Simian God in Canning Vale

I love this scene captured by Paul C. A gold Monkey God out and proud in a Canning Vale garden. I first thought it was the Chinese “irrepressible Monkey”, but I think it may be Hindu God Hanuman. Please correct me if not. I like the suburban sand, the wheelie bin and the gum trees. A pleasing worst, and I think a first for Canning Vale. Side by side with a concrete flamingo with a Cocos rampant would have been perfect. I might have to make this a not worst.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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45 Responses to Simian God in Canning Vale

  1. Paul C says:

    don’t miss the indifferent concrete edging to the paving underfoot- brillo, and just a stones’ throw from Hakea Prison


  2. shazza says:

    Yes TLA, this is line ball. Eaves over windows, shutters for insulation, a real, live native tree, a garden on the way that is if I’m not mistaken mainly hardy, water tolerant plants, and then there’s…


  3. David cohen says:

    Crouching wheelie bin,
    bronzed and buffed Haroman:
    Spring shines in the vale.


  4. Peter says:

    I can see mysteriously myself waking up in Canning Vale after a big night out. I trudge through the sand and the piles of abandoned bricks, a virutal wasteland. I start getting worried and then I see this monkey. I fall to me knees.

    You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!


  5. Grrr says:

    How long before someone Yagans it’s head?


  6. Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

    Nice abs. Must be working out.


  7. skink says:

    from today’s paper:

    ‘leading local Indian businessman Pakaj Oswal says he feels safer in New Delhi than in Northbridge, where he dare not go out after 9pm for fear of being glassed.’

    was this the man that complained about finding it difficult to be accepted by Perth society?

    I think that qualifies for an ifyoulikeitsomuchwhydontyoulivethere


  8. ashish says:

    It is the Hindu god hanuman, although it is kinda strange to have a statue out in the open.
    Read more about hanuman here


  9. skink says:

    It’s difficult to believe that the Commonwealth games are not falling apart when the minister in charge is called Dikshit:


  10. orbea says:

    Andrew Symonds!!!


  11. ronggly says:

    This will look great in a couple of years, with rust stains down the legs, from the bore water reticulation


  12. Ljuke says:

    How can such abs be categorized “worst”?


  13. skink says:


    after the disappointment of discovering that ‘what’s that buzz’ was not about what’s in her bedside drawer, you can still enjoy Daile wringing her hands like Uriah Heep and bouncing on her heels. With such natural talent on front of a camera, a career on Today Tonight clearly awaits.

    Inglewood, bogan? good grief


    • Natalia Fan #1 says:

      “A little bit of a bogan feel”. Sounds good (yeah, hope Daile’s there) yet Daile can’t seem to make what passes for her mind up as to whether she’s delivering essential tips on how to enjoy the weekend or a public service announcement: “And if you’re going to drive home afterwards, think again: double demerit points – watch out!” Thanks Daile. Jesus, this shit is hurting me.


    • Natalia Fan #1 says:

      Here’s one for you Skink, to make up for my pain:


  14. Frank Wer says:

    I see that and think:

    ♫ Stop! In the name of love, before you break my heart” ♫

    ♫ Think it o-over ♫


  15. skink says:

    I thought she was trying a bit of this:


  16. greggo says:

    Look, it’s certainly a relief but not in any sense a surprise that the Worst has finally – and I mean that also in a spiritual sense, as a fellow annotater above me has persipaciously just alluded to – after a few strafing runs has taken on, confronitngly taken on, an issue which concerns us all. I am refering to, what will be obvious by now, the matter of the cashed-up Nova magazine reader. I will take the liberty of refering to this individual, not the least because of space reasons, page space reasons of course, as a CUN. Planting a statue of well, essentially a memorial to the 1970s, next to your Shenton-esque suburbo-rural post-petuli retreat ( lots of white, lots of cream) is certainly a provocative move and that’s typically CUN. Provoctive also to the table-top ute driver at the party the night before now heading home with Ol 55 ringing in his (yes, his) ears, but more of that later. Just simply to note that, the CUN floats over Perth not just at palm top level (nothing could be more CUN than a palm tree) like one of those great serene Perth cumulous clouds. Not for a second do I withdraw my instistence on the Perth english vs boganry struggle or the feud with the AFL which consumes great swathes of Worst but simply note: well done, and timely.


  17. Ron says:

    Pretty Funny! I was walking from Livingston Market Place to my house on Wednesday after school when I came across it. It is legendary up close. It adds a unique spark to Canning Vale the home of Police Helicopters patrolling Hakea Prison.


  18. Pingback: Anubis God of Lawyers | The Worst of Perth

  19. Pingback: Sanctuary Waters | The Worst of Perth

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