Weekend Worstoff 91

Most if not all of these are from first time submitters. Thanks guys.

Another zero sum game from IGA Lynwood via jason. We’ve had a zero cent savings from them before I think.

Izzy sent a reminder of the gateway to Perth. Wasn’t that area supposed to be revitalised? Sennectus saw another bad side to Australia Day. We have had the crackpots of the CEC on before. Prince Philip was murdering people or something. And Grant saw this lovely keep left sign. Thanks everyone. Worst well.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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18 Responses to Weekend Worstoff 91

  1. monkeypants says:

    great shots! everytime i come home and go to the city there are no “people” around in the “peoples city”. everywhere appears to have legged it to their palaces in the burbs.

    have i been in the wrong part of the city? is there a hive of activity i am yet to discover?


  2. Snuff says:

    Nice collection, TLA. 0c savings or not, as ronggly alludes to, at least IGA are open occasionally. As for keeping left, CEC really are the crackpots’ crackpots.



  3. WAtching says:

    Do NOT keep left.

    Keep Right


  4. Bento says:

    Surely the Marracoonda Lodge is the true Gateway to Perth?


    • cookster says:

      Ah, what a place! I really want to stay in one of those red brick dog boxes nestled among the spindly gums lining the road to the domestic airport – confirming for those escaping that this city really does have some outstanding worsts.

      Alas, the only time I visited the Lodge was on my way out of the airport when a sudden and rather violent urge to shit overcame me.

      So bad was this urge that Mrs Cookster offered up her handbag as an emergency recepticle.

      ‘Fuck that!’ I shouted, ‘Pull in over there – that Lodge looks a good option’. So into the valet bay she swung, I leapt out and dashed in wild-eyed and clenched of sphinctre, shouting at the alarmed receptionist, ‘toilet, emergency, I need a toilet!’

      The rest I won’t go into, but I have mixed feelings every time we go past the Lodge.


  5. skink says:

    may I say that I wholly agree with the CEC with regard to Australia Day

    as someone with dual nationality I find the notion of patriotism absurd, especially when it only really comes down to an issue of which monarch grants me right of abode.

    In my case my fealty is claimed by two separate crowns residing in the same woman.

    Lewis Carroll could not create such absurdity

    off with her head.


    • WAtching says:

      Contitiutional Monarchy? Republic?
      A very big issue which is likely to result to in very little change.

      Convict Mentality?
      Not sure about that.

      Prince Phillip a murderous psychopath?
      Now that I believe.


  6. shazza says:

    I wonder what else a city would be for, if not people?


  7. curious says:

    perth – a city for cars.


  8. Pravda says:

    Perth a city for cranes.


  9. observer says:

    Tomatoes: You. Save. NOTHING!!!!!!!


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We can handle the worst