There it goes

The homely old bridge is going. And in other disgraces, I hear that the demo of the FESA building has begun. Haven’t we moved past this crap? Although it doesn’t compare to BSWAM’s New York desecrations, it’s still sad.


About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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22 Responses to There it goes

  1. Lucas says:

    In my opinion they should have started the demo of the East Perth TransWA building first. That building is ugly as…


  2. Dame Shazza says:

    So long ol bridge.
    No need to feel sad, teh news tells me Perth still has decent meat pies,


    • Sir Bill International says:

      A patisserie in Willagee, who’d a thunk it. This future is getting wired. Back in the olden days the Willageeans would have known how to judge a meat pie, but nowadays ?


  3. vegan says:

    i feel sad every time i drive past my favourite bridge.


  4. yellowhare says:

    Yes homely. Yes an icon of my neighbourhood. But it had a 50 year life expectancy, and with repeated surgery got to see its 100th birthday. So celebrations as well as mourning.

    There does come a point, though, where you have to turn off the life-support machine. Especially when most of the patient’s body is replacement parts. (Stretches metaphor to breaking point.)


  5. Anonymous says:

    Jarrah bridge. 100 years. How much creosote?


  6. BSWAM says:

    What is the FESA Building?


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