Radio Ratings Rigged?

Can it really be true that Eoin Cameron is the most popular ABC announcer in the country? If he’s winning ratings, Mugabe has to have a hand in the voting results. I had the misfortune to hear 10 minutes of the shittiest radio I have heard in my life yesterday as Cameron yukked it up with some other moron from Canberra called Ross Sully. It was like two turds congratulating each other on their stench. The conversation verbatim was:

Sully: Ho, ho, ho, well you’re a big fat bastard aren’t you Cameron. Let me make a totally unfunny joke about how you are fat and stupid. Ho, ho, ha, ha. Man boobs. ho, ho, ho, ha, ha.

Cameron: Ho, ho, ho. Let me retort with an unfunny joke about how you want Geoff Hutchison’s job. And by the way. Canberra. How cold is that place? ho, ho, yuk. Yuk.

Sully: Canberra may be cold, but let me say, You. Fat. Yuk, yuk.

Cameron: Ha, ha, ha, you won’t get me that easily, I know how cold it is in Canberra. Ha, ha, ha.

Sully: Like Albany. That’s another cold place we can talk about every time we speak. How cold is Albany you bloated piece of shit? Albany? Cold eh? How cold is it?

Cameron: Ho, ho, ho. Damien Rabbit said you might mention how fat and unfunny I was. Ho, ho, ho. In my defence, Canberra. How cold is that place?

Sully. Not as cold as Albany. Ho, ho, ha, ha, ha. Have I mentioned how fat you are? Could I now also throw in an unfuny joke about politicians and hot air keeping Canberra warm – Like I did last week. Ho, ho.

Cameron: Damien Rabbit. Can I make myself look like a complete knob by calling him something like “Slim but savage”?

Sully: As long as you don’t call him late for dinner! Oh, my sides are splitting. Ah, ha, ha. How funny is Albany being cold? How funny is you being fat?

Cameron: Not as cold as Canberra, but at least you have all that hot air to keep you warm, ho, ho ho…


About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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198 Responses to Radio Ratings Rigged?

  1. Snuff says:

    It hurt just to read that, TLA, so I’m relieved there’s no picture.


    • In that case, try not to imagine a picture of two turds with no sense of humour fill in 10 minutes.


      • RubyRuby says:

        Last week Solly was talking about Thorpie’s sponsored comeback. This led to musings over who might sponsor the Cammo-Solly segment, were the ABC to allow sponsors. Solly suggested a recycling firm. The following finance reporter suggested a dog food producer… Apt and apter.


  2. Frank Calabrese says:

    Actually it’s Ross Solly, and they’ve now changed the method of gathering ratings by restricting it to 1 rating book per household, as opposed to 1 book per Radio listener – ie you’d have a book for Mum who listened to 94.5, dad who listened to 6PR and the Kids who listened to either 92.9 or Triple J.

    Oh and Cameron has this tradidition of whenever he joins a new radio station, or leaves one the first and last record he plays respectivly is The Bee Gees First of May – which was the First Record he ever played on 6VA Albany, and it’s where he met his wife Wendy – aka “THe War Office”

    And now you know why Cameron has shocking musical tastes:


  3. Lazy Aussie says:

    Really these two idiots made Sattler and Shannon sound good. It was amateurish and embarassing. Ross you are not funny. People with no sense of humour should not make with the jokes.


    • Frank Calabrese says:

      Speaking of 6PR, Cameron was famously sacked from 6PR while he was on Holidays in Italy for being “Too Old”, despite having good ratings, and the then Management wanted to attract a younger ausience, so he was replaced by The Fat Wog Cunt Barra and Basil Zempalis. Cammo then did a stint on 6NR and finally rejoined the ABC.


  4. Bento says:

    Mrs Bento & I were only this morning discussing how not funny that fat cunt is.

    Is there some alternative anyone can recommend? I’m too old for Triple J (that’s just noise, now The Breeders, *that* was a band), and too intelligent for anything on the commercial FM band. Haven’t listened to RTR breakfast since the days of Genge. Is there anything out there?


    • Bill O'Slatter says:

      Get on your cardie , a cup of tea , think about lawn bowls and sit in the baravan whilst listening to Radio National , for a bit of grey thinkin. The radio national program “The Planet” is the best music program on radio albeit too short , compered by the great West Aussie, Lucky Oceans. I thought the unmentionable’s name by the way was Eeyore, a true pompous prat. A parody of a Liberal politician. If you are truly on you last legs 6PR is for you (Good Riddance helps to send you on your way). Internet radio is the future , man.


    • Frank Calabrese says:


      Johnny Young’s Big Breakfast – especially his “Five O’Clock Rock” segment between 5-6am, where he plays Rock n Roll from mainly the 50’s & 60’s, but he does sneak in some Acca Dacca, Kiss and the Angels – and he has earnt brownie points in my book for playing at 8.15am one moring Black Sabbath’s Paranoid to mark Sharon Osbourne’s Birthday :-)


    • MugPunter says:

      Wot, Genge isn’t at RTR anymore? (I wouldn’t know being in the Pilbara.) Does anyone know what he’s doing now? A normal job maybe? Perish the thought. The last I remember of Genge he was trying to get his name changed to BronwynBishop! It was on the front page of the Sunday Slimes.


  5. skink says:

    ABC News Radio 585 is the choice of the discerning listener. Continuous news with feeds from BBC World Service, PBS, Deutsche Welle, and Radio Netherlands.

    A bit repetitive, but not as much as Yon Cameron


    • Bento says:

      I’ve never been quite ready for unadulterated facts before my morning cup of metrosexual, but I’m finding the standard of froth and bubble (of the talk, not the latte foam) increasingly infuriating.

      Looks like it’s time to face the (no) music, don my cardie, and grow old gracefully.


  6. satay steve says:

    Ross Solly used to be on there to talk about sport, now I’m not sure what the point of him is. My radio goes with Radio National now in the mornings. I too miss Genge…


    • Lazy Aussie says:

      Yes he is supposed to be talking about sport, but there is for some reason this eternity of bad banter, as if they’re being forced at gunpoint to make smalltalk with someone they hate. Even when they get to the sport, Solly is determined to hammer in unfunny asides, along with lots of pauses and “Um yeah”, where he’s obviously trying to think of another witty line that can fall flat.
      BUT this shite is apparently winning ratings. Bring back Yorkie.


    • RN foreva says:

      Fran Kelly from 6am ’til 08.,30. Awesome radio…if you want to use your brain, that is


  7. Rolly says:

    May I just add my voice to the chorus?

    I can’t stand the boringly repetitive, self-opinionated, just-a-little-to the-right-of-Ghengis Khan, pratt who masquerades as a breakfast presenter on 720Perth, either.

    But then he represents the attitudes and opinions of a large portion of Australian society.


  8. BrownBook says:

    Urgh… I can understand Cameron’s fetish for the kitsch of Eurovision, but that should never extend to actually playing the songs again! You’re doing Eurovision wrong!
    Then again, could be worse. Anyone listened between 7-8pm?


  9. Bento says:

    Ted Bull? That cunt shits me to tears.


    • Frank Calabrese says:

      Ted Bull only has the 7-8pm gig is because they need to fill in time before broadcasting Delroy live into WA (it used to be on delay) – oh and Ted also does 4-5am(6am) on Saturdays) to fill in the gap between Overnights and Cameron’s show.

      Oh and why don’t Triple J and Classic FM beam live into WA like Newsradio does ? It sure stuffs up the phone in component for Triple J when it’s on delay.


    • Cookster says:

      Have you ever heard the segment he does called a ‘Pair of old Jocks?’ Some other old fucker with a pseudo-BBC 1960s accent sits with him and they play disco for an hour – lots of yeah baby and groovy going down.

      Does Ted think he’s Kenny Everrit?


      • skink says:

        sounds suspiciously like they are ripping off Smashie and Nicey:


      • Frank Calabrese says:


        Greg Marston – started on 6UVS FM with ABC Production Whizz Adam Sallur doing a show called Time Tunnel, was on several Perth Stations, including 720 in 1988 and also on Easy Music 6KY, 6IX etc and then moved to the UK where he ran a successful voice over business, and has since returned to Perth to do the same here – in fact he still does work in the UK, va modern technology.

        Mr Marston of course has been mention on TWOP for his role in the 6WF OB at the opening of Observation City.


    • Frank Calabrese says:

      Here is Ted Bull from 1980 I think with Fat Cat, Peter Dean, Gary Carvolth and a few others in some sort of Fancy Dress.

      Peter Dean, Fat Cat, Ted Bull, Gary Carvolth and others

      And here he is in Chat Show mode from “The Today Show”, which was later renamed The Late Late Breakfast Show when Ch 9 started showing the National Today Show.

      Ted Bull and Guest


  10. David Cohen says:

    Yes greed, yes ridicule, yes hurt?


  11. satay steve says:


    So he’s still there to talk sport? You wouldn’t guess by listening. Yorkie a bit before my time, or maybe I just hadn’t learned to change the radio from JJJ yet.


    • ljuke says:

      JJJ has sucked ever since Adam Spencer left. Also, aussie hip-hop is teh pits.


      • Frank Calabrese says:

        JJJ actually lost the plot when they appopinted former 2SM Program Director Barry Chapman as Manager – he turned it into an Indie Top 40 station and single handedly banished Maynard from the Station.


        • CB One says:

          Maynard sucked hard. I was glad to see the back of him. But you are right about the Indie Top 40 station.
          The question is though – has the JJJ age demographic changed over the years? Maybe we’ve just all become fusty old cunts.


      • What about NZ dubstep


      • Bento says:

        ABC Local in Sydney has Adam Spencer where we have Eeyore Cameron. A tale of two cities, indeed.


        • Frank Calabrese says:

          It could be worse – they might bring back Ted Bulll to do Breakfast.

          Though back in the 70’s Clive Robertson was a ratings winner for 2BL (now 702).

          and note the Narration is by the previously mentioned Kel Richards.


  12. Jeezus radio advertisers are despairing at the listening habits of this hip crowd. I start with “All dubstep All the time” a New Zealand internet station at 4am. Then to Chinese radio out of Shanghai. I try to put in 30 minutes of Cammo and Solly in the car to work, so I can get into the right frame of mind, then it’s Status Quo off the hard drive for the rest of the day. Done and Done.


  13. I notice in the search stats coming in from the ABC that someone searched for Rebecca carmody. Was that you Rebecca seeing if you’ve been mentioned?

    Or is the search from someone else suggesting that Rebecca’s work should be featured?


    • Bill O'Slatter says:

      Beccie is the best , man not the worst. I love her.


      • Bill O'Slatter says:

        Rebecca Carmody: “And I think I might have caught you dancing and entertaining the crowd a bit earlier on, is that what you’ve been up to?

        Troy Buswell: “Well we’ve been on hold here for about twelve minutes here Rebecca, it’s pretty cold outside [looks down] ah, and so I was just trying to stimulate circulation to [cocks head] my extremities. But, ah, I’m sure the next cross will be far more timely. [smirk]”

        Rebecca Carmody: [laughing through her words] “Troy Buswell, thankyou. [looks to colleagues] I think that’s why he gets himself into trouble!” [laughs more]


  14. Who is she? Having listened during the day while sick recently, the women were pretty weak, but maybe it’s just the slots they have been given. (If I can put it that way.) There’s a woman who is quite annoying that reads the news in the afternoons. She took on the job of their online stuff for 5 minutes, then chickened out. probably saw what a shambles it was.

    Cameron and Solly can be blamed for this sudden attention on ABC local radio. If I hadn’t been so repulsed by those two, I wouldn’t have bothered.


    • Frank Calabrese says:

      It’s Gillian O’Shaunnessy – daughter of former Curting FM Presenter Pieta. She thinks she’s gods gift to Freo yuppiedom.


    • Bento says:

      All the ABC local women sound exactly the same – like western suburbs lunch & charity ladies. They must have some sort of cloning laboratory somewhere in Claremont.


      • Frank Calabrese says:

        It’s a national thing – Sydney and Melbourne Female announcers sound like they were cloned in toorak and Potts Point.

        It’s almost a return to the old days of the ABC sounding psuedo BBCish


  15. CB One says:

    Hilarious. That blurb cracks me up. The Solly and Camo pointless banter is why I listen. They’re a couple of morons with crap taste in music and no idea about sport. Maybe The Worst will get a mention tomorrow?

    So TLA – did you listen in a few months ago when they had a week long argument about the correct pronunciation of Status Quo??


  16. Frank Calabrese says:

    Speaking of ABC Onliune – spot the spelling mistake in the following.

    In sentencing, Magistrate Joe Randazzo said while there was no suggestion Mr McDonald had behaved in an aggressive manor on the site, he had deliberately ignored a request to leave.

    Oh and Maumill, in discussing the allged drunken behaviour of a certain Today Show Host alluded to the drinking habits of 6PR Staff and being exposed – I wonder if his panel operator was taking notes :-)


  17. A Canberra website has linked to this.


  18. Frank Calabrese says:

    Sattler was featured on tonight’s 20th anniversary Special – in particular his famous Good Riddance statement and his insipid defence of the term, and other transgredssions.

    The Video of the program can be seen here.


    • Frank Calabrese says:

      Plus the page also has the actual Sattler Episode where he and Hughie the Taxi Driver allowed the Talkback caller to say “N**ger, N**ger- Pull The Trigger”


      • Bill O'Slatter says:

        An only the tip of the iceberg of Rattler’s outrages , he deserves a half hour , like “Australian Story” devoted to exposing the shit he carries on with. The title should be ” The littlest worm “.


      • B.T. says:

        I was shocked by that comment. In America that would get him fired instantly. He couldn’t get a gig in any major market. He’d be reduced to prattling away on a blog no one reads and hosting a morning show in some hick town in the middle of no where.


        • satay steve says:

          Awesome BT. What would it get him in Australia;?


          • B.T. says:

            I haven’t lived here long enough to know. He dserves a midnight to 5am slot on a Christian C&W station broadcasting to sparsely inhabited islands the Southern Ocean… just to keep him off the dole.


      • Bill O'Slatter says:

        The best of the MediaWatch presenters on strategies to handle Rattler style reptiles. I think legal redresses are the most effective, but all methods should be used including Safran and Paxton style exposes. Paxton saying to Ray Martin in effect “don’t hit him (Safran)” was very funny.


    • skink says:

      Oh, Rattler is priceless.

      I love that he suggests that MW is morally bankrupt, and then bleats that he got dragged into the cash-for-comment scandal, but it wasn’t fair because Jones and Laws were getting paid much more than him.


      • Bento says:

        That was a masterstroke. It tells me only that Rattler puts a lower price on his principles.

        Does Howard only own one shirt?


        • mrs stone says:

          I particularly enjoyed the scripted Lawsy diatribe. What an absolute wanker.

          As for Rattler, ther’s only one word – Pathetic, in the truest sense.

          Speaking of Howie, his blog this week supports George O’Neil’s dodgy clinic. There must be an opening in Comments for some reference to his apparent drunken stupor at 6PR party. Naltrexone is commonly used to treat alcoholism.


          • David Cohen says:

            I loved Media Watch last night.

            There are unavoidable reasons why journalists are routinely ranked low in opinion polls.

            But no wonder some hate us when they learn – courtesy of MW – what some of us get up to.


            • Bill O'Slatter says:

              You can take small comfort DFOC from the fact that most of them aren’t journalists, but merely “media poisonalities” or “opinion leaders” or some such euphemism for complete FW.


            • mrs stone says:

              DFOC I think I have stumbled across a fine example of crap journalism. My telly was just, momentarily, on Ch 7. An ad for Today Tonight was promoting a guy who became Australias first billionaire via a poker machine win. Complete with images of him driving his new flashy car.
              Just the encouragement all those pokie addicts will be clinging to when next they trot off to Burswood. And should rake in a fair few new ones too.

              Is there a connection between 7 and Packer these days?


          • Frank Calabrese says:

            Speaking of John Laws, here is the diatribe in question.


            • skink says:

              Laws speaks of being ‘constructive’ and ‘entertaining the nation’

              have you ever read any of his poetry?

              I was lucky enough to find a book of John Laws poetry for 20c at a Lions Club book sale, and it is pure gold. I now rummage through the books at garage sales specifically in the hope of finding more. The only garage sale book that has given me more joy is a cookbook entitled ‘Offal’

              if you like, I will regale you with a few of his best.


              • Bento says:

                There once was a man from a bank…


                • Frank Calabrese says:

                  And John Laws once was a Top 40 DJ who “Sang” – very badl.

                  Oh and check out Clive Robertson sending up Laws in the clip I posted further up the thread.

                  Oh and I loved the shots of Rattler behind thge desk at 6PR – which is a joke as he doesn’t even do his own panelling – it’s either done by Fletcher, or by someone else.


                • David Cohen says:

                  “Hello world.” That would
                  Be a mill, if not for that
                  Cunt Richard Ackland.


            • mrs stone says:

              “Destructive”, “denegrating”, “vicious”.
              Any psychology student struggling to understand the concept of Projection need look no further than this clip for a perfect exampe.

              Good Riddance.


  19. Pingback: And on my left… « The Worst of Perth

  20. “he suggests that MW is morally bankrupt” – Is that The Mid-West?

    Mrs Stone, re: “Naltrexone is commonly used to treat alcoholism.”

    If you had been following my twitter news feed, you would have seen many Naltrexone references. Particularly “Naltrexone can be used to treat Naltrexone addiction…”


    • Bento says:

      She probably missed it as a result of being too fucked up on Naltrexone.


    • mrs stone says:

      I did see your Naltrexone references, and they have been amongst my favourites.

      I have just returned from said Sattlers blog, and am pleased to report he is copping flak from all quarters. I suspect George ONeil is going to regret garnishing any support from him.


      • Did a new one for you which will be in the sidebar until pushed out by new news. Amazingly there was a real story in the Sunday Times claiming naltrexone was good for treating kleptomania. True.


      • skink says:

        I’m not sure the flak is from ‘all corners’

        I think it’s mostly from this corner

        none of his listeners have discovered FM radio yet, let alone the intertubes. They are still trying to work out how to set the clock on their VCR.


  21. skink says:

    “I ripped my jeans today
    Rips give character anyway
    And I was busting my pants to see you
    And I love you”


  22. mrs stone says:



  23. Frank Calabrese says:

    Perth Radio Ratings are out (Perth Figures are on the last page)

    Click to access Metro309.pdf

    It seems Rattler & 6PR have had an increase in listeners.


  24. Frank Calabrese says:

    And for all those who remember and swooned over Trina Brown on Children’s Chanel 7 here is the WA Television Page devoted to her (and her good friend Percy).


  25. ronggly says:

    Had the misfortune to be listening to Cammo talking with some clown this morning. For just a minute as I was downing a latte. Long enough to hear:
    “Placenta. You near your computer ? Type placenta into Google Images… you there ?… look at number four (snigger), and number three (chortle)”


  26. Bento says:

    Hahahaha. Eoin started doing his usual hilarious schtick, involving Woogling a word and then reading out the results (previously done with hilarious effect with ‘placenta’) this morning. He looked up ‘Ross Solly’. Starts reading… the first result was the All Seeing Eye post linked to this one, in which a great deal of time and care has gone into calling Eoin a fat cunt.

    He stopped reading it out after that.


  27. The Legend 101 says:

    Noonga Radio 100.1 that sucks it’s the abriginals radio my dad listens to it heaps and thinks it’s good but it sucks it’s just silly songs and rubbish from the 70th’s if you like this tune into It Weekends 2-4pm on 100.1 or digital radio channel 99.4


  28. The Legend 101 says:

    Oh ACDC is Ok but listen to it on the weekends thats when the rubbish is on it.


  29. RubyRuby says:

    Cameron was interviewing Kenny Rogers this morning. TLA’s previous sprays regarding “the same show for 30 years” resonated.


  30. Bag O'Turnips says:

    Noted when I read the rest of the comments here that most of the (well-deserved) targets are the bellends who host breakfast radio shows…most breakfast radio has the opposite effect to what is intended (i.e. give some form of comic relief for the lumpenproletariat when they do the daily commuter grind heading to work) and leaves me feeling even more misanthropic, wanting to glass somebody, preferably the hosts. All the more justification to want to sleep in until 9AM, when either Richard Aedy from RN’s Life Matters, or Brian Lehman on 6IX are on the radio. Only then I return to my charitable self.

    @Frank Calabrese: I didn’t fully realise that Franno was such a Wiberwal stooge, but then again I would switch to my iPod and do as TLA does and listen to some 70s music (now there’s one radio show I do not miss, 6IX’s 70s Sunday Night, except when I switch to Triple J to hear John Safran and Fr Bob Maguire duke it out, but I can always catch up with their segments on the podcast…and as for 6IX’s offering, they really could do with someone who really knows their onions with music from that era and add some more 70s flair (or is that flares?) to that show; Rawland Green is inoffensive and unobtrusive, but it really needs a little more colour, not to mention even more obscurities and gems…I reckon he could take pointers from John Cranfield’s Sunday Morning 60s, for that’s another 6IX gem that rises above the clichéd songs that everyone knows now from then).

    Oops, a bit of a tangent there…back to Franno…anyway, whenever she has some shrill knobend from the Wiberwals on for an “interview” (cue Christopher “somewhere a unicorn is dying” Pyne, Erica Betz (intentional pun) or Sophie Mirabella, amongst other enlightened luminaries), I always take the TLA option via iPod and switch off.

    Can’t believe I didn’t notice that this was Counterpoint by stealth…thanks for removing the scales from my eyes, Frank!


    • Frank Calabrese says:

      @Frank Calabrese: I didn’t fully realise that Franno was such a Wiberwal stooge, but then again I would switch to my iPod and do as TLA does and listen to some 70s music (now there’s one radio show I do not miss, 6IX’s 70s Sunday Night, except when I switch to Triple J to hear John Safran and Fr Bob Maguire duke it out, but I can always catch up with their segments on the podcast…and as for 6IX’s offering, they really could do with someone who really knows their onions with music from that era and add some more 70s flair (or is that flares?) to that show; Rawland Green is inoffensive and unobtrusive, but it really needs a little more colour, not to mention even more obscurities and gems…I reckon he could take pointers from John Cranfield’s Sunday Morning 60s, for that’s another 6IX gem that rises above the clichéd songs that everyone knows now from then).

      John Cranfield knows his stuff cos he’s an avid collector of music and broadcast trivia from the era and has contributed to many a show and station over the years – in fact 6IX was Cranner’s first metro gig in 1969 – where the format was a racing.MOR Format and that the 5th Dimension’s Aqaurius was faded out when it got to Let The Sunshine In – cos it was deemed “Too Raucus”

      Also in Cranners favour his shift is live – Rawland’s is Voice-Tracked – in fact IX’s best talent is their General Manager Leo Nelson, who occasionally fills in when there is a vacancy- and even though Rawland is on Holiday’s and a voice tracked Lehman on Saturday Night said that Leo was going to fill in – Rawland appeared – voice-tracks and all – must have slipped in on Sunday Afternoon to record that 6 hour shift in 2o Minutes.

      PS Andrew Nelson is indeed Leo’s Son – and they say Nepotism isn’t alive in Radio :-)


      • Snuff says:

        He most certainly does, Frank. It’s unfortunate there’s no podcast, but on the occasions when I’m home of a Sunday night and can catch John Cranfield’s monthly visits to Steve Gordon’s The Way We Were, it’s invariably entertaining, and thoroughly informative.


        • Frank Calabrese says:

          Indeed, and 6PR’s Crime is that they can post 10 minute rants by Howard Sattler, Paul Murray and every other loser – but the tech whizzes are incapable of uploading a 60 minute Steve Gordon Podcast.


      • Bag O'Turnips says:

        Wow, Frank, you sure know your inside gen about Perth’s radio and TV broadcast community! And people I know thought that I was some font of knowledge regarding the history of these media in Perth from over the years —I too rather dig the website myself; this satisfies a lot of my own curiosity, particularly of the pre-colour era, as I was born in the changeover period at the start of ’75 before full-time colour transmissions commenced on 1 March that year, and remember more than most have forgotten from that early-colour era, even at such a precocious age!

        As for 70s Sunday Night, like I iterated before, it really could do with a passionate 70s hero (either a real hero of that era, or a relative young ‘un who recalls a past they never quite had…I’d say “pick me, Fat Cat!”, if only I had a suitable radio voice to back my musical knowledge with) live in the studio, adding some choice trinkets of trivia and amongst the stuff most of us know and love, spinning some little-known tunes, both the quietly influential ones (and not just the critics darlings at that; they should really play some Frank Zappa, they guy’s a criminally overlooked genius of his time) and the ones we’ve managed to collectively erase that were wildly popular at the time, but make pretty much all of us cringe now (Brotherhood Of Man or The Wurzels, anyone?)…just to remind everyone tuned in that ABBA, Fleetwood Mac (esp. Buckingham-Nicks era), Saturday Night Fever and The Eagles make the 70s not…yes, at times it was indeed the decade taste forgot, but boy! it was when you could let it all hang out, without fear of offending the marketing gurus.

        Always love reading your musings and insights, both here on TWOP and WATVH. Not to mention all your Wiberwal (isn’t that how Hewson used to say it? I remember all the “Fewarwi” jibes back in the day…and he’s one of the less egregious identities of that cabal, redeeming himself greatly during The Gruen Nation) Party baiting, though admittedly I’m not so overly enamoured with some modern aspects of the ALP, in moving to the Right well past the centre.


      • Bag O'Turnips says:

        Oops, someone forgot to close the italics in their HTML for a show title (glasses themselves immediately with a pony glass).


  31. Bento says:

    FESA spokespeople reading lists of street names has made a pleasant change from Eoin’s standard banalities. Any chance 720 will adopt this new format permanently?


  32. The Legend 101 says:

    OMG does anyone here listen to 92.9.


  33. RubyRuby says:

    Okay, first time listening to 720 this morning for a coupla months – 7pm tonight Richard Fidler will be interviewing Eoin Cameron. About Cammo’s life and times.

    Anyone else marking on the fridge?


  34. Pete says:

    Channel surfing through AM last week I dwelt on 990 for a while. Out of morbid curiosity I suppose as all they were playing was someone reading Broadfields column from teh previous weeks west. Followed by most of the rest of the weekend insert.


  35. skink says:

    Sattler behind a paywall?
    who the fuck is going to pay to read Perthnow on an iPad app?
    Sattler’s entire demographic are over 55. How many have an iPad? They would have been better to record him on a wax cylinder and mail a copy to each of his handful of listeners.

    at least in the new format he gets to start all over again with his favourite topics:

    1. asylum seekers
    2. immigration
    3. that’s not the same thing
    4. er…
    5. that’s it


  36. Bento says:

    Whose idea was it to use Sattler to voiceover the TV ads promoting the West End fashion stores? Seems an unusual choice. The man can barely pronounce half the labels, and probably did the job in an outfit purchased at Millers.


  37. skink says:

    Fairfax announced today they plan to sell all their radio stations, including 6PR

    that may explain Sattler’s gig at PerthNow. Rats…ship…etc


    • Sorry, who was talking about Sattler voice overing fashion ads? It’s like Ken Rosewall V.O. dildo ads.


      • Frank Calabrese says:

        Speaking of the 6PR Sale- This from Twitter- it seems they don’t like the awful truth re the Sale:






        RSKazimerRichard S. Kazimer

        6PR blocking Tweets mentioning it’s sale. Ah, the miracles of technological denial.

        11 minutes agoFavoriteRetweetReply


  38. WAtching says:

    I’m currently in Canberra. How funny is it how cold it is here…


  39. Brrrrrrm says:

    Cameron is not that bad it’s that annoying anker that follows Geoff Hutchinson.


  40. Bento says:

    Botica’s Bunch (of Cunts) have toppled Cameron. How will he respond? More Eurovision? More Dusty? More jokes about Canberra weather? More Woogling of lady parts?


  41. Bento says:

    How humid is Bangkok? Ho ho ho.
    Yes, but you’re fat.
    Bangkok? Humid.
    Repeat to fade.


    • RubyRuby says:

      This was the other post I was going to link it to – but so much easier to find a “bad journalist” on this site. Well, a recent reference to one, anyway.


  42. Jacinta Branson says:

    Reeks of jealousy . No voice can beat that one . If you can stand up and be Cunted. You would obviously break the ratings in a game you cannot play . No regards


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