Home Devilry

Remember at the beginning of things here, when The West was shithouse and it seemed important to say so? Now Slanderer sees this pitiful bid. Where now only the paper boys/girls are winners. Certainly not the publishers. Or the readers, obviously. 

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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16 Responses to Home Devilry

  1. Zuben says:

    Why the west AND the sunday times ??


  2. Rong1 says:

    Why not chuck in a Woman’s Weekly?


  3. Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

    Can’t give it away. How long before they are stuffing it under your windscreen wipers in carparks?


  4. Slanderer says:

    It’s like the internet doesn’t exist!


  5. JaneZ says:

    How much is it going to cost to opt out? Because I’ll pay for that.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

      Now this is a business model that has some real legs. Particularly for Teh Slimes where you don’t want the neighbours to think you actually read it but still want to sleep in and not have to get up and throw it in the bin before they see it on the front lawn.


  6. Rolly says:

    Yesterday’s report on News (very) Limited down hundreds of millions of dollars brought tears of joy to my eyes.


  7. Slanderer says:

    Well, it’s day 3 of my free offer, and aren’t things going well. Friday’s paper was reminiscent of that Woody Allen line “the food was terrible and such small portions”. Saturday’s bumper issue although wrapped in plastic was paper mache due to a moderate downpour. Back to the lab, R&D folk! And today’s didn’t arrive at all. Presumably things are much better for the paying customers!


    • You are the paying customer as far as it has meaning.


      • Slanderer says:

        Exactly. Don’t worry, the whole correspondence promises that they will be trying to get me to subscribe after the free trial. They have also promised me that their newspapers will allow me to “enjoy better weekends”. I wonder if this is legally enforcable?


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