Fin de C&B

I have to tell youse pigs that I’m probably going to finish The Worst of Perth at the 10th anniversary in September. A lot of C&B under the bridge in that time no? Still some nice pieces coming in. This stunning natural feature is in Matilta Bay. By Sue E. 

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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34 Responses to Fin de C&B

  1. Veil TWOP with a fitting tribute.


  2. Zuben says:

    Have never cruised matitla bay but once , and that was to pick up a chauffeur for an opulent celebrity wedding bash .

    Is there a lot of action there seeking commemoration in cement petroglyphs ?


  3. Blergeit says:

    I’ll be sad to see it go, but thanks for all the work!

    Hopefully it’ll be archived somewhere…


  4. Anonymous says:

    Everything I think I know about Perth I learned from TWOP.


  5. JaneZ says:

    Do any unsolved worst mysteries remain? Aside from why nobody but me remembers Christ Cream Motors?


  6. Snuff says:

    Many thanks, TLA. It’s been an epic journey. Please forgive my TWoP tardiness of late. The offline world has been somewhat time consuming.


  7. RubyRuby says:

    May the glory of the Worst of Perth be celebrated for ten thousand years!

    Thank you for your dedicated documentation of the flotsam and jetsam that truly has been the worst of this City of Lights.


  8. Misspent Yoof says:

    Did you get a job?


  9. Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

    Maybe She-Ra can run TWOP from Bandyup when she exhausts the appeal process? Doesn’t hurt to ask.


  10. Rolly says:

    Oh Dear! Oh Dear!
    How am I ever going to keep up with the ever evolving horrors of urban living from which I have successfully escaped?


  11. orbea says:

    mirror the site?


  12. BSWAM says:

    I have a crapload of stuff to send you! Will try to get to it ASAP.


  13. nutkinimages says:

    Holy shit I missed this post. What a shame. But nothing lasts forever. TWOP has explained nearly everything about the world to me. No real mysteries remaining. I do wonder however, from time to time, who ended up owning Alsatian Rampant.


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