I slam wanks

Well I wouldn’t go as far as slamming wanks. As long as you don’t overdo them of course. By Stu. North Perth.


About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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8 Responses to I slam wanks

  1. sturap says:

    Islams Knaw?

    Islam Pwanks?


  2. Perienum says:

    Australia Post as a Jewish conspiracy? Let’s see; the Honda 90 step-throughs, the late deliveries, the billions of discarded elastic bands, It’s all in place. (But if Australia Post had organised 9/11 it would have been 9/15.)


  3. GivDBird says:

    what is that red box?


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