Bring on the whooping cough

Non immunisers are serious knobheads. But I almost turned to their boneheaded cause after Matt sent in these excruciatingly repulsive ads he saw in the Fremantle library. Puke. Can “I’m a Kalamunda Town planner but I still immunise.” Be far away?


About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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36 Responses to Bring on the whooping cough

  1. Scanners says:

    I’m sure I can hear the sharpening of pitchforks.


  2. Sir Bill International says:

    Well spotted redundancy. Should be “I live in Freo and I immunize.”

    Liked by 1 person

  3. skink says:

    ‘I piss in bus shelters, I shout at passers-by, and I immunize.’


  4. Scanners says:

    “I busk, I listen to The John Butler Trio, and I immunize.”

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Bento says:

    Homeopathy and immunisation? The cognitive dissonance is strong in this one.

    I eagerly await the arrival of crackpots to this thread.


  6. Anonymous says:

    I’m a brain-dead bourgeois counter-cultural moron, and I immunise.


  7. deleted says:

    NF#1, 41
    I’m a brain-dead bourgeois counter-cultural moron, and I immunise.


  8. Scanners says:

    The first strirrings of a Freo based backlash? Guess they’ve just got out of bed….


  9. rottobloggo says:

    Norbert, 40.
    Kalamunda local.
    I use’s calculators
    I eat gumnuts
    I immunise.


  10. algernon1 says:

    I wonder if Andrew from Freo breastfeeds


  11. Orbea says:

    That’s some big nappies. I hope he washes his hands


  12. Tinker Bell says:

    Perth culture is in palliative care. That is copyrighted and very profound. Almost profound as Michael Sutherland at the Sizzler, holding vigil beside the all you can eat buffet. Hic.


  13. JaneZ says:

    In other news the clarity and precision with which town planners use language is a constant inspiration to me:
    “Through the project the Town intends to achieve its Vision: “Victoria Park │ Vibrant Lifestyle”, with the central premise to make Lathlain a more focal and vibrant place.”


  14. Misspent yoof says:

    There’s a similar blurred line between Vic Park Council | Day-care Centre for Middle-aged Oxygen Thieves.


  15. mancey says:

    I eat bespoke muesli, I ride a bike made of bamboo…and I immunise


  16. Shreiking Wombat Ninja says:

    Well it’s pretty obvious that some seriously well-connected hippie got into an argument with her mates and this is where things ended up. It’s pretty much a publicly-funded “Fuck you, Brenda” campaign.


  17. I’m a Breatharian, I fish and I Immunise like fuck


  18. Plonka says:

    I immunised and the government gave me 900 bucks for being a good little citizen. That paid for heaps of disposable nappies. Bargain. And a whole lot of food.


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