This time it’s personal

A TWOP stalwart Ljuke personally spruuuted international style on his band poster. A fucking outrage! They are sponsored by spiced rum. So big surprise.willy

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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8 Responses to This time it’s personal

  1. Scanners says:

    Is this a poster from now, not twenty years ago? Or even thirty five years ago on the side of a Sandman panel van? What is Russell Crowe doing to that, er, lady? Where is the singer’s shirt? Why does he grimace so? So many questions.


  2. Bento says:

    They could’ve made better use of the microphone. And the bottle. I’d give it a B-.


  3. vegan says:

    why does that woman have a beard?

    or why is that man wearing a dress?


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