Buggered Bacchus

Skink saw this near Boddington. It’s entitled “Bacchus”, but Skink is right in thinking that Bacchus (or Dionysius to The Greeks) was supposed to be youthful, or even androgynous looking. Not usually represented as a hungover old bastard.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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30 Responses to Buggered Bacchus

  1. skink says:

    I assumed that they had used ‘grapes’ as a euphemism for hemorrhoids,
    and this poor old man was suffering terribly with his piles,
    even after having them surgically removed and put in a bucket


  2. David Cohen says:

    “I have lots of nuts,”
    Bacchus said, “but winter is
    About to frieze me.”


  3. rolly says:

    Truth will out.


  4. shazza says:

    Nice work skink.
    This is how I imagine I shall look on Sunday morning.


  5. orbea says:

    Boddington is adjacent to Chalfont St Giles?


  6. Jaidyn-Jaxxon says:

    This is awesome guys, where better to drag your flabby ovarian cyst of a wife and her snaggle gaggle of menopausal friends for a mid-afternoon cheese/compotes platter and nostalgic discussion of the best cassis (rugby talk optional)? Seriously I’m down wid dat! Tuscany ho! Not worst!


  7. Natalia Fan #1 says:

    The juxtaposition of this statue with a before-orgy-Bacchus would make an effective gov sponsored anti-binge-drinking advertisement: “Kids, this is what happens to you if you drink too much too often” (substitute photo of self here).


  8. Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

    Too much vibrancy?


  9. Snuff says:

    Clearly despondent after he and Ariane somehow lost the wheelbarrow race.


  10. Jaidyn-Jaxxon says:

    Speaking of old people having sex TLA, will you be giving some love to my croissants?


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