunch of apparently well educated, travelled, often very funny people who have an excellent grasp of comedy there are many on this site who don’t recognise when someone is making a blatantly ridiculous comment.

                      I have come the conclusion that Westerners can be a bit slow when it comes to this type of thing so from now on if I make a blatantly ridiculous statement in the interests of creating discussion I will include an asterisk which denotes,
                      Joke From the Future!


                    • Big Ramifications says:

                      You+me baby, we’re a team.

                      I think a lot of it has to do with text. Deadpan humour and sarcasm [lowest form of wit, doncha know?] are hard to convey. And sometimes I just don’t feel like bunging smiley-faces everywhere, lest I come across as… um… a smiley-face over using person.

                      Worriest thou not about being banished forever from the Foxfield School for Girls, for yea, thought they are the only females within 100 miles, there is still a place where thou canst journey to:

                      Chicago, on the nine o’clock bus.


                    • skink says:

                      as one of the misanthropic smartarses it concerns me that an asshat is quoting me as justification for being an asshat


                    • Big Ramifications says:

                      I thought you would like that! The first part of your quote was just too perfect. Sorry.


                    • skink says:

                      I may have stolen that from Jon Stewart


                    • Cookster says:

                      I shared a house with Jon Stewart once. But I spose you’re talking the US comic, not lead guitar for Sleeper?


                    • shazza says:

                      Sexist and racist, just keeps getting better Richarbl.


                    • Richarbl says:

                      See Shazza gets it, calling me sexist and racist is a blatantly ridiculous statement.
                      It is so incredibly incorrect it actually becomes humorous.
                      Not overly funny just yet but in time she will get it right.


                    • Richarbl says:

                      ps. just because I have to spell it out… Westeners is a term used by Easterners to describe those from the West
                      of the country, but hey, who am I to delineate between brothers? or Sisters?


                    • shazza says:

                      BR I was well aware of the fact that your farking arsehole comment was a joke, And actually thought it was quite funny.

                      I am pointing to your claim of “not being involved’ (see above) when you ensured you were involved by hurling your own insults.

                      That’s all. Peace Out.


            • Bento says:

              That’s a little harsh, don’t you think?


            • CB One says:

              I wouldn’t go that far. Quasi-asshole? ;-)


              • skink says:

                since we are escalating the pedantry:

                there were twenty shillings in a pound, so strictly 50cent would be equivalent to ten bob.


                • Bento says:

                  From the ABS website:


                  Part II of the Currency Act 1963 establishes the relationship between the present and the proposed currencies, and therefore provides the basis for conversion of amounts of £ a. d. to dollars and cents.

                  Although the pound converts exactly to two dollars and the shilling to ten cents, conversion problems can arise because there is a difference in value between the minor units (the penny and the cent) in the two currency systems. Part II of the Act provides the equivalents of £ s. d. currency in dollars and cents and set out certain circumstances in which an exact conversion must be made.


                  • shazza says:

                    skink, Bento is the Peoples pedant, and cannot be out-pedantified. Stop now for the love of god.


                    • Bento says:

                      I love that a poster of Tupac discarded in Vic Park has led to a discussion of imperial/metric conversion rates.


                    • skink says:

                      I actually did not know that. I was not around for the currency change

                      I stand thoroughly and comprehensively out-pedanted

                      I scanned the post carefully in the desperate hope of finding a misplaced apostrophe as some crumb of consolation, but found nothing.

                      I kneel before you, Master Bento.

                      I am not worthy


                    • Richarbl says:

                      Arise Sir Skink

                      No need for your self deprecation, there will always be a place for your pithiness.


                • Does UWA’s Silver Guilder still exist?


            • I’m not keen on straight out abuse, (unless that was an anagram). That’s one of the things that makes TWOP goood is the general good naturedness of the comments.


  8. Big Ramifications says:

    If I recall correctly, his name is Tony, and his friends thought he was crazy: loco. Tone Loc.

    Apart from his 2 big hits, he’s done some great shit.

    Love his voice. He’s slightly self depreciating which is rare in a gangsta rapper, and prefers to sing about ganja rather than guns and his dick.


  9. The first 30 seconds of this is gold. Tone mumbling away to himself… as the beats slowly kick in…

    It really makes no difference long as I get lit. Roll it in my zig zag or take a big bong hit. Coz after the bud my rhymes start flowin’. Never gettin’ short, uh huh, they always knowin’. I’m maxin’, relaxin’, but never taxin’. No need for you to keep on askin’ if it is it, if the shit is the shit. Coz when it comes to smokin’ cheeba you know my shit is legit. You’re the student and I’m the teacher.

    Better recognise, folks.


  10. nifty says:


    Left belated reply to your ? on V Capri


  11. I had no idea this would be so popular. As I’ve said before, ‘ll never understand you pigs.


  12. Richarbl says:



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