Rocking Henge

As Hadrian said when he conquered Rockingham in 124 AD. “Osi Rocky, si ergo, forticolumns in ero.” Sez AW. This had already been set on fire thousands of years before the arrival of The Rockingham. Or the Greeks for that matter.


About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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16 Responses to Rocking Henge

  1. Plonka says:

    Couldn’t get any more phallic unless they erected a giant willy there. What is with those pathetic conifers? One wonders where the cocos are?


    • Bento says:

      They bonsaied the conifers to make the columns look bigger.

      I’m sure those nice Irish chaps will be back to put on the roof and do the driveway.


  2. Dame Shazza says:

    Needs cocos.


  3. juantrak says:

    Meantimes, Colins new monument to his glorious economic achievements, ground to a halt amidst arguments over Budget priorities, and just how big Colins statue was going to be.
    Colins wanted his Romanesque statue to be THE most imposing part of Rockingham, visible upon entry from any direction at a distance of 10kms.
    However, his advisers pointed out that a similar statue of him at Elizabeth Quay was currently consuming $15M out of the EQ budget – and that the Rockingham statue was not necessary at this stage, as his multitude of supporters could catch the train and come to EQ, to fall down and worship him at that statue, instead.
    Colin was almost at the stage of throwing a tantrum when he realised that his Rockingham statue was still planned – it hadn’t been canned completely – so he agreed to the deferment with just a little bout of sulking.


  4. rottobloggo says:

    Hadrian spoke Greek??


  5. BSWAM says:

    I never realized you had a Civil War too!


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