Oswal mansion, weigh a pie…

Went past this today. Was expecting it to be bad, but it’s not really so much worse than many other Perth dumbarse mansions is it? It is claimed that workers pissed off by La Oswal’s insistence on no meat on the property during building, buried a meat pie somewhere on the land. Possibly the worst aspect to it is that now it will probably never be finished and will be demolished.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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218 Responses to Oswal mansion, weigh a pie…

  1. sharon says:

    Demolish and back to the drawing board I say.
    Meanwhile in Freo news, they are packin it in Packenham.

    Freo Flooding


  2. skink says:

    all that’s missing from this photo is Cohen in a sun hat making like he’s HST


  3. DudeCloverdale says:

    My mates a grano and he tells me they put chop bones inside the foundation as a protest.


  4. NF#1 says:

    We men are as the specks of glittering dust,
    Suspended in the swirling winds of fate
    Allotted little time to make our mark
    Upon this cruel yet fair imprisoning world

    And sooth: we’re here today and gone so soon
    No wonder some would try immortalise
    Themselves, sorrily erecting temples
    To testify their span to future cunts

    Yet prey to sad vicissitudes of time
    This human impulse struggles in the face
    Of stronger forces: ruin, entropy,
    And Market, greatest leveller of all

    That fickle god once smiled on Oswal’s star
    But now his strivings show for what they are


  5. orbea says:

    Where are all the Oswal star fuckers now?
    Have they disappeared like a fund manager up a tax haven?
    Or are they just in a holding pattern until the next leveraged bit of exotic tottie comes along?


  6. orbea says:

    “Go Vegan” she shrieked,
    “Save the planet from hard hooved destruction”
    “Your meat eating addiction causes cancer lah?”
    Yet the Krug in the carved ice swan dripped in bejewelled condensate, it will be warm by morning, better drink it now.
    “How do they make their money?”
    Coal makes ammonia makes explosives makes rocks in boats
    for steel
    for spoons
    and cars
    and weapons
    and fridges
    and stainless steel cooktops
    and espresso machines for everybody
    and boats to carry rocks.
    Yet chowing on a beef kebab in a peanut sauce is destroying the world for future cunts?
    I walked to work today, to keep my footprint low, and she’s opens otarian restaurants? A coal exporterflogging low-carbon footprint haute cuisine?
    The Peppy Grove Taj MacBurrow according to some hobbits “I have on good authority that it will be a totally green and sustainable house.”
    Star fuckers have ruined this city, and the star fuckers are looking for another pre-rotting corpse to gang fuck and sate their lust for status.
    However did we let you fool us for so long?


  7. skink says:

    ‘Unfortunately, some Australians have such a knack for the ‘tall-poppy syndrome’ that no matter what anyone does, the knockers will cut them down.’



  8. The Legend 101 says:

    Its a new thing in Dianella some people have houses that look like Temples that look Greek or Italian but this one looks a Min Tahj Mahel, Maybe Indian People have something to do with it.


  9. The Legend 101 says:

    i ment mini


  10. B.T. says:

    Demolished? I heard it was going to be rezoned as a theme park.


  11. langhorne says:

    That’s a great ‘renovator’s delight’. Or ready-made ruin.


  12. The Bartender's skills with a Manhatten says:

    Perth’s version of Halcyon Hall, I take it…


  13. Fiona of Mount Lawley says:

    Context is everything, isn’t it ? If this structure were a 16th century mosque, located somewhere is Rajasthan or Maharashtra State, it would be regarded, unequivocally, as having architectural merit. It might well have World Heritage listing, if that were the case. As the vanity, or folly of 20th/21st Century industrialist, however….


  14. Bartender's Skills with a Manhatten says:

    I have been thinking about this–given the proper fittings and finishes, this wouldn’t be too different from some of the silent film era palaces in Holmby Hills or the older neighborhoods in Hollywood: buff or peach stucco, dark Spanish oak doors and window frames, a garden of palms and flowering orange trees, mosaic swimming pool, maybe an Isotto or a Packard pulled conspicuously up to the door. Those places are arguably nothing but kitsch too, but they seem to settle into the landscape and climate beautifully and no one would think of criticising them architecturally these days.


    • RubyRuby says:

      Ah… you think this was anywhere NEAR finished?


      • Bartender's Skills with a Manhatten says:

        No, obviously it is unfinished–I am saying that in the state it is in currently, it could be finished in a way in keeping with the old style Hollywood Mission/Art Deco houses that many now admire. In other words the bones could support something fairly handsome (at least as shown in this picture).


        • RubyRuby says:

          So… you’re suggesting that someone with some taste and vision, and the financial wherewithal to do something about this, could make this come good.

          In Perth.

          Interesting concept.

          (how you crush us with your low low blows… I think this promises to be first in a series of what happens with this site… I fully expect all developments to be in the full spirit of TWOP)


        • I t could be finished, but there are several reasons why it probably wont. The amount of money to complete would be massive. people with that type of money usually have their own vulgarity they are keen to inflict. The distictive style will always be associated with these guys. Billionaires who ae the only possible candidates would almost certainly erase it and start again. The legalities will also probably stretch for a decade, so it will probably be in very poor shape when there is even an opportunity to do anything.


        • sharon says:

          I think you are giving the former owners too much credit Bartender. I know the stye you refer to, and I don’t think that’s what they were going for here. Think more marble and gold.


          • vegan says:

            stye – a freudian typo?


          • skink says:

            indeed. I think Bartender has mistaken this for the Hollywood spanish mission style, rather that McTaj Mahal.

            Think about it like this: if The Sopranos were Indian, this is what they’d build.


          • skink says:

            I found this old article from three years ago as background on the Oswals for our friend the bartender


            interesting that it says that ‘Radhika is a strong believer in karma’

            I remember posting this way back then when everyone was singing their praises, pointing out the last paragraphs about his father’s financial irregularities. I believe I got criticized for tall poppy syndrome, or something.


            • orbea says:

              I read the credit for that article as “Victoria Laurie is a Perth-based stiffy writer”


            • The Bartender's skills with a Manhatten says:

              Ick. Although we have plenty like that over here. Homegrown, too.

              I cannot remember which film it was, back in the 1980s, where a character played by Danny DeVito said “Meanwhile I have a $500 ice swan melting into the chopped liver,” while complaining that his invited guests thought he was too vulgar to bother to attend his party. But for some reason it always surprised me that everyone else has not seen that movie, whatever it was, and therefore continues to commission ice sculptures.


            • Poor lisa says:

              Criticised on here for tall poppy sydnrome, or something? No way skink. My TWOP comment form has a field at the bottom for “Which tall poppy are you targetting” and it’s mandatory.


              • skink says:

                not criticized here. I think we could start a ‘tall poppy of the week’
                this week I nominate that blonde who was on that reality TV show and who’s going out with that footballer and is now planning to start singing. A Bree Maddox for the next generation, but without the shoving


          • The Bartender's skills with a Manhatten says:

            Well, yes.

            My point was that what’s here could be tackled in a way that would result in a handsome, livable house (albeit for someone with very deep pockets).


            • sharon says:

              I think Bartender that it is quite possible to create something that is grandiose and yet still aesthetically pleasing. I think there are plenty examples of this as you say above. The problem I see with the Oswal complex is the focus on ostentatiousness at the expense of any apparent architectural merit. I suppose we will never be sure now how the end product would look, but it did seem to heading in a Prix DAmour direction.


              • sharon says:



                • Bartender's Skills with a Manhatten says:

                  Jesus Christ, that thing was ugly.

                  I was surprised to watch Gone With the Wind and realize how small and simple “Tara” actually was: basically a nicely proportioned old farmhouse with some brick columns added to the front.


              • No I don’t think it’s ostentatious enough. That’s the problem. It’s just big without being that interesting. Big and crrrraaaazy would have been better. Even the infamous domes are relatively modest. All the talk of it being a monstrosity have been overdone. It’s really more about them than the building. When people criticise the building so strongly, they’re really having a go at the karmic indian vegans personally.


                • skink says:

                  I think the original domes were far less modest, as was the house, but the howls of protest from the locals ensured the planners made them tone it down. The final design was a level of gauche arriviste pretense appropriate to Peppermint Grove


                • JaneZ says:

                  Spot on. They were foreigners and too uppity to even have the decency to be white. White-anting the building for being in poor taste is just a snobbier way of burying chop bones in the grano.


                  • sharon says:

                    Huh? If we dont like the building we are being racist? I don’t follow that logic. My assessment of the house was based on what I read about it.


                    • JaneZ says:

                      I didn’t mean it quite that categorically. I don’t think the building is, or would have been, necessarily much worse than many of the others around it – those whole few blocks surrounding it are full of sub-Prix d’Amour horrors from all eras. I am quite sure that a lot of the negative reaction to it is really a negative reaction to the Oswals, and a lot of the negative reaction to the Oswals is because they are Indian (as well as being shonky, and wankers). I’d heard about the chop bone thing before and it’s disgusting, like schoolyard bullying. (You say you don’t follow the logic and in trying to explain myself I am forced to admit that there was none – just pure gut reaction. But I am making assertions on the internet here, so who needs logic?)


                    • Yes, I think I have made that point before. The criticism of the house was a little out of step with how bad it actually was, and some some of the anti house sentiment was actually about them. This forum is of course different.


                    • vegan says:

                      i think that a lot of the reaction to the oswals was their ethnicity. having said that, the house really doesn’t have much (any?) architectural merit, although neither does a lot of peppermint grove.


                    • sharon says:

                      I agree that the Oswals themselves are part of the picture here. Though I was in a relationship with a (wealthy) Indian guy once, so claim innocent on the race card I think. I actually like a lot of the large homes around Claremont, Peppy Grove. Some are quite beautiful. This one though didn’t float my boat. Maybe it was too soon to judge.


                    • No, it’s bad. But not baaaaad in a pricks d’amour way.


                  • vegan says:

                    sorry shazz, wasn’t referring to you.
                    having spent a fair amount of time assessing properties in that area i would agree that there are some beautiful properties, but also a very large amount of noveau dross.


    • B.T. says:

      Good point. What is most worst about this is who the owners were. Uppity foreigners who came to Australia to show these bumpkins a thing or two (not that we Americans are exempt from this conceit…). But these guys were flashy self promoters, often quoted in the local press spouting nonsense about spiritual harmony and architecture or inanities along the lines of “only the best is good enough for us”. They came off like wankers. But, mostly, said foreigners allegedly left town late at night, leaving the mansion unfinished, the jet with no fuel, the brightwork on the yacht unpolished, full ashtrays in the roller, and an Australian bank on the hook for something like $500 million.


  15. The Bartender's skills with a Manhatten says:

    Maybe a bit off topic, but does Perth have an “old town” district where the early elite settled? It sounds as if Peppermint Grove would be a contender, but the neighborhood’s development seems to post-date the gold-rush city by quite a while.

    I may have asked this question before…Perth obviously has a historic downtown but it’s hard to see where the residential district of that era was in relationship to it.


  16. The Bartender's skills with a Manhatten says:

    Also, what are “historic districts” (US term) called in Australia?


  17. “Otarian, which is headed by Australian environmentalist Radhika Oswal, now only operates one restaurant in New York City.”


    Source: http://www.bighospitality.co.uk/Venues/Vegetarian-restaurant-chain-Otarian-leaves-UK-shores


  18. Wonderful business model: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CNncbq_-pE

    I should start charging “Guarantee Fees” too.


  19. skink says:

    Inside Cover finally woke up to the Burrup Sentinel -Otarian Twitter stoush this morning


  20. JaneZ says:

    Off topic, but my current favorite Pople:
    Rodney Pople


  21. skink says:

    Oswals on p26 of the Slimes today regarding the closure of the London restaurants leaving many creditors angry


  22. Pingback: New Perth Public Architecture Forum | The Worst of Perth

  23. Bayley says:

    it has now been voted on through council with the decision made it is going to be demolished. The owner has 21 days to submit a protest on it.


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