
NF#1 managed to snap Bayswater posties being trained in the art of selling Andre Rieu CDs and low capacity thumb drives. Think ABC Shop with more desperate workers and step throughs. Yeah.


About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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17 Responses to Postal

  1. Rong1 says:

    Hells Angels (postal chapter). Deliverers of guns and drugs. And Magnamail catalogues.


  2. Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

    I’ve always liked their hi-viz Laurence of Arabia head gear. Not many problems with rain or snow in Perth but high UV is always a problem in the desert.


  3. NF#1 says:

    Ha, nice write-up, though Angry Birds merch seems to have replace Andre Rieu of late.


  4. GivDBird says:

    bikie mongrels. call the damn cops


  5. BrownBook says:

    My postie has an electric pushie, possibly attempting to keep up with the inner-city bike chic


  6. skink says:

    looks like they are warming up for this:


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