Gang Bang Nite

If it were me, I’d be separating Gang-Bang Nite and Ladies Nite by more than 1 day. I’m half tempted to try Kafei Van @Walcott, but I’m not really sure which Nite would suit me? Maybe I’ll take the boy to Family Rumble? Seen by Chris H.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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30 Responses to Gang Bang Nite

  1. Natalia Fan #1 says:

    Almost as good as the Kitsch in Leederville. Can’t decide between Tues, Thurs, and Sun. Tues I think. Wow, 5% discount!


  2. Natalia Fan #1 says:

    And WTF is gang-bang nite anyway?


  3. Snuff says:

    At least Gang-Bang Nite is a private function, as they are clearly only open from Tuesday to Saturday. Being closed on Sunday is an entirely justifiable jape. Those old buggers smell funny. As we’re clearly dealing with English as a second language, I’ll pass on the endless fun which might otherwise be had with the homepage. The menu looks terrific, but at a glance I’d have to go for the Winter Steam-Boat Special, given the 4 portions of Balls. I’m not sure Family Rumble Nite would be the best choice for the boy, TLA, if her visage is anything to go by. Thursday night with the Triffids tribute band might be the go.


  4. David Cohen says:

    Can you have a gang-bang night with only four people?


  5. Jaidyn-Jaxxon says:

    hand sanitizers? HAND SANITIZERS? haND sAniTIzErS?!?!?!?! :D


  6. Bill O'Slatter says:

    Family rumble nite , aka Nite nite , families think of innovative ways to put children to sleep.
    This being close to North-bridge are they referring to gang-bang in the L.A. sense i.e. gang bangers or traditional Aussie , an what nite is Stripper nite?


  7. Stu says:

    6-8pm Happy Hour Meals?

    “In a land where an hour is 120 minutes long, you age very very slowly” Read in that Hollywood movie voice over guys voice.


  8. Mez says:



  9. Grrr says:

    There is nothing on that website which is any way not a B&S Ball level of appalling.

    I mean “Soothing Bossa Nova Lounge Music”? What? James Last’s 40 Soundalike hits?
    I was going to say something about The Tripads, but I hate jazz and they’re all aged under 16 so I think I’ll decline to comment and save the moderator a headache.

    Places like that can offer large menus for a reason — high turnover and essentially the same basic ingredients that can be quickly re-purposed into other meals, but this place doesn’t know what it wants to be. And it’s at the Dog Swamp end of Walcott Street to boot.

    The only nice thing that can be said about this place, prior to actually popping in an enjoying a meal is that the owners seem to enthusiastic and earnest (cf: complete obliviousness about the possible other meaning of “gang bang”), and apparently authentically Asian chefy types, so the food may actually be a hidden gem on the Perth scene that Broadfield will completely ignore in favour of some slophouse in the Western Suburbs.

    Hopefully it becomes a regular haunt for Perth’s swinging set who must be sick of Wangara or wherever LPs is now — unless that’s the reason why they offer “hand sanitisers”. In that case I hope the food is better than that at Plato’s Retreat was reputed to be.

    Just so I’m not being overly harsh before popping down next Monday (maybe at lunch so I can meet some care-free houswives), UrbanSpoon gives it a 50% rating from two people. And they have presumably spent quite a bit doing up the squash courts.


  10. Jaidyn-Jaxxon says:

    I’m still loading and reloading these fucking beautiful photos. The solemnity of the customers, echoes one of my favourite photo galleries, reaped from my mum’s camera, that covers several evenings of highly insipid would-be foodie gatherings and collects a comparable degree of purposelessness and veiled misery. Love ya Mum


  11. orbea says:

    I can’t believe commenters haven’t drawn attention to the “Bona-Petit”

    Nothing like highlighting deficiencies pre-emptively.


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