ANZAC go home

A treasure of Albany. Where Woolworths sponsored ANZACS left from. Complaining about what a craphole it was. Literally couldn’t wait to leave and fuck up foreigners. In their own countries.  ANZAC day can piss off now. We looted Damascus so we could have parity with the Kiwi Copec? I don’t fucking think so.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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31 Responses to ANZAC go home

  1. NF#1 says:

    I’m not sure which is more hideous, TLA: the mother fucker of pearl inlay, or your grammatic contortion in the second sentence. A well-observed worst regardless; up there with the mallee root clock, etc.


  2. Rolly says:

    Anzac “celebrations”: Bread and Circuses anyone?

    ‘Auntie’ ABC is flooding the airways with endless boring repetitions of this historic crap, and the SBS is much the same. (I have no idea what the “Free-to-Air” commercial charlatans are up to.)

    Expensive jingoistic clap-trap of this kind is the last thing we need in a world fractured by sectarian violence and militaristic imperialism.

    My sense of humour is waning fast.


  3. you'll get wet says:

    Don’t forget, those who left Albany returned and a few years later voted to seceed from Australia, the biggest subversion plot in the history of the country. Not a word of how grandad voted by the old families lining up for freebies. How many remember Lighthorseman Enie Bain riding his white horse down the Terrace? Most interesting bloke – retired to Wattle Grove from the Gascoyne and never lost his Scots accent, don’t know how his horse understood him.


  4. El Guisto says:

    I have to write a stern message to the Lazy Aussie here…

    Much as I admire him as speak his name in hushed tones in the highest circles, I feel the photos I sent him of the (hideous) Kalgoorlie souvenir mug for sale in gumtree for a mere $2, yes check that folks, $2, was far more worse worthy.
    And that bargain of a lifetime came with 2 Liquorland shop a dockets so you could rodent futtocked with said mug.
    Or maybe he snapped up said bargain so he didn’t want to miss out by posting it…pretty sneaky LA…


  5. And wankers Haigh and Hastings cn fuck off too. “As promised, our M2 Diver ladies Gallipoli Centenary watch is now available. Visit the website for details >The Gallipoli Centenary Special Edition timepiece was created in conjunction with The Returned & Services League of Australia (RSL) and the Special Air Service Historical Foundation (SASHF). The unique case back and included story cards feature artwork from Australian artist Ian Coate, while the dial features a red poppy at the 12 o’clock position and the words ‘Lest We Forget’.”


  6. RubyRuby says:

    It’s okay. Absolutely no part of this $10 goes to veterans in Australia or New Zealand. Or Kiribati.


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