You got it, I’m against it.

From Brer Bento. The only thing this car seems to be for is RTR. I think this auto protesteth too much.Why does the thought of students without borders make me shudder with revulsion. Goonbags without borders?

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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81 Responses to You got it, I’m against it.

  1. skink says:

    it’s a fucking Hyundai
    these bumper stickers will therefore be seen weaving around in the outside lane twenty clicks below the speed limit.
    can’t even parallel park within twelve inches of the kerb on an empty street


  2. Karmoo says:

    If there is anything students need, it is borders. Put yourself back in your damn border, you little shit.


  3. Grr says:

    They also appear to support the Greens, although I suspect they may be shifting their support to the Ecological, Social Justice and Indigenous Party WA (ESJIP WA).
    Snappy, that.

    What does the rear window say?

    (That is one scary background image.)


  4. Snuff says:

    What ? No Students without barriers … umm … barriers ?


  5. Bento says:

    Students Without Borders – bravely going anywhere the world needs someone to sleep in, and moan about the cost of things.


  6. Pete says:

    Students proudly proclaiming I’m not going & I’m never coming back!


  7. WAtching says:

    Pro Car Stickers?

    BnS? Bundy?


  8. skink says:

    ‘when enough rise, change happens’

    there’s a knob joke in there somewhere, but it’s too early


  9. Jaidyn-Jaxxon says:

    “Students Without Borders was inspired by several recycling programs and additional and support learning initiatives by Gerry Georgatos, now the current Murdoch University Guild of Students Manager. These initiatives were further developed during the last three years by Gerry Georgatos and in liaison with partner organisations. At Murdoch University, the Murdoch Guild in kind supported the establishment of a Murdoch chapter. One of these initiatives, begun from within Gerry‘s family home, the now famous Students Without Border program, the 8BALL computer program, and because it was grassroots and non bureaucratic, went on to become one of Australia’s most voluminous recycling programs. Hence with this inspiration Gerry Georgatos went on develop further programs, predicated by social justice and community development, and brought them under the banner of Students Without Borders.”


  10. Bag O'Turnips says:

    At least it isn’t emblazoned in the truly hideous stickers with protests like “Love It Or Leave” or that most charming one, “Fuck Off, We’re Full”.


    • Grr says:

      Not yet it isn’t.

      It’s only a matter of time.


      • Bag O'Turnips says:

        That one might be penultimate, for I think a yellow sticker might finally be applied, as a result of the excessive adornment of all the other stickers causing a hazardous obstruction of vision for the motorist.


  11. orbea says:

    I like how the Hyundai badges are a crucial part of the design ensemble.

    Solidarity with the oppressed workers yo, or at least the marketing department, or at least the company, or at least the noble South Korean Workers Collective.

    Gerry’s car should have the number plate blurred, I know he’s not trying for inconspicuityness-wise…


  12. Onanist says:

    The “xPale River Viljandi County, Estonia.x” sticker must be on the windscreen?


  13. shakey says:

    I gotta say I love the “STOP ALL DEATHS” bumper sticker. Surely that is a cause we can all get behind.


  14. Bill O'Slatter says:

    “These initiatives were further developed during the last three years by Gerry Georgatos and in liaison with partner organisations” Never let us forget Gerry, for in Gerry we trust nor those anonymous student liaison organisational partner bumblers.


    • Jaidyn-Jaxxon says:

      “In 2006, Gerry founded Students Without Borders firstly at Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia and expanded it as a work in progress to other university campuses. However since his departure SWB has ceased.
      Gerry intends to rebuild SWB during 2011 as in 2010 he is focusing on establishing a political movement.” Shoulda listened to what Gerry said.


    • Jaidyn-Jaxxon says:

      Gerry is someone who sways between cynicism and optimism, but ultimately believes in perseverance and its resultant industries.

      Gerry‘s passions are conversation, debate, working to outcomes through reason and logic. Gerry admires many of Socrates’ much heralded virtues, such as the pursuit of ‘what is right’, whether Socrates really existed or not. (emphasis added)


  15. Shreiking Wombat says:

    Rebel has found a home:

    Dear Dog Lovers


  16. BRIK says:



  17. Bento says:

    Gerry has a particularly idiotic letter in the recent Voice News, exhorting people to send Christmas presents to the Muslim children in detention centres.


  18. orbea says:

    Our Gerry getting some grate press in Inside Cover this week with his bus trip to Derby


  19. Frank Calabrese says:

    You will be scared when you read them – talk about sheep.


  20. Frank Calabrese says:

    Umm If you bothered to read the full thread that was never the case.
    BTW I;’m back in – as for you Hello Publicus Clodus :-)


  21. The Legend 101 says:

    My nan has a white Hyundai Accent like this but not with all the silly stickers.


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