Fur Real

Pete F again in Fremantle is in awe at shopkeeps trying to sell fur hats with earflaps and sheepskin scarves in a Perth summer. You could live your whole life in Perth and not need such headwear. Perhaps they were trying to attract the wallets of visiting Nordic sailors?

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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30 Responses to Fur Real

  1. The Legend 101 says:

    So that’s what everyone likes today… Fur!


  2. Uggh boots in summer. A fine Gosnells tradition. They bus them in. Fucking tourosts.


  3. Rolly says:

    Like the boots: fuggly.


  4. PJ says:

    Peter F in Fremantle sounds just like any other astute businessman who has targeted a niche market. Ride the wave while you can, then adapt the business for changes.

    Do you know how many tourists flock to Fremantle from cruise ships, foreign Navies – one US carrier lands up to 5,000 servicemen ashore to spend their hard earned CASH, as well as European & Asian tourists, yes N.E. Asia gets quite cold at times. Guess how many US backpackers go through Freo on their big Aussie adventure??? Its quite funny to see them in Broome & Darwin, with their boomerangs, didge’s & genuine Aussie lambskin coats & hats, packed into their little vans, stuff they have bought for back home.

    Have you ever been to a Seamans Mission, & asked how much lambskin stuff they sell???

    What about the FIFO miners who work in the far NW & live in Perth, where an ordinary tradie can earn up to $200,000 a year, who decides to take the family to the USA or Canada for the winter cruises up to Alaska & the cross country train journeys. I know of at least 30 families who have done it, & many of the colleagues I have, know their staff who do just that, instead of the Western Australian poor mans OS trip widely subscrbed to, BALI. The one thing they ALL had in common, buying good quality Australian made FUR jackets, hats, mits, gloves & yes Ugh boots.

    Yeah, Peter F in Fremantle really sounds like he is a dickhead trying to sell good quality fur items in a tourist mecca.


  5. Russell Wolfe's Lovechild says:

    I went on a pilgramage to Fremantle once.


  6. Snuff says:

    No Cruggs ?

    Disclaimer: It’s with some trepidation that I comment as one of my best friends and her family are currently visiting Perth, and may well return to these chillier climes with an Ugg present for me.


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