Raymond writes

Another Abs instalment. In the Voice on the weekend. condernice

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18 Responses to Raymond writes

  1. Orbea says:

    Don’t give your $45k to poofters and rug munchers, give it to Raymond so he can look after your stillborn arts grant applications


  2. Dame Shazza says:

    Fight the power Raymond.


  3. JaneZ says:

    It shits me to absolute tears when vic park council spends my rates waging global homo wars. Go Raymond.


  4. teh anti christ says:

    fuck you, heathens: this man was letterboxing anti-gay tracts when y’all were still in nappies. he may be a hate-mongerer, but he’s a competent (and persistent) hate-mongerer.


  5. Hillz says:

    Raymond should know violence is not the answer.. :)


  6. Somerville says:

    He may not be fashionable, but Raymond actually makes a good point!


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