3 Plonkers

Should I have left this one for Outrage? They seemed proud of themselves so I didn’t bother to pixellate their bulges. By Sarah H. Northbridge.

Speaking of plonkers. And Outrage. I found this wonderful worst hat in Hong Kong which has pouches to put your headphones in for some reason. I made him wear it before I would give him his carton of Chineser cigs.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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37 Responses to 3 Plonkers

  1. Shazz says:

    Who says we don’t have vibrancy Perth? If that hat’s not vibrant well I dont know what the fuck is.


  2. rottobloggo says:

    Youse should see my bulge…


  3. Ljuke says:

    The beanie is also a worst.


  4. perineum says:

    Good God: reason enough to avoid Northbridge. But then, the evidence on TWOP suggests Perth itself should be avoided like the plague. And… (sob) i can’t.


  5. langhorne says:

    The first photo could be Airlie Beach, except for the highrise upper left. The second, no, could not be Airlie.


  6. The Legend 101 says:

    Stop it I made up XXX ok not you and also is that an ipod?


  7. langhorne says:

    The Legend 101, I like you. But XXXX is the beer in Queensland.


  8. Pete says:

    I’m thinking the tatt is definately a worst although perhaps the worst is the common hipster semi beard.


  9. Rolly says:

    Silly TLA; the ‘pouches’ are to keep that part of the anatomy of the wearer warm in cold weather.
    Even fucking sillier is anyone who still fucking smokes; tobacco or anything else.
    Christ! If you’se cunts had brains you’d be dangerous.


  10. The Bartender's skills with a Manhatten says:

    Bathing suits or boxer shorts? Can;t tell with you cheeky larrikins. And while they may look proud they don’t look comfortable. Lots of toe-cringe going on.


  11. Lucky Star says:

    Is that the Brass Monkey they’re standing in front of? Would be very appropriate if it is, given the recent weather.


  12. Zuben says:

    They re holding hands .


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