Big stilts = small dick

Shazza now with some Freo. Why don’t I just move to SoFro? Or even Cobo.


About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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28 Responses to Big stilts = small dick

  1. Shazza says:

    It’s a fucking outrage. I didn’t move to my soy latte sipping neighbourhood to be confronted with NRA style propaganda. And yesterday as I strolled past post school pick up the added artwork gave my 8 year old daughter quite a laugh.
    Won’t someone think of the children?

    Apparently rather than sugar I should be putting cement in my coffee –


  2. “Hunter by choice”. I am now picturing a nightmarish apocalyptic Freo, where men are forced to hunt, no choice to be had.


  3. Bill O`Slatter says:

    Ah hunt an ah shoots an ah keels. An mah favourite ackertivoty is cuntry music an rodeos an canoeing. Mah name is Clem with a c, an ah lives in Armadale


  4. JaneZ says:

    2013: Year of the Hunter. Menacing. I just feel thankful to have survived so long.


    • Rolly says:

      Shoot a hunter today.

      “I went and shot the maximum the game laws would allow:
      “Two game wardens, seven hunters and a pure-bred Jersey cow.”
      (Tom Lehrer.)


      • BSWAM says:

        I’ll get you, you twicky wabbit.


        • I’m not sure if you are aware, but gun ownership and even more specifically gun use here is I regarded solely as the domain of crackpots. It’s definitely not he kind of thing you take your son to do.


          • BSWAM says:

            Oh, I know. It’s also regarded as solely the domain of crackpots up here. We just have more of them.


            • BSWAM says:

              Although…I must admit there are plenty of people who hunt deer and duck and pheasant and turkey and quail and rabbit round these parts…and no one, myself included, thinks of them as insane.

              I take it Australia is not much a game meat nation all round.


              • Shreiking Wombat Ninja says:

                Mainly roadkill.


              • Not insane, but suspect and repulsive.That kind of activity here would be overwhelmingly regarded as dubious by 95% of the population. And taking a child along even more so. Duck season in the couple of states that allow it are frequently completely disrupted by protests. Generally the only ones doing “hunting” are farmers keeping kangaroo, rabbit and pig numbers down. If you are not a farmer then you will be giving off a “Wake in Fright” vibe. Wake in Fright if you haven’t seen it is one of the best ever Australian movies.


                • BSWAM says:

                  I have always wanted to see that movie. Pauline Kael’s review of it for The New Yorker is one of her best pieces.

                  I have to say I think taking a child on a hunt would be inappropriate for numerous reasons, but the idea of hunting a game animal in season doesn’t offend me. This region was very much a game wilderness from the native period onwards. I’m a gun-control supporter but I don’t think hunting in and of itself is wrong (as long as you use the meat and are not out after a trophy). What was the meat supply in WA’s early history?


              • RubyRuby says:

                There are some hunters who go after goats, deer, pigs etc, recreationally, but not usually so much for the meat. They are all feral species here, my main gripe is that there are not enough of these hunters to get the populations under control. And actually, they are not likely to want to wipe out populations as it would curtail their fun. These guys will use bow, arrow and knife in preference to guns, often. Then there are the ones who go shooting roos for fun – again, crackpot element. We all know that culling roos is a job you do when there’s a population explosion. The other respected occupation is starling shooter, on the Nullabor.


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