No Chairs No Cry

Have had sooooooooo many good submissions lately. Hard to choose, but I’ve been laughing all day at this from first time submitter Tristan H. Might have been a worst on its own, but when the dude tells you he has a large table but no fucking chairs, hooooooeee, that’s tasty worsting! Dude, no chairs?  Could I suggest it’s too niche a market – those who want to learn Dungeons and Dragons from someone with no chairs? Can supply bean bag covers but NOT beans. Highgate.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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45 Responses to No Chairs No Cry

  1. skink says:

    dude, you should know that all serious Dungeon Masters stand up to play,
    like Jerry Lee Lewis at the piano

    did Gandalf carry a chair all the way to the Gates of Mordor so he could have a nice sit down when he got there? did he fuck.


  2. Shreiking Wombat says:

    You sure that notice wasn’t put up by Raymond XXXXXXXXXX?


  3. shazza says:

    I can’t help but feel a little sorry for these Xandiaver,JubeiThosHorde types.


  4. WAtching says:

    Expereinced Dungeon Master.

    Just call Joseph Fritzl.

    That’s right. No chairs.


  5. David Cohen says:

    Has anyone else noticed the die are the wrong shape?


  6. Shreiking Wombat says:

    OT, but good heavens. Who would ever have guessed there was such a thing as the Lithuanian Association of Blondes?


  7. Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

    Curiously enough I know an experienced Dungeon Master (note the capitals) with chairs, food & drink but no venue or large table. What are the odds?

    Players 16 years or older? Have they left out the ubiquitous “must be broadminded”?


  8. richarbl says:

    This seems as a good time as any to post this.


  9. Jaidyn-Jaxxon says:

    Surely they can just raid some kobolds for provisions


  10. Indira carmichael says:

    I didn’t think chairs were allowed in dungeons. Isn’t everyone supposed to be chained to the walls?


  11. Observer says:

    I’m floored by their statement.


  12. Bag O'Turnips says:

    I’ve found a better version, which has the whole story in context, as well as in-sync sound. Much funnier.

    Fucking geek alright!


  13. Bag O'Turnips says:

    WTF?!?! I’m just trying to be too clever-by-half with HTML code…one fault in the chain and all you get is a nonsensical mélange of characters.

    I’ll just post the link, it’s easier that way. Take it from me, this is pissfunny. Take four.


  14. WAtching says:

    Shouldn’t it say- “No Time Wasters?”

    Actually, no it shouldn’t.


  15. Pingback: An bring me that tiger lickin’ stick | The Worst of Perth

  16. Ljuke says:

    I keep coming back to this worst. It’s so good. I hope this will be in the TWOP 2011 calendar.


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