Weekend Worstoff 141

Travis saw this Ryan Reynolds  tribute wagon in Bunbury. I like the suspicious local in the second pic too. Meccano can’t remember if he sent this before, and neither can I. Strange choice of name for a medical waste company. Maybe it’s delberately humorous? If so, no doubt they’re always baking pies for friends as a joke too. RubyRuby saw the tightarse way to customise/moronise a ute. And I love this shot from Pete F from Spearwood. Just seems such a Perth scene man, with the golden portal promising so much more. Walk towards the light… Left it clickable so you can check the details. Worst well.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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46 Responses to Weekend Worstoff 141

  1. Natalia Fan #1 says:

    Great worsts. I wouldn’t even have known who Ryan Reynolds is if not for this. I was quite happy in my ignorance. The question is: Why RR? Surely Our Heath a more suitable local candidate. Fish and chips block a transcendental worst – love it.


  2. WAtching says:

    Nice shot Pete.

    Hard to believe anything would rise from those ashes.


  3. Tobias Ragg says:

    Love the name. Random Caps and pop-up … not so much.

    And I’d definitely stop there in Spearwood if I needed a leak. Wait. It’s not a dunny ? Where’s the busted-bonce lion, then ?


  4. BRIK says:

    Looks more like Fish at Chips than Fish and Chips.


  5. The Legend 101 says:

    Yes First Comment, i love the Weekend Worstoff section and what happend to that car?


  6. The Legend 101 says:

    i read your profile the lazy aussie is that true because its awsome that you have so many great jobs. I like Photography


  7. shazza says:

    Never mind the name how about the graphics? Hysterical.


  8. orbea says:

    sweeney todd is cock rhyming sland for flying squad, maybe they are the medical waste (mmm liposuction bags make soap) TRG for Klag?


  9. perthluckystar says:

    I think I’d rather take my chances xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx pies made by Sweeney Todd, full of medical waste goodness. Mmm, steak and kidney, and currymuncher flavours. And thickshakes made of lipo leftovers. Yummo!

    I love the “If you don’t love it, leave” ute. That’s pure laziness mixed with Aussie pride right there. “I’m too f**ken lazy to peel the back off a sticker and put it on me ute, so I’ll just bung me f**ken t-shirt on there instead.”

    The Ryan Reynolds tribute car baffles and disturbs me.


  10. Grrr says:

    Spearwood is, indeed, one of the finest of Perth Worts we have seen for many a time.


    • orbea says:

      I make a wort everytime I do a home brew,
      Spearwood Lager
      One sock (yeast)
      1kg home brand sugar
      1kg tin liquid malt
      1 bathtub (unused)

      wait 3 days
      decant to used 2 litre coke bottles
      drink quickly and engage in ripping repartee

      Fucken Roe Hiway, need that to get to CanningVale ey?


      • Bag O'Turnips says:

        Pity that—as far as I know—that Roe Highway won’t be extended West beyond Stock Road…the resumption process may just eliminate some of the dodgy buildings and fallow wastelands full of rubble and weeds that occupy the designated road reserve.

        I haven’t looked in detail for a while, but in that strip between Stock and Hampton Roads, there’s a few potential Worsts awaiting their uncertain fate.


  11. Hovean says:

    You’d need at least three businesses to keep a Moto Guzzi on the road.


  12. Bento says:

    Sensational Worsts. Pete F is opening all our eyes to the beauty of the southern swamplands.

    The promotional poster is the highlight for me. I bet the punters came from miles around.


  13. E.V. says:

    On the subject of odd business names, I saw a ute with “Wetback labour and crane hire”on the doors this morning. I couldn’t get a photo, but a google search lists them in Naval Base. Cheap gringo, no?


  14. The Bartender's skills with a Manhatten says:

    Not entirely OT…what is the gay profile for Perth? Is there a “gay neighborhood” per se, etc.?

    I ask in part because I assume (perhaps wrongly) that the Ryan Reynolds fan is a gay male.


    • Well it wouldn’t be Bunbury, where this was found! Hmm, is there a gay neighbourhood. Noy really. Maybe Subiaco if there was one.


      • The Bartender's skills with a Manhatten says:

        Really? What is the GBLT demographic for Perth? (inasmuch as this is somethng you’d have on tap, as it were.)


      • perthluckystar says:

        Bunbury is definitely not a gay area. The amount of bogans there would make it anti-gay. Perhaps the wagon was up in Bunbury from Bridgetown. I’m told there’s a high population of gay people there, who I assume are trying to escape the busy city lifestyle. Many are trying to be green and lower their carbon footprint. A friend of mine has a gay brother living there with his partner and they refer to Bridgetown affectionately as LickerTown.

        In Perth itself, hard to say. I would have thought Subiaco, Northbridge and Mount Lawley were popular to set up home and being close to the gay night life.

        As for the Ryan Reynolds wagon, I was thinking it might be an over-the-top fangirl. I work with a woman who wouldn’t be far from doing this herself. She just about wet her chair when he was on TV while we were at work last week.


  15. Pete says:

    Glad you’re liking the OD of swampy worsts, although the Guzzi has to be a not worst – everyday transport. Only requires attention if not ridden.


  16. David cohen says:

    Man: just back from the Taj Mahal.

    It is 95 per cent worse than Spearwood and a total toilet.


  17. Stella says:

    Let me just say, that this is all GOLD and provided plenty of laughter.


  18. are you new here Stella?


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