The back-door of bathos

By Nataliafan#1. Difficult to add anything else except to ask Frank Calabrese for the year.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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44 Responses to The back-door of bathos

  1. Frank Calabrese says:

    John Fryer did the Morning Program circa 1979-81 when the station was bought by Yossie Goldberg after 6IX dumped Racing in 1977.Will send the page to Steve Gordon as he was the Music Director in tghe early 80’s..


  2. So the baby daughter would be in 30s by now.
    This dude could have done with a rurotard royalty payment to stop sending random letters and records.
    I hope the postie didn’t fold it in half to get through the letterbox.


  3. Grrr says:

    I can’t find it in myself to snark on this relic of a simpler time.

    It’s so well preserved too.

    And now the only mention of Mr Bissell’s musical oeuvre on the Internet.
    At least as far as I can see.


  4. orbea says:

    nice table cloth

    An important not worst, does this letter confirm that Perth had at least one vinyl record pressing plant?


    • That’s not a table cloth. As a matter of fact it’s a double album of pure shite featuring Wattsie. Wattsie of Rissole fame.


    • Frank Calabrese says:

      No, he would’ve utilised ther Custom Presing services of of one of the Majors in the Eastern States – most likely EMI’s Studios 301.


      • Bag O'Turnips says:

        Like those dreary Telethon albums put out from 1971 to (I think) 1978, available from your local Shell servo.

        Obviously this predated the current habit of modern petrol station convenience stores having their CD and DVD counters…never saw your local Golden Fleece or Ampol (or Shell, for that matter) sell LPs or cassettes back in the day, though BP would have Smurfs figurines back around 1980…dunno if they had the Smurfs album though…


        • Frank Calabrese says:

          Golden fleece used to in the 60’s would sell singles of cover versions of latest hits by anonymous studio mucisions , and Ampol had the famous Flexi-Disc of God Bless Australia/Waltzing Matilda. The Telethon/Appealathon Albums were as a rsult of Ch 9 & 7 doing a deal with EMI to release a compiliation Album with proceeeds going to Telethon – and I believe a later version of the Telethon CD sold through Trx was basically a MOR Doubnle CD repackaged with a new cover.


          • Bag O'Turnips says:

            All of which have flooded the second-hand record stores and forever will remain unsold. Heck, there were one or two of these in my late Dad’s record collection (I’m afraid to say that much of his music taste was rather ropey: I had to find out about good music for myself!).


        • NF#1 says:

          I used to collect those Telethon records. Without them I would not have discovered the wonderful Gilbert Becaud, the international guest of honour one year. Great song:


          • We had his album at home. He was great.Must get him for the ONKYO.


            • Bag O'Turnips says:

              I could’ve hung onto them after Dad died—he had the ’72, ’73, ’74 and ’76 versions—but I let his partner hang on to them.

              But they can be easily enough be sourced at Bower Bird Records, I think. Full of typical MOR AM piffle (barely even any decent classic AM Pop), though the ’76 one did have a fair amount of the latter, though they were all 1975 hits. Which was a huge improvement on the earlier ones, featuring songs that were big hits several years beforehand, like Cliff Richard’s “Congratulations” on the Sounds Fantastic 1973 compilation, featuring the fresh sounds of today…1968.


          • Frank Calabrese says:

            I recall either 6PR or 6IX playing the single one day and it backtracked where he sings “Ok” which went on for several seconds before the stylus was moved. I don’t think it was heard on air after that.


  5. Snuff says:

    Finally, the mystery is solved. But why was DizBiz holidaying in California with his labrador retriever?


  6. Pingback: Pinnacle my backside. | The Worst of Perth

  7. The Legend 101 says:

    Where is Bathos?


    • orbea says:

      Captain Oveur: You ever been in a cockpit before?
      Joey: No sir, I’ve never been up in a plane before.
      Captain Oveur: You ever seen a grown man naked?


We can handle the worst