Dubrovniks nips chicken tits in bud.

Andrew N actually found this classic worst in a shoebox. In analogue form! Coloured inks fused to some kind of paper backing not displayed on a screen! Amazing. He thinks the shots date from about 2000. Maybe Bag O’ Turnips can date that shiny futuristic van. Dubrovniks needs to return to this image.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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84 Responses to Dubrovniks nips chicken tits in bud.

  1. The Legend 101 says:

    By the Way What car do you drive Bag Of Turninps and is it a Van?


    • Bag O'Turnips says:

      Nope. A purple Mazda 3 is my ride (recommended car!).

      But I used to have a yellow ’78 Ford Escort van, which was in fact my first car, happy memories there, except for clutch cable that used to need changing on an annual basis.


      • The Legend 101 says:

        Awsome. My Maths Teachers has A Green Mazda 2 anyway whats the difference between Mazda 2 and 3 if you know, I think ones bigger


        • Bag O'Turnips says:

          The 3’s the next class in size (small-medium), so roomy enough to swallow my double bass whole. The 2 is pretty good, though if one can’t quite afford or doesn’t need the extra room of a 3.


          • vegan says:

            the 2 is brilliant.


            • Bag O'Turnips says:

              Glad you like them too! This car proves amply that top dynamics aren’t the sole preserve of larger cars. Also Ford Fiesta and Volkswagen Polo are small-car standouts worth a look too.


              • orbea says:

                2010 Mazda 6 wagon boring but a nice place to sit when pootling about the suburbs


              • rottobloggo says:

                Where do you stand on my Jizz?


              • The Legend 101 says:

                The One that is really worth looking into Is Holden Barina Spark,Its Amazing


                • Bag O'Turnips says:

                  No, it is not. It is just another cheaparsed effort from Daewoo with Holden badges.

                  Daewoo-sourced Holdens are a bit of a mixed bag: the (recently departed) Epica was an epic fail in the mid-size segment, beaten even by the Cardigan Camry and the other motoring alternative to the Dubsteppers this side of an indigo TD Gemini, the equally confused Renault Latitude (which is actually on a Nissan Maxima platform and built by Samsung in Korea!); the Captiva can be adequate to dismal, depending on body size and drivetrain mix; the Barina is a barely badge-engineered Daewoo Kalos, which incidentally was the last new model sold by the latter marque before they departed the Australian car market in 2006, due to the “Daewoo Dog” image caused by mediocre build quality and woeful dynamics; and the Holden Cruze is a pan-Pacific GM design with significant GM-H input, so it was actually reasonable (no worse than a reliable-but-terminally-dull Corolla, methinks) and now it has “come home”, i.e. built in Oz.

                  The newly-local Cruze might be a revelation, as there’s new drivetrains and spec-levels, as well as a hatch to be released later in the year, so it’s already giving Holden a much needed shot in the arm, given their recently cheapened image after having abandoned the better-quality Opels from Europe to pursue a value=volume strategy via Korea (Opel will be sold in Australia from next year in their own right, target other middling Euros such as VW, Peugeot, Citroën, Renault, Alfa Romeo, Volvo, Fiat and importantly, Euro Fords). Also, not to mention it’s role in helping keep local automotive design and manufacture viable as buyers abandon the large sixes (Commodore is being chased hard by Mazda 3 and Toyota Corolla, Falcon is in a sales free-fall) and embrace the small-mid and midsize models (Holden’s own Cruze is often in the top 5 and Mazda 3 is #1 amongst private buyers, sales only limited by Mazda’s reluctance to sell to fleets and global demand far outstripping supply, which was barely affected by the earthquake-tsunami).

                  So in short, don’t touch the Holden Barina Spark…it’s just another Daewoo Dog.


            • The Legend 101 says:

              Do you have one Vegan?


          • The Legend 101 says:

            Thankyou for Explaning B.O.T I get it now.


  2. sharon says:

    In a shoe box you say?
    It’s hideous.


  3. Snuff says:

    Speaking of shoeboxes, TWoPpers may enjoy The Mortified Shoebox Show. Bookworm Gets Booty FTW.


  4. skink says:

    Beaumont quits 6PR and gets a proper job. Resists the temptation to tell tWAToday that he was shat off that Nurry gets lower ratings than he did.

    Two second-rate former media hacks now working for the Barnett government. What’s next? Nat and Nathan take over the Treasury? Gary Shannon runs the coastguard?



  5. Bento says:

    I am delighted someone captured this for the Future Cunts.

    You don’t by any chance have the ‘Censored’ modification that followed neighbour complaints, Andrew N?


    • Rolly says:

      You might trace the signwriter by his signature:
      One K.G. Minumum.


    • Andrew N says:

      No sorry Bento – at the time it didn’t seem to have that same magic quality to it, post-censorship. We live and learn. The blue van is the (former) N family transport by the way – long since parked outside that great butcher’s shop in the sky. Noone has commented yet on the ‘WIN YOUR MEAT FREE’ sign. I don’t even want to speculate on what that may have entailed – or on what the chicken sign would have looked like it they’d extended the offer to thighs as well…


      • Bento says:

        Such a shame, but understandable.

        You were Worsting before it was cool, so kudos for that – I’m tormented by my failure to get a picture of the ‘Harry Weeks Memorial Truck Bay’ (a patch of gravel past Sawyers Valley, with a plaque on a rock) on GE Highway before it was swallowed by the upgrade works.


      • Purple Wyrm says:

        Hah, I wondered if “Andrew N” was my esteemed sibling (I usually get credited hereabouts as “James N”).

        Welcome to the Worsting club.


      • RubyRuby says:

        Um, can you tell us HOW it was censored? Some mixed media work involving the use of a DD underwire job, perhaps?


  6. Ljuke says:

    Hubba hubba.


  7. BRIK says:

    I don’t think the building has really changed that much.


  8. skink says:

    could we have a special Twop ‘Twat of the Day’ feature, perhaps starting with Norman Moore’s call for secession? Who the fuck allowed Norman on television?


    • vegan says:

      slow news day.

      although i wouldn’t mind seeing somebody call for the northern mineral belt to seccede from the parasitic south of this state.


    • sharon says:

      What happens with Hutt River Province in that case?


    • BrownBook says:

      Meanwhile, Ripper appears to have drawn his rail plan with a combination of MS Paint, red and green textas:


    • Bag O'Turnips says:

      Ah yes, WA secession is surely the calling card of rightwingnut fuckwittery amongst the crustier elements of the WA Wiberwals.

      Good to hear though that Barnett Rubble has nipped that idea in the bud and I don’t know what the Mad Monk would think of that either, as he too covets the wealth and Wiberwal voter bloc that exists in this State.


      • Rouei says:

        As a supporter of the idea of secession I don’t know whether to be offended by your description or impressed at your creativity- I think I’ll go with impressed. And I care what happens to the Hutt River province- I haven’t been there yet and one of the artists I’m writing a thesis on was the ‘official Hutt River artist’ for a short time. I expect it was an honorific claimed in jest.


        • Bag O'Turnips says:

          I’m glad you realised it’s not all fuckwits and skittles, y’know…there are many out there who support this notion for valid reasons, but I don’t on the basis that WA is a bit of two-trick pony (mining and agriculture) and when the bottom falls out on those markets, we’d be stuffed on our own. After all, WA was a gross recipient of Federal aid only until 1968, when the iron ore and bauxite wealth kicked in.

          we need the other States as much as they need us; when secession is used as a States Rights populist stunt, that really raises my ire—that’s what the crusty edge of teh Wiberwals like to use; I think the more reasonably-minded WA Federal Liberals like Judy Moylan and Mal Washer (those types are the more “liberal” of their namesake party) would be horrified by these antics.


    • orbea says:

      Norman Moore surely has the monopoly on being an egregious twat


  9. Bag O'Turnips says:

    That van is an early 80s Mitsubishi Express parked at the front of Dubrovnik’s, in case you were wondering.

    I’m guessing the photo must have been taken somewhere in the 90s, noting a Holden Barina/Suzuki Swift and the fact that chicken breast was $8.99 a kilo.


  10. Saltysuzy says:

    Skinless tits I get, but boneless? Last time I looked tits didn’t have bones.


  11. Lucky Star says:

    This painted chicken reminds me of a very disturbing incident when I was about 13 or 14, when my Nanna, God rest her soul, having managed to burn all down the front of herself a few days before, thought it was appropriate to whip up her blouse and flash off her burn scars to the family in the middle of the kitchen… *shudder*


  12. rottobloggo says:

    The rumour mill has this venerable business gone bust.


  13. Pingback: Maylands Time 2 | The Worst of Perth

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