
By Stu. With that jawline and the crossed eyes, surely it’s Liam Bartlett? South Fremantle.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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20 Responses to Mer-merde

  1. NF#1 says:

    The siren lures sailors
    To their doom upon her rock
    Perhaps it’s well they drown before
    They find she has a cock


  2. Vetti says:

    Woah! Someone’s supersized Donatella Versace?


  3. orbea says:

    Hasnt this been done before?
    It was located next to Munchies on Queen Vic St
    I cant locate the TWOP post maybe I dreamt it.


We can handle the worst