First they came for the Bluebeards

TWOP posterboy Alex Bluebeard Bainbridge, last seen spruiking access to Communism for tightarses in local libraries is on the job again fighting for free speech. Does seem a little harsh to fine him for the sign. For the beard yes. Another by Stephen Dog’s Bollock Pollock in The Perth Voice. As was the one below, with the delightful typo, “Dead man’s remains supressed by the CCC…”

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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24 Responses to First they came for the Bluebeards

  1. orbea says:

    Those remains will be fighting their way out soon Zombiepocalypse City of Stirling style


  2. shazza says:

    I swear Alex and this guy were separated at birth.


  3. valerie woodruffe says:

    My Relies always get caught (but i haven’t yet) – hope centrelink don’t read this LOL


  4. RubyRuby says:

    Ties in nicely with today’s Myths Retold offering


  5. valerie woodruffe says:

    You will be dead one day. So don’t speak ill of the dead.

    Now wheres my $5OO,OOO.OO

    Put it in plain brown paper envelope


  6. The real worst is Siena’s Leederville



  7. The Legend 101 says:

    How about xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Im never eating there again after someone i know got food poising there.


  8. WAtching says:

    You’re just jealous that Alex has way more friends than you…


  9. Pingback: Outrage Sunday 32 crouching tiger, hidden nurries | The Worst of Perth

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