Santafixion, Rudolph Rampant

The Duck Toucher found a crucified Santa in Hilton, in rather an anti Christmas mode, scaring off poor and frozen garden pests. Surely leaving out a bottle of beer for the caterpillars and slugs is called for at this time of year? Rongly also sends a rudie Rudolph from Oregon.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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8 Responses to Santafixion, Rudolph Rampant

  1. Bento says:

    Poor effort, Oregon. Where’s the vein-work?


  2. At least in nort freo we’ve killed him.


  3. WarriorTom says:

    All I want for Xmas is for someone to…


  4. The Legend 101 says:

    Nice Scarecrow.


  5. Russell Wolfe's Lovechild says:

    Is the bamboo screening so you can’t see the garden from the house or the house from the garden?

    Looks like the dude’s parsley has gone to seed too – pretty much like everything else in that photo. Nice Worst.


  6. Trisha says:

    I live right next to Hilton…I’ll look out for this one. hehe


  7. Bartender's Skills with a Manhatten says:

    Aside from the chain link and undead Santa this seems like a nice little place, and doubly so in contrast to the Brobdingnagian horror of the mausoleum below…


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