The Fall of the Barra Wall

I’m out of the country for 5 minutes, and the famous, iconic Barra Fat Wog Cunt wall comes tumbling down. How sad. At least the pictures will live forever. Bento recorded this development disgrace, even going as far as trawling the rubble for a chunk of masonry with the words, fat, cunt, or wog. The best he could find was “boobs.” Well I’ll go with that. Thanks Bento. Added the pre wall shot so you can remember too.  And speaking of vanished worsts, what about the pylon. Has the knob dropped off  while I’ve been in China?


nobarra1Barra wall we barely knew ye.


About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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48 Responses to The Fall of the Barra Wall

  1. Grrr says:

    It’s a bit sad, seeing those once proud old houses being demolished like that. Some of the very worst of Perth.

    I daresay some awful abomnation of glass and steel and “sleek lines” will be installed in its place.

    ‘Come, live on fashionable East Parade. Gaze every morning on the psuedo-Soviet Glory of the East Perth Train Station’. (another Worst, if I recall).

    There’s one building left in the rubble, a former brothel called Aphrodities (I think) that opened without planning permission (again, I think) and was swiftly closed down. A building firm has had it for the past few years.

    And, yes, the top of the pylon was whipped off in storms about three weeks ago. 6PR did a live cross to the Nine News crew on the scene. It was tragically hilarious.

    The kind of thing only inbred hicks would care about — but given Ben Cousins making a finger gesture made the lead news story two nights in a row I’m not surprised.


  2. Lazy Aussie says:

    East Perth station is a fantastic building. So has the pylon been salvaged from the deep?


    • Grrr says:

      Last I saw (in the Post) the top of the plyon was snapped off and hanging by a thread. Divers were putting a cage around it so they can rebuild it… or something.

      I’m sure the local member will ensure this largely pointless local icon is restored.


      • flynn says:

        whereas the money could go towards a really great actual diving platform instead….


      • Richarbl says:

        Well its certainly pointless now!

        And probably whatever will replace it even more so


        • Frank Calabrese says:

          Story on the Pylon was actually reported on the Suggest Thread at the time.


          Oh and to 6PR and others who cannot see the point behind the Chasers piss take on the Make a Realistic Wish skit – may I point out as a person with a disabilitgy that the whole premise was to point out how charities use disabled people as a tool of pity to raise funds which in most cases hardly ever gets used for it’s intended purpose and is eaten up by admin costs and to help pay for the generous salary packages of the Charity’s CEO etc.


          • No, I actually wanted to know the progress on the pylon, as in whether it was still hanging by a thread or had fallen in.


          • skink says:

            I think most of the criticism of The Chaser was of them not being remotely funny, and so having to up the ante on the shock value.

            they have indeed jumped the shark.

            the Holocaust, the KKK and kids with cancer are not funny. period.

            the only thing last night that was remotely topical and satirical was the bit about Rudd using a flu mask to muffle the amount of the deficit. The rest was sub-Prosh stunts and overseas junkets. Bit difficult to be topical when you filmed the overseas stuff months ago.

            extraordinary rendition? that’s so last president.


            • “the Holocaust, the KKK and kids with cancer are not funny. period.”

              That’s not true. there is no topic that cannot be done funny in the right context.


              • skink says:

                maybe if done by cancer sufferers themselves, rather than by smug middle class twats


                • Only if they have the timing. there is no topic that should not be covered at the right time and right context.


                • Bento says:

                  John Safran’s KKK stuff was pretty funny, if I recall. And The Producers appears to have enjoyed some success.


                  • skink says:

                    Saffran was funny just because he let them make arses of themselves, which is always the best way.

                    I recall Michael Moore taking a troupe of black cheerleaders to sing and dance at a white suprecist camp, and getting a gay choir to sing outside Jessie Helms office.

                    I don’t recall any holocaust skits in the Producers, just Hitler stuff, and Charlie Chaplin got there first.

                    I am surprised The Chaser didn’t get flak for ripping off the Holocaust sketch from Ricky Gervais


                  • skink says:

                    here you go:

                    Winslet gets a quinella of the Holocaust and disability, and then gets ripped off by The Chaser and Tropic Thunder


                    • shazza says:

                      Skink has your Gravatar had a haircut? Theres something different about it.


                    • skink says:

                      it’s my reserve, back-up, ‘perplexed’ gravitar,
                      without the rakish mo

                      somebody suggested that my gravitar suggested I was a complete knob, which may be true, but prompted me to instigate a change


                    • shazza says:

                      Perplexed? Perhaps he has been reading La Chongs recent ramblings.


                    • skink says:

                      ah yes, where she says “I am not an apologist for China, but… the history of China requires a strong reign on democratic rights.”

                      and I think the title she was looking for was ‘through a glass, darkly’, rather than Lewis Carroll.


            • Bento says:

              When even the bobby the butt of your gags sees you coming a mile off, and rolls his eyes at your humour, as opposed to indignantly not getting it, you know you’re getting a little stale.


        • BrownBook says:

          I think I read in the local rag that Cott council will have a fundraising drive (much like Chaser’s SHORE rowing shed appeal) to fix the pylon, but after they’ve fixed the concrete base which is in a pretty bad state as well.


  3. Paracleet says:

    This is an outrage and a travesty. A travrage if you will. Is it Scaffidi’s revenge? (or is it outside her ken?)


  4. Shreiking wombat says:

    I think outravesty is better.


  5. Bill O'Slatter says:

    Avoid terminininological inexactitude. Drunks will get confused “Have I got tavrage or travrage seein Trav is here ?”


  6. Grrr says:

    I looked, because I never actually knew what the pylon were for.

    Who knew it was a Gallipoli-like symbol of failure?
    Well, you might have. I didn’t.


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