Outrage Sunday 4

Head pounding, lips cracked and dry, neighbour hammering at drums, and power off for six hours while something is done with power poles. So thank god an associate brought this back from his Camino walk. It is a nail clipper and nail file and bottle opener and key ring, so I bid you good day as I am going to sit in the bath in the dark with a Coopers and attend to my feet. I said good DAY.

UPDATE: 10.16AM: The morning has not improved. I took the bag from the Spud Shed with me, and there was only one ‘tatie left. I pulled it out, and before I took my first bite I lit a cigarette. It frightened me. Does it look like The Pope, or Arnold Schwarzenegger, or DSK? In my horror I threw it away and it’s now somewhere behind the toilet – still dark in here, so I can’t be certain.


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37 Responses to Outrage Sunday 4

  1. The Legend 101 says:

    I dont get how this is outrage? and also his names Benedict not Benedicto when i checked.


  2. The Legend 101 says:

    Im also thinking that Rottobloggo has a bar at Rotnest because of his username. Either that or he is a Taxi Driver.


    • rottobloggo says:

      That’s right TL: gerbalism is so poorly paid I moonlight in a Black and White.

      Someone should make a TV series about my dual identity.

      They could call it Hack Hack.


      • White Sigma, black trim.


      • The Legend 101 says:

        OMG Perfect Guess, i would watch your show.


          • The Legend 101 says:

            Thanks Snuff, I love old cars but found 10minutes a bit a long for that stuff.


          • RubyRuby says:

            Thanks Snuff – that was ace! Loved the “beautiful” Parliament House, Perth 1972 skyline from Kings Park and was that St George’s Cathedral for the wedding?

            Also, a pack of taxi drivers that all speak English… “Big Jim” and his mates… lovely!


            • Frank Calabrese says:

              Erm I originally posted that here months ago – Snuff just reminded you of it.


            • Bag O'Turnips says:

              That was actually Wesley Church, on the corner of Hay and William Streets and not a goth in sight either.

              Did rather like the bridesmaid’s blue paisley dresses that they wore, but shame about the oversized bowties for for the groomsmen. Mind you, I could go with the big sideburns, but then again, that was 1972 for ya. When the Kwinana Freeway only ran two lanes each direction and the Narrows Interchange was only partially complete (the Mounts Bay Road overpass on the East side hadn’t been finished yet).

              Also dig the packet of Marlboros on the dash and the old fella smoking his pipe inside the (then new) XY Falcon cab…try doing that now!

              Put that in yer pipe and smoke it! Kinda parallels with my earlier fantasies to be a cabbie, getting to meet all manner of intriguing folk, but I’d think better of it now, with all sorts of nincompoops who’d too love to live out their fantasies, such as being maxxtreme by chundering all over the backseat, robbing the fare and glassing the cabbie cunt. But I do like having a chat to them though, even if they struggle with their broken English.


  3. E.V. says:

    Cardinal Ratzinger was known in Germany as Cardinal No , he was against everything, especially beer drinking. This is a bit like a Colin Barnett shaped bong. Not worst.


  4. Rolly says:

    When asked just how it was that they got pregnant, the young nuns replied: “Bennie dicked us!”


  5. Snuff says:

    Papal Guards’ Swiss Army knife?

    Speaking of which, I’m slightly disappointed that inexplicably, I would seem to still be here. Although when someone has even worse spelling skills than TL101, I’m not convinced that we’re out of the rapture woods just yet.


  6. pete says:

    It’s Jimmy Durante.


  7. vegan says:

    it’s a baby dfoc in potato form.


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