Weekend Worstoff 237

Orbea finds possibly a fries haggis in South Australia.week237bowel
Adam G notes ANL House (It’s Australian for shipping).week237anl
RubyRuby notes John Bono Butler will be playing for the Kimberley – In Fremantle. Shouldn’t this be happening in Cock-burn now?week237bono
And Slanderer notes the Northbridge Pizza.week237pizza
Worst well.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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6 Responses to Weekend Worstoff 237

  1. Snuff says:

    Hot Chili. Bowel of fires.


  2. Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

    A change from the usual Northbridge road pizza.


  3. Shazza says:

    I imagine there’ll be a bunch of Freo locals there, few of whom have spent much time in the Kimberley. I’m looking forward to bringing TWoP some worsts from the Gibb River Road in June. I’ll be interested to get indigenous perspectives on this. Apropos of, Marcia Langdon’s Boyer Lecture series is well worth listening to.


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