Nicotine Snail

Tim saw this hopelessly addicted snail in Parliament Place West Perth sucking on a discarded cigarette. I guess it would be a Labor ciggie, (surely they smoke more, and need the excuse to go outside and talk to Brian Burke) but would a Labor politician waste so much tobacco?

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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24 Responses to Nicotine Snail

  1. Onanist says:

    Nicorette, nicorette..


  2. Richarbl says:

    At least the butt wasn’t tagged.


  3. Hugh Jass says:

    You can beat the cigarette!


  4. Tim says:

    My answer: after a lucrative meeting with Burkie…at which point he/she could switch to cigars.

    I forgot to point out that the snail was in fact outside the Parliamentary Committee rooms, where all the Burke-related investigations take place…the things it must hear…


  5. David Cohen says:

    It’s a shame an innocent snail is the butt of so many jokes.


  6. Snuff says:

    Clearly a Conus Geographus, TLA. The corpse can’t be far away.


  7. Pravda says:

    This is a worst?


  8. Mez says:

    Pall Mall. Wherever particular people congregate


  9. rachella says:

    It’s rather cruel to allege that this poor snail is associating with those types. Poor little guy.
    But definitely a Labor cigarette butt chucked on the floor, I think we’re all agreed on that.


  10. Bento says:

    is this a vanished worst?


  11. David Burke says:

    Too bad to see that. Poor snail! You should have bought him a full pack of cigarette so that he could go back home and have a full party scene with his friends.


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