Squeezing his Kahunas

First time contribution from new reader Brilton, but he’s obviously a man with an unslakeable thirst for worst, as he is making a profession out of correcting the babblings of 6PR’s Simon Beaumont, (pictured). Two hilarious missives from the Brilton pen below.

Just before the 9:00 am news, you said something about the premier not having the “kahunas” to hold a plebiscite about Sunday trading. I believe the word is “cojones“, pronounced “co-HO-nez”. It’s a Spanish slang word for testicles. “Kahuna” is a Hawaiian word for priest or sorcerer. Always happy to help.
Before 9:00 am this morning, you were talking to a caller who referred to a very powerful alcoholic drink called “concrete”. You said it was a mixture of “scotch and whiskey”. I would like to point out that this is incorrect, as scotch *is* in fact whiskey. He said it was a mixture of scotch whiskey and *beer*.

I’d like to congratulate Brilton for his excellent worst, but at the same time wonder what the hell he’s listening to 6PR for? Perhaps it’s because it is the home of Howard “Good Riddance” Sattler, or the former home of Teh Paul Murray the man with a voice like a dying grandmother and a writing style to match. Or could it be the ghost of Bob Maumill that lures Brilton to the radio wasteland of 880? I am glad he’s come through, because I have missed out on 2 excellent 6PR worsts. There is an ex shop on Lord Street East Perth that often has anti 6PR graffiti on it. On both times I have turned up with my camera, it has been painted over. One said “6PRacist”, and the other said, “Contribute to the Brad Hardy Bankrupcy Fund”.

Yes I’m back from China.

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About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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112 Responses to Squeezing his Kahunas

  1. David Cohen says:

    Welcome back. Lisa said Greg Hoey was you. The evidence: when you went to the Middle Kingdom, GH comments dried up.
    She’s sort of onto it: I believe you are the David Strassman of TWOP, and GH is your Chuck.
    Did you “accidentally” leave GH/Chuck in the North China KFC?


  2. No me no Greg. I may be a crackpot, but I’m not at a professional level like Greg is.


  3. Frank Calabrese says:

    One of the great talents being wasted on 6PR is Steve Gordon, who presents the excellent “The Way We Were”on Sunday nights which looks at social history and Nostalgia- and plays music to suit – which he does from his personal collection – 6PR in the early nineties gave away the bulk of their record library to a Primary School fete of all places, plus they have no Turntable so Steve is restricted to CD’s, and tus can’t play stuff which hasn’t been released in a digital format.

    I’m in regular email contact with him as we are both on an email list relating to http://www.milesago.com and I find him a very honest and down to earth person and I think he has leftish leanings – at complete opposite to the rest of the Station.

    Oh and Gary Shannon is going back across the corridor to 96FM to do Breakfast AGAIN – talk about Back to the future.


  4. Gary again? What about Dunderklumpen?


  5. Frank Calabrese says:

    [Gary again? What about Dunderklumpen?]

    Dunderklumpen aka Marty Gittens does voiceover work and is a regular visitor to 6PR and at one stage there was ALMOST a reunion on the Afternoon show, but they couldn’t grab him.

    Dunderklumpen was a weird beast, it wasn’t a full suit, just the Head and Marty’s normal body underneath, unlike Fat Cat etc – Taffy The Lion was another intersting concept – lion suit where you could still see the face of the person – Brian Couzins (sp) who allegedly hated kids.

    The Dunderklumpen head was at one stage residing at Claremont Showgrounds and was the mascot of some Germaninc club of some sort.


  6. David Cohen says:

    I have fond memories of Brindley, a cat on a weekend TV kids show on Channel 9 I think. He was agreeably caustic: a feline Oscar the Grouch. I wrote to the show once when i was about 10 and was thrilled when Brindley read it out.


  7. Frank Calabrese says:

    [I have fond memories of Brindley, a cat on a weekend TV kids show on Channel 9 I think. He was agreeably caustic: a feline Oscar the Grouch. I wrote to the show once when i was about 10 and was thrilled when Brindley read it out.]

    Brindley was a creation of Keith Woodlands and operated by his younger Brother Chris.

    Keith runs Elephant Productions who produced the show for Ch 9 and of course own and created Flapper, who I believe the person operating it was once employed as a Catheter Technician based at the Spinal Unit at RPRH.

    Info on Elephant Productions.


    btw, text only shows in IE for some strange reason.


  8. Frank Calabrese says:

    [btw, text only shows in IE for some strange reason]

    My mistake, I had the increase text too big and it stuffed the formatting in Firefox, and yes it does work there as well.


  9. Frank Calabrese says:

    [Keith runs Elephant Productions who produced the show for Ch 9 and of course own and created Flapper]

    I should clarify that by saying that while Keith created said Elephant, I believe that they don’t own the rights to it and is now owned by a company called Charactorland, who also own another former Ch 9 Mascot – Kingsley Koala.

    And speaking of Flapper.



  10. FDB says:

    Point of order – scotch is not whiskey, it is whisky. So a drink containing scotch and whiskey is not a logical absurdity – though clearly not a good idea.


  11. Anonymous Perthon says:

    Thanks Frank, I’d forgotten about Flapper – how the hell do you know so much about this? Just curious


  12. Anonymous Perthon says:

    Oh and welcome back LA, the place just wasn’t the same without you


  13. mazarina says:

    Yes welcome back LA!


  14. Frank Calabrese says:

    [Thanks Frank, I’d forgotten about Flapper – how the hell do you know so much about this? Just curious]

    Re Flapper being a Catheter Tech – I’ve got Spina Bifida and spent quite a bit of time in the Spinal Unit and the other Catheter Techs told me about it :-)


  15. I was born a Kinglsey Koala man, and I’ll die a Kingsley Koala man. I actually thought there’s be more slagging off of 6PR, the worst radio station by a mile.


  16. Anonymous Perthon says:

    LA, it’s a sign of how much people hate it, they don’t listen to it and they don’t talk about it if they do

    Frank, thats “good” old Shenton Park hospital isnt it? I had to spend some time down there for a family member myself, surprised you haven’t nominated it for a WOP award


  17. Pots of Cracked Virtue! says:

    Simon Beaumont has that “welcome home” kind of look about him as well – jeez where did that shot come from!! Looks like he thinks his kahunas go down to his kaneesas!! Welcome back Laze!


  18. Frank Calabrese says:


    [I actually thought there’s be more slagging off of 6PR, the worst radio station by a mile.]

    Well you DID have to mention Dunderklumpen, which started the suited character talk. :-)

    [Frank, thats “good” old Shenton Park hospital isnt it? I had to spend some time down there for a family member myself, surprised you haven’t nominated it for a WOP award.]

    Yep it is, and another reason is the location of the Outpatients Dept, Right at the bottom of a steep hill, it’s murder when you’re in a manual wheelchair like me and you’re racing down the driveway, and a pain to push back up, in fact the whole place is on a slope.

    And talk about a depressing place, straight out of the 1960’s – only the Theatre/Xray Block, the Hydrotherapy pool and the aforementioned outpatients Dept are newer than 1975 :-)


  19. Simon’s effort is a malapropism ala ” all 6PR staff are effluent”.
    What Simon was really referring to was the wild life in his trousers as in Cohunu Koala Park, ( doesn’t do much except eat, roots and leaves).


  20. Frank Calabrese says:

    Beaumont was of Course Liam Bartlett’s producer at the ABC who moved across when Liam did his 5 weeks on PR before joining 60 Minutes (which he must regret if his whinging has anything to go by.)

    Bartlett must be crazy if he thought that 60 Minutes was serious Journalism – and no your stint on the ABC doesn’t count – you tried to be a right winger, and it showed.


  21. Pots of Cracked Virtue! says:

    HAHA – nice work Frank – Maybe it should be 6PR – “Whinging Radio” – I think that says it all!!


  22. At least he had a voice. Murray endlessly whining with that voice was impossible to take.


  23. Frank Calabrese says:

    Oh and spare a thought for poor old Rob Fletcher who panels for Simon, Gary & Bob AND Howard Sattler 8.30 till 6pm without a break – talk about a station on a shoestring.

    yes, even Gary Shannon who’s a jock has a panel op – slacker, now he has to do his own panelling on 96 :-)


  24. cimbali says:

    “I was born a Kinglsey Koala man, and I’ll die a Kingsley Koala man.”
    LA – Wasn’t there talk of a Wally Walrus man who almost died a Wally Walrus man when some kids tried to drown him in Kala pool by pulling his boardies down around his furry ankles?
    But back to the topic I listened to 6PR twice after Bartlett moved there but couldn’t stand it so resigned myself to Hutchy.
    Liam B was in the news over the weekend for making rude comments about his colleagues so it looks like his career is heading Bidet-wards.


  25. Russell says:

    Haven’t listened to 6PR since Gary Meadows was there, but was disturbed to find after latest car service that the apprentice – who always resets my car radio to the stations he likes – had included 6PR as one of my new presets. Not knowing how to reset it myself I usually have to endure his choices, but 6PR is below the line under which I will not go. It’s just CDs now.

    6PR ! – what’s happening to the yoof ?


  26. Frank Calabrese says:

    [Haven’t listened to 6PR since Gary Meadows was there]

    Gees does that mean you haven’t listened since 1967 ?? :-)


  27. Frank Calabrese says:

    [6PR ! – what’s happening to the yoof ?]

    I blame Gary Shannon.


  28. Russell says:

    Frank – was it that early? I was a captive listener around 1967 as my mum would have had 6PR on the car radio. I thought I was still listening while driving out to W.A.I.T. in mum’s acqua Torana in the early 70s. Perhaps the Yorkie era had already begun, though.


  29. Frank Calabrese says:

    6PR went quasi Beautiful Music with Gentle On Your Mind between 1974-6 and then changing to a racing format in 1977 after 6IX dropped them.

    Gary Meadows was in the East during that period hosting the Original Price Is Right and appearing in The Bluestone Boys.


  30. I saw Yorkie at the opening of The Grand Chancellor Hotel, in the early 80’s. he had a pink wash in his hair. Ugh. He’s a marriage celebrant now. I’m not sure what the Grand Chancellor is called now. More brick.


  31. Frank Calabrese says:

    And speaking of Yorkie :-)


    Oh and his real name is Lionel Harold Wiggett. :-)


  32. Frank Calabrese says:

    Greg Hoey will like this bit :-)

    [Yorke is also one of only a handful of celebrants in WA happy to do Commitment of Love Ceremonies for gay and lesbian couples. Unlike England’s new Civil Partnership Ceremonies or “gay weddings’ they are not officially binding and no legal documents are signed.]

    Does he specialise in Single White Lesbians ? :-)


  33. Frank Calabrese says:

    And yes Yorkie is on topic as he works at 6PR in the Sales Dept and briefly appeared on air in 1988 doing afternoons in between the races – it only lasted a few months, apparently he was recommended by Howard Sattler, who I think was still going out with Juanita Walsh.


  34. Russell says:

    Although I’m partial to frangipani I think we have a new candidate for Worst Website:

    “Experience the charm and personality of Perth’s most loved identity … Apart from his natural warmth and glowing personality”

    ‘With non-Australian couples there are a selection of favourite venues in Perth and Western Australia where to get married. Beach weddings or cliff-top weddings are most popular….”

    Cliff-top weddings ??



  35. Does anyone remember Bob Maumill’s sex therapy show? Just another excuse for his infinite sackings from the station.


  36. Also, who can remember when Baby John Burgess and Yorkie were kings? Burgess had a gold Rolls Royce.
    Two young white lesbians on a cliff top. Yorkie is about to say you may each kiss a YWL, when the cliff gives way…
    I’ve got a soft spot for Yorkie. Would be as repulsive as Jabba The Hutt presiding over your nuptials, but he still hangs in there. I’d choose Yorkie over Sattler or Shannon any day.


  37. Frank Calabrese says:

    [Does anyone remember Bob Maumill’s sex therapy show? Just another excuse for his infinite sackings from the station.]

    I remember the infamous Golden Shower interview which brought Maumill before the Broadcasting Tribunal, 6PR “Almost” lost their licence but instead it was only renewed for a 1 year, instead of the usual 3.

    Mind you, it was pretty tame stuff compared to what gets broadcast on 92.9 :-)


  38. Frank Calabrese says:

    [Also, who can remember when Baby John Burgess and Yorkie were kings? Burgess had a gold Rolls Royce.]

    Ahh, back in the days when 6PM tweaked their turntables to spin at 47 RPM so the music would sound a bit more lively than the opposition – oldest radio trick in the book – suited some songs, ruined the majority of them.

    Apparently according to Radio Historian Wayne Mac, Melbourne station 3AK did the same thing in the early 70’s but ran into a small problem – ads were still being sent to stations on 7″ discs and thus ran shorter than the booked 30 or 60 seconds – Coke got upset, so 3AK had to install a Turntable in the Production set to the exact speed, so the ads could be transferred to Cartridge.


  39. Re #34 Yorkie looks like he’s progressed from the pink to the blue rinse.


  40. Frank Calabrese says:

    Speaking of Yorkie’s cliff top weddings.


  41. Rage says:

    I can’t believe that nobody has pointed out that kahunas is also a slang word for boobies.

    You’re losing your touch.


  42. BrownBook says:

    Back in the day there used to be “Yorkie’s Video World” (or a name to that effect) on Cambridge St, Wembley. My family used to go there because it was the only video shop that went with Beta. Needless to say it didn’t last long.


  43. flynn says:

    #41 Carps has so many big boobs in his government that no-one could accuse him of not having any!


  44. #43 Good one Flynn and true , you can’t say that Lannie McT hasn’t got the boobies for the job, but has Carps personally got the moobies.


  45. Bento says:

    @43 – that was the sort of tenuous, lame gag one normally only hears in Question Time.

    I can’t believe Gary Shannon is getting yet another run around the block. I’ve stumbled upon his show whilst channel surfing in the car (Geraldine on 720 can be a tad dull, at times), and I swear the man is at least mildly retarded.

    Welcome back LA!


  46. Frank Calabrese says:


    I have since read my copy of Don’t Touch That Dial by Wayne Mac and note on his psge devoted to 6PR, that Garry Meadows was at the station between 1967 to 1973, and then returned in 1977.

    So I’m assuming tat you must have heard him during his 1977 comeback.


  47. Garry Meadows always looked like he needed to loosen his tie.


  48. Frank Calabrese says:

    [Garry Meadows always looked like he needed to loosen his tie.]

    Speaking of Garry, here is a clip of him hosting The 1973 version of The Price Is Right, which means Garry was at 6PR till at least 1972.


  49. Russell says:


    It was Garry, and mum’s acqua Torana, and the depressing trek out to depressing W.A.I.T, in ’71 and ’72. After that I inherited my grandfather’s SIMCA and appropriately switched to 6WF (or, more likely, I couldn’t even change the radio stations on the car radio back then either).


  50. Frank Calabrese says:

    [It was Garry, and mum’s acqua Torana, and the depressing trek out to depressing W.A.I.T, in ‘71 and ‘72]

    In that case you would’ve heard Garry doing Mornings – Yorkie didn’t start on 6PM until 1973 before Yorkie, the late Geoff Bradley was doing mornings on 6PM. Peter Dean & John Fryer were doing Can We Help You on 6IX till 11am and then the Late Leslie Anderson did an hour of serious Current Affairs.


  51. greg hoey says:

    “No me no Greg. I may be a crackpot, but I’m not at a professional level like Greg is.”

    Lous…er lazy those photos of you in china?

    You really look the part of one of Mao’s little helpers. Its mainly the eyes that need to be tweeked a little however.
    So I’ve taken it upon myself to book you in for an appointment with a local plastic surgeon. 12am for this fri if thats ok.

    Don’t be late or else he might get angry and make you look more like kubla khan than plain ol’ chinese though.


  52. Hey, man. I thought you’d left us. The eyes? I think more that the nose is a little long for local tastes, no?


  53. He’s baaack! The returning of the screw loose.


  54. Frank Calabrese says:

    [He’s baaack! The returning of the screw loose.]

    He’s our version of Jack Strocchi of LP and Generic Person on Poll Bludger.

    I’ll bet His Hoeyness was pleased wth the letter in Today’s West bemoaning the lack of funding of The Opera Studio at the expense of “Cannibalism”, plus the retirement of Sheila McHale from Parliament.


  55. You two will scare him off again.


  56. Russell says:

    Speaking of Sheila – here’s a category that might not have a worst: Arts Minister. Haven’t they all been execrable? Who was not worst? Sheila, Foss, Mike Board, Kay Hallahan, David Parker, Yvonne Henderson ???

    You would have to give the Liberals (Graham MacKinnon and Foss) credit for the new Art Gallery and State Library, and the Maritime Museum, but you have to go back to Tonkin to find a Premier who was also Arts Minister.

    Who should take over from Sheila, assuming an ALP win at the next election – John Hyde?


  57. I think David Parker should make a comeback. Where is that poor bastard now?


  58. Frank Calabrese says:

    [I think David Parker should make a comeback. Where is that poor bastard now?]

    Last I heard he was a consultant in either Singapore or Hong Kong.

    Can’t find anything on Google.


  59. huckle says:

    I went to a wedding where Yorkie was the celebrant. It was most distracting. I kept expecting him to back announce some music or say something like ‘we’re heading for a top of 38 today, folks, another scorcher heading our way…’


  60. Frank Calabrese says:

    [I went to a wedding where Yorkie was the celebrant. It was most distracting. I kept expecting him to back announce some music or say something like ‘we’re heading for a top of 38 today, folks, another scorcher heading our way…’]

    But did he come out to the strains of his theme song “How Do You Do” by Matt Monro and started saying over the intro,

    Well Hi, Welcome, to the Yorkie Show and then starts singing:

    How Do You Do,
    It’s Good To See You.

    How Do You Do,
    I’m Glad I’m Here.

    Of All The Places,
    I’ve Been To.

    I Like The Way
    Things Are Right Here.

    And straight into an Up tempo song out of the 60’s :-)


  61. What about the whistle?


  62. Frank Calabrese says:

    [What about the whistle?]

    Forgot about that.

    Got a good Yorkie story about the perils of Warped Vinyl and an Outside Broadcast which happened when he was on 6IX in 1981.

    He was doing an OB in the 6IX Mobile Caravan in the Hay St Mall and was opening with Marcia Hines You’re Love Still Brings Me To My Knees, the Album version which has a longer intro than the single. Unfortunately the LP got warped by the sun during the Taxi ride from Tuart Hill and the track kept jumping all over the place – the techs even tried increasing the Tracking Force – still kept jumping – eventually they were forced to buy a new copy from a local record store so they could play the bloody thing.

    Ahh, those were the days :-)


  63. Frank Calabrese says:

    Just saw an ad featuring Millsy & Tony Mac promoting the Telethon Bridges Fun Run – note they are wearing T Shirts with the old 6PR logo while the logo on screen is the new Fairfax Media one.

    Are they THAT cheap that they didn’t give their personalities new promotional gear to wear, or have they just recycled footage from last year ?


  64. I always see the ads, where one is supposed to be a what? Culture vulture? and the other a slob, but they look exactly the same. As we comedians would say, “What’s with Millsy, or What’s the deal with Mac?” look like a pair of plonkers to me.


  65. Frank Calabrese says:

    [I always see the ads, where one is supposed to be a what? Culture vulture? and the other a slob, but they look exactly the same. As we comedians would say, “What’s with Millsy, or What’s the deal with Mac?” look like a pair of plonkers to me.]

    I think they’re trying to bill them as Radio’s “Odd Couple”, Chalk & Chesese etc.

    BTW, Millsy was once a suit performer as well – I think he was one of the Adventure World mascots – in fact he should have remained one and just shut the Feck up :-)

    Oh and do you remember when Sattler was on “Star Station, 6KY – who tried to replicate 6PR without the horses and lasted 6 months before they reverted back to Nice & Easy.


  66. No but I remember with glee him tanking in Sydney, and having to skulk back to Perth.


  67. Frank Calabrese says:

    [No but I remember with glee him tanking in Sydney, and having to skulk back to Perth.]

    Which of course Sookie moving to Sydney resulted in 6PR hiring….

    Paul “I talk out of My Arse” Murray.

    And Sattler also did a stint on 6NR doing a 1 hour current affairs show in the mornings circa 1981-82


  68. Frank Calabrese says:

    From Jocks Journal.

    [96FM Perth PD Brad McNally has resigned and finishes up at the station today (March 19). Brad told JJ that he wasn’t in agreement with the station’s programming decision regarding the breakfast program* and has decided to move on. He says he’ll take a break and will now concentrate on his training for the Perth Marathon … then he’ll be open to new radio opportunities. (* After 7 weeks on air Rod & The Flack will be replaced by Gary Shannon. )]


    Brad McNally started his radio career in Australia in 1974 on 6PR as part of their Gentle On Your Mind format.


    • Joe says:

      Re: Brad Mcnally started his radio career in Perth 1974.

      I`m `almost` certain Brad Mcnally started in radio in Toronto, Ontario Canada in 77/78…..perhaps earlier on another Canadian radio station..
      Look up CFNY-FM The Spirit of Radio. I listened to his afternoon program `The Eclectic Spirit` on a daily basis. Awesome guy!


      • Frank Calabrese says:


        Brad moved to Canada after his 6PR stint in 74/75 – and yes he was on 6PR – I have an extract of an aircheck of Gentle of Your Mind , courtesy of Steve Gordon – where he voices a little vignette discussing the events of 1967 (to the backing of the most un Gentle Papa Was a Rollin Stone), and then Ted Bull intros The Beatles With A Little Help From My Friends from Sgt Peppers.


  69. To be replaced by Gary Shannon… The horror. I was at a comedy workshop when the news came in that someone had assaulted Gary Shannon, basically for being Gary. We laughed until we cried for nearly 40 minutes. the meeting was cancelled. Was terrible. We didn’t know why we were laughing at something so awful, but we couldn’t stop.


  70. Frank Calabrese says:

    [To be replaced by Gary Shannon… The horror. I was at a comedy workshop when the news came in that someone had assaulted Gary Shannon, basically for being Gary.]

    And I was listening on the Scanner when his Lime Green Porche was stolen by the “Porche Kid” who pranged it at the lights at Guidford Rd/Garratt Rd in Maylands while it was being choiced.

    I also bumped into him literally in the Spinal unit when his first wife had a spinal injury – I was in a foul mood (I was 14 at the time and was frustrated with the place). Pity I didn’t do any damage to him :-)


  71. Frank Calabrese says:

    [(I was 14 at the time and was frustrated with the place).]

    It was in 1981 and I was born in 65, so that made me 16.


  72. Jeez Frank, I’m older than you?


  73. Frank Calabrese says:

    And speaking of Gary S’s new gig.


    What a wanky name – “The New Crew”


  74. Frank Calabrese says:

    For Russell I found this pic of Garry Meadows in the 6PR Studios.


  75. Frank Calabrese says:

    And Here is Burgo AND Yorkie :-)

    I’m loving the State LIbrary online PIcture Catalogue :-)


  76. Frank Calabrese says:

    And who needs the 96FM Thunders when you have the 6PR VW Beetles :-)


  77. Frank Calabrese says:

    And for the Lazy Aussie who is a Kingsley Koala Man.


  78. greg hoey says:

    “I’ll bet His Hoeyness was pleased wth the letter in Today’s West bemoaning the lack of funding of The Opera Studio at the expense of “Cannibalism”, plus the retirement of Sheila McHale from Parliament.”

    that woman as an arts culture minister deplorable!! Her name alone says it all. Refuse from off McHales old navy boat. Won’t they ever employ really intelligent and savvy arts people not wannabee’s.

    The Lazy Aussie
    “You two will scare him off again.”

    Getting on internet is time consuming unless one has own computer and can also do it at work which most computer heads do.


  79. greg hoey says:

    As well my favorite is nother ‘beautiful woman’ type site that my precious net time is at.


  80. greg hoey says:

    As well as that can’t help but get the feeling this site has its bias’ and cliques so to speak and don’t get up yourselves about the removal of said statue.
    There’s another very good reason why it was removed. Bye.


  81. Man, again with the bias and cliques? I knew that would come into it somewhere.


  82. Frank Calabrese says:

    Gees I reckon Greg Hoey is really Howard Sattler :-)


  83. David Cohen says:

    I wanted to be the person who posted the 5000th comment on TWOP, but…turn your back for a second and you miss out.
    I’m loving the pic catalogue too, Frank.


  84. Frank Calabrese says:

    [I’m loving the pic catalogue too, Frank.]

    So am I, lots of memories of Perth and a great repository of our social history, much like this site in a rather perverse way.

    The 1975 pics of the 6PR Jock line up was when they were “Gentle On Your Mind”, which was a forerunner to the more recent “Nice & Easy” Music Formats – MOR music with balls so to speak, unlike the instrumental gloop that 6KY played when they switched to Beautiful Music. – Poor old Gary Shannon was there when they made the switch, he was forced to play 6 months of it before he moved to 6PM.


  85. David, you can try to be the 200 000th viewer, which should be within the week, almost exactly coinciding with 6 months of existence. (take a screen grab if you hit it exactly). Can half a million be possible for the whole year?


  86. Frank Calabrese says:

    [No but I remember with glee him tanking in Sydney, and having to skulk back to Perth.]

    I know it’s an old post, but reading that bit reminded me of Sattler doing the last 12 months of his 2SM gig via landline from his DAlkeith/Peppermint Grove home, and having to get up at 3am to broadcast into Sydney cos the time difference.


  87. Frank Calabrese says:

    Considering one G Shannon is no longer on the 6PR roster, I wonder if he’s fulfilled his obligations and has taken leave from 96FM to partake in this promotion.

    Click to access 6PR-GaryShannonCruise.pdf


  88. Adrian says:

    I’ve stumbled on this thread waaaay tooo late.

    My dad was the “late Geoff Bradley”.

    We arrived in Perth in August 1970 from Bris-Vegas where Geoff was doing breakfast on 4BK and 4BH, can’t remember who he was with immediately before we moved over.

    I think he started on 6KY and then went to 6PM, or maybe it was the other way around.

    He was forever getting into stouches with station management for one thing or another and stormed out of ‘PM. I seem to recall he thought his audience would follow him but they didn’t, they stayed put and in walked “Yorkie”.

    My dad never forgave Lionel for “inheriting” “His” audience, but truth is he walked once too often.

    He ended up at 6IX when the station was going through it’s “We’re with you” format circa 1976/77.

    He left around late ’78 for a brief stint in advertising (ADPower) and killed himself September ’79.

    Not sure if it’s true or not, but I understand his old programmer from 6IX, Cherie Romano – who’d gone to Sydney to help start up the first or one of the first FM stations – was going to see if she could get him over for the breakfast slot.

    Too late….not sure if it would have made a difference to the ultimate outcome at any rate.


  89. geoge hausen says:

    we want the world cup in perth, but no one wants to change the worst airport transport in australasia. no trains means 40 000 visitors squeezing in taxis? worst public transport system to go to any venues.where are the buses, the trains, the mono rail,the train.
    where is the offshore stadium.? rome did one 2 thousand years ago.
    we should ask listener of your station for some comments.


  90. Frank Calabrese says:

    Is Beaumont now considered a vanished worst ??


    And being beaten by Geoff “Nanna” Hutchison.

    Oh the shame :-)


  91. skink says:

    where’s Bento with the valedictory?


  92. Frank Calabrese says:

    Go Skink on TWAT:

    looks like you didn’t have the kahunas for it, Simon.
    As Sattler might say: “Good Riddance to bad rubbish.”

    skink – November 19, 2010, 1:45PM


  93. Pingback: Weekend Worstoff 149 | The Worst of Perth

  94. The Legend 101 says:

    Dones anyway agree that 92.9 is the best station and all the other radio stations suck, let me know.


  95. jamie says:

    new progamming boss for 92.9 coming. wonder if there will be changes made?



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