Prepare to meet your hair…

Reg Mifflin is threatening to publish hundreds of shots recently scanned of  The Red Parrot in its day, so if your hair was there… Reg is looking for the best way of putting them up for all to see. I reckon it has to be somewhere where people can comment, but he’s not to keen on Facebook. Any suggestions? (The titles are as sent to me.)Most of the shots were taken by Cherry (pictured) Reg says.DiddysKate,-TanyaLyn,-ShazzaZelda,-Neil

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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46 Responses to Prepare to meet your hair…

  1. rottobloggo says:

    What are the odds Snuff is one of the blokes pictured?


  2. Ljuke says:

    Whoa, is that Helena Bonham Carter in the second one?


  3. I was hoping we’d see Snuff sometime. His hair was fascinating ;) I think this is a great spot if Reg isn’t keen on facebook. Not all of these are worstalicious though, but I love it all the same.


  4. Grrr says:

    Nothing says class like cocktails in a clean toilet.
    They can’t have been in the Red Parrot, surely?

    Or were those crazy times, when men wore bow-ties, just that different.

    (If not Facebook, why not Flickr or Tumblr?)


  5. Rob F says:

    Well I’m in there. That is my left hand on the Squire Jazz Bass in the top shot of The Diddy Wah Hoodaddys. My first gig with them if I remember correctly, about 1984. Ray Brown on Vocals (who later formed Vegas Payback) and Phil Rowe on Guitar. The Telecaster headstock that is just visible next to my bass belonged to Tony Mack (fun fact – now sells pretzels at Freo Markets).
    I know you said no Facebook but surely there wouldn’t be a better place than this?


  6. I never saw any ponces with white bow ties at the Parrot?


    • rollywheeler says:

      Looks rather like the TV presenter and cricket fanatic Michael Parkinson who was, and still is, mad Aussiephile and inclined to party on wherever possible.


    • If by some chance I’m seen in any background, I hope I have on my Motorhead Deaf Forever shirt.


      • Snuff says:

        I reckon there’s more chance of spotting you in them than me, TLA. I was an arrogant bastard slightly standoffish at the time and most people kept their distance.

        If you’re referring to the gentleman in the black bow tie, rolly, that’s the Parrot’s original owner, Clarermont and Geelong football legend Denis Marshall, who lifted the Red Parrot name and logo from this club he loved in New York City. The guy on the left is former Cordingley Surfboards, (Scarborough) manager, nightclub mogul Bill Oddy, whom Denis sold it to.

        It’s hard to say because of the shadow, Cookster, but I’m fairly certain the guy in the white bow tie is Stuart, the upstairs barman who often wore one.

        Personally, Reg, I reckon you should go with Flickr. Facebook pwns your content, Tumblr doesn’t have comments, and building a webpage with comments means you’d possibly then have to moderate them. I think if people want to comment on Flickr badly enough, they can easily knock up a Yahoo ID and Flickr account if they don’t already have one. Whatever you decide, I definitely think you should request that they be archived by the State Library, as TLA recommended.

        p.s. Michelle was referring to the Facebook page My Hair is Fascinating, DFOC. I was born an “old school Italian barbershop $5 number two with a flat top” man, so my hair isn’t the least bit fascinating. Besides, one of the many reasons I remain eternally enamoured of Ms Nicol is her knowledge that discretion is the better part of valour.


  7. Registered Licensed Hairdresser VMW 49866 says:

    Being a WA registered licensed hairdresser, (albeit retired due to a disability), I would like to get my scissors on Reg’s short and curlies, most of these styles are criminal :)

    BTW pic #1 is a dead give away that the cut was executed during the Diana years


  8. Reg says:

    OK, looks like I will have to relent and join Facebook
    Or have a webpage built
    Or both


    • Pepper says:

      Heellloooo Reg. FB would make it very easy for all of us :)

      BTW who do you have to f*#k to get a drink around here?


      Diana Pepper :)


      • Reg says:

        Pepper you saucy minx! Lovely to hear from you!
        I have a few photos of you at the Wizbah looking gorgeous as usal.
        Hey remember that night after closing we were having staffies and you answered the phone then said Reggie I think this is for you …
        Good times ;)


        • Pepper says:

          Hi Reg, I would love to see the Wizbah pix. If you don’t end up posting them en masse could you e-mail them to me?
          I can’t remember that PARTICULAR night but there were quite a few memorable other ones ;) ;)
          Hope you are travelling well. And thank you for being such a lovely boss all those years ago. xxxxxx Pepper


          • Reg says:

            Of course … but by the time I’ve finished the file it will be more than 300megs. Happy to post a USB if you want. Go and befriend me on FB, there’s a shot of you.

            That particular night (you, me, Sonia, Andrew …) had just locked up when the phone rang. You answered and listened attentively for a short while to some crazy kid who was obviously smitten by you – there were so many of those Pep! – and decided the best way to win your heart was with an anonymous dirty phonecall. You got me a beauty that time!

            Yes, we had too much fun didn’t we!


            • Pepper says:

              Oh THAT night. Of course I remember that but thought you were referring to something even more wicked :)

              Glad to see age hasn’t wearied your flattery Reg!

              Can you post your FB Moniker here as I can’t find you, or friend me Diana Pepper?




  9. John Forrests Head says:

    Yeah Facebook is the obvious answer. free…and people could id themselves with tags as well…if they dared


  10. vegan says:

    young gina second last pic?


  11. Krazy Kym says:

    Pic #1 has my friend Freya in the bg. Such a cool chick.


  12. Reg says:

    Snuff I hope to find a pic of you at Meccano, saying goodnight with T Twins Song of the Siren, the first time I heard the song. It’s still on my playlist.
    First is Cherry, the photographer, who earns a vote of thanks for documenting this slice of time.
    2nd is Di Bauwens who is much gorgeouser than Helena Bonham Carter, with Bill Oddie on the left who bought the Parrot from originator Dennis Marshall on the right … either doing or celebrating the deal.
    3rd is Diddys
    4th is Kate (Just Add Water) and Tanya (SoftOnes, Elroy etc) doing promo shots for posters in the ladies of the Wizbah
    5th Shazza
    6th Zelda and Neil Wedd


    • Snuff says:

      Great to hear from you, Reg, and many thanks to you and Cherry. Here’s This Mortal Coil‘s stunning version of that Tim Buckley classic, for anyone who might not be familiar with it. I didn’t pick Katie and Tanya, but now you’ve identified them I can clearly see it. Thanks again, and as I mentioned here, I reckon you should go with Flickr.


  13. Reg says:

    I’m concerned about the ethics (and getting a new one ripped) of publishing images of people who are:
    X rated
    supposed to be somewhere else that night
    in the band room on any night the Johnnys played
    … etc.
    Obviously need to delete the inappropriate stuff and even the unflattering stuff …I know I know it’s the whole point of TWOP… but it’s my arse
    Facebook would suit most people but as Snuff suggests I find it a bit invasive. I will call the Library at some stage.
    In the meantime I will send TLA more pics and hope that the people captured will treasure them as I do


    • Well it was a long time ago, so that reduces most of those issues, but (assuming you are the copyright holder), you have to judge those things for yourself. I would expect most will be very happpy to see the pics. A disclaimer that if people are unhappy that their photo is up, to contact you would be sufficient I think.


    • Yes, search for the elusive snuff flat top.


    • Oh, and x rated can of course be pixelated.


      • Reg says:

        Hmm, some of these pics would require a lot of pixillating.

        I have gone thru about half of them and taken out the random stuff so now I’m sitting on about 175 pics weighing in at 145megs, probably end up with 300 – 400.


        • Pixelate away. Or you may prefer the black rectangle approach.


        • Hello Reg….. Tanya here from the Soft Ones… you remember?
          How are you doing? I’m living in Melbourne, loving the photos. Keep them coming. Tell me what you’re up to? x Tanya


          • Reg says:


            How cool is this, great to hear from you. Do I remember? Listen to yourself … how could I forget (Richard G will be delighted.)

            I am a contract Trainer and Assessor for a number of Registered Training Organisations, delivering training to managers/supervisors mostly in the manufacturing and minerals/resources sector (Management, Competitive Systems and Practices – Lean, 6Sigma, Theory of Constraints etc.) Also developing a patent lodged by my company Big Forest P/L – software for 3D data display. I thought this list would be a good place to get advice on social networking as I have avoided Facebook/Twitter like the plague until … now it looks like these pics are a perfect subject for beta testing.

            I have loaded 40 odd pics to my newly created Facebook page – please friend me and have a look, you will know most of the people in the pics.

            I’m sure we would all love to know what you are up to.



  14. Give a look.

    It has commenting but also makes it easy to embed your photos in other places, should you change your mind about where to put it.


  15. Reg says:

    Yep, I like photobucket and flickr better than FB – in the meantime I have uploaded a small set of photos to my Facebook page if anyone is interested (friends only, just put ‘prepare for hair’ in the message so I know you are/referred by one of us)

    But this is looking like a Big Forest data display job, so it’s time for due diligence:
    I declare an interest in a provisionally patented software solution that displays very large datasets on a single screen view using 3D animations that grow/evolve in real time. This week I am meeting with my IT brains trust to set up a webpage for these photos and hopefully generate lots of comments and links to other photos etc.

    Also, I introduce Ronnie Ray, a 20 something Melbourne hipster who will be uploading pics of the current Melb club scene, the equivalent of ours in the 80’s – plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose etc.

    This page will serve as one of the beta tests we need to do


  16. RonnieRay1 says:

    Is restricting the pics on FB to friends only a bit unneccessary? I dunno.
    Oh well, guess I better go public and hope for the best


  17. shnmcg says:

    The girl on the left in the ‘toilet’ shot was the original lead singer of ‘Just Add Water’.


  18. Pingback: The Tunnel Nightclub | The Worst of Perth

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