Who’s in?

Tequila shot glass on a lanyard? Now you’re talking! Now you’re talking about someone who is not in.



About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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30 Responses to Who’s in?

  1. Snuff says:

    This is how it’s done.


  2. Shrieking Wombat Minge says:

    Goodness. Obviously I need to get out more.


  3. skink says:

    all weekend I’ve been listening to how important cartoonists are to a healthy and vibrant democracy, and then I saw Alston’s cartoon in today’s paper.
    Not so much satire as shattire.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. orbea says:

    semen collection jar?
    Who’s in?


  5. you'll get wet says:

    and then I saw Alston’s cartoon

    Alston anglicised his name from the original Count Von Alstonstein, which accounts for the absence of humour. We have two options. Cancel his passport and deport him to Germany where nobody will feel guilty about not laughing at his cartoons, or exile to Kalamunda to learn the meaning of suffering, from where all good comedy comes.

    In the meantime perhaps he could do a graphic novel with Winton. Any suggestions for a title?


  6. janezee says:

    In Pickering Brook.


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