Pure Slut

Apparently. By Chris D. There’s a relentless Perthness in all aspects of this. 

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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14 Responses to Pure Slut

  1. Graham says:

    I once saw a dick drawn on the ladies toilet at the railway station. I wondered if someone drew it just to send in to TWOP. I also had a neighbor who owned an Econovan (that’s Bongo Van in overseas branding) with Brock 05 seat covers. Same thought. There was also a rurotard ute in my Mum’s street with a logo “Co’s I’m Country”. Is this the same artist that has cloned the oeuvre?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Reign of Error says:

    Pfffft…….Victorian Modern Cursive – the ‘village idiot’ of fonts.

    The rather clinical fallopian / creampie schematic does redeem it some extent though. It’s important to be inclusive these days, and having a pictogram symbol complementing the text demonstrates consideration for the less literate or non-English speaking pedestrian.


    • Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

      Yes, most unfortunate when your own State Department of Education policy causes you to look like a simpleton. And that is even before they start teaching you.


  3. Rong1 says:

    I thought it was a Liberal party campaign poster


  4. Shreiking Wombat Ninja says:

    Has a very City West feel about it.


  5. Slanderer says:

    “Have you seen the box of labels that was in the stationery store? I need to print the mailing list.”
    “Well, those glossy brochures aren’t going to find their ways to investors by themselves.”


  6. Zuben says:

    Male and female sexual reproductive organs linked by ejaculant … male on top as usual

    Resemblance to schematised human face has NOT gone unnoticed !!


  7. Creek says:

    The combination of upper/lower case with punctuation represents a multilingualism post-vibrancy not often seen in a pre-prepared motif. The slight off-centre installation must be a refreshing lift for those on their daily grind.


  8. PeteF says:

    Just saw a stormie mills on the wall of a light industrial building in Welshpool. Theme is played.


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