
Senectus asks if a giant stork carrying off decapitated children is odd. Yes it is. And then there’s the waistcoat.  Thanks Senectus, a disturbing tableau and a nice shot. Myers.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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24 Responses to Storker

  1. monkeypants says:

    that’s quite disturbing actually.


  2. JaneZ says:

    I’m not sure which is more frightening – the apparently dead headless child at the stork’s feet or the one standing up behind it.


  3. Bento says:

    What. The. Fuck.


  4. WAtching says:

    As I understand it, this is where children come from. What i didn’t know is that they deliver them headless.

    I guess it’s better than flatpacked.


  5. skink says:

    note that there are three nooses in the rope.

    initially all three children were hanging on the rope by their necks

    but their heads got pulled off and the window dressers had to improvise

    somethimes my imagination takes me places I don’t want to go.


  6. shazza says:

    This is a drama scene reflecting the impact of global warming on local stork populations and consequent eating of childrens heads. And wearing of waist coats.

    Or is it a comment on draconian trading hours?


  7. Paracleet says:

    Eugeno-stork will no longer tolerate impurity in our increasingly degenerate society. The mistakes of the past will be reviled.


  8. Stu says:

    Okay Okay, everyone needs to calm down. We don’t know for sure that this actual Stork decapitaed those children. It may have just stumbled across them and we all know that the window shop front is the storks natural domain. Plus we all know the risks involved when we enter their territory.

    But I guess just to be safe we better start killing all the storks we can find and opening them up until we find one filled with childrens heads. I’ll get my whacking stick


  9. rolly says:

    A metaphor for the “tabula rasa” concept of pre-school kiddies promoted by vainglorious educationalists ?


  10. Snuff says:

    Godless, ignorant of moral responsibility, devoid of intellectual honesty, a creature of the State. And headless.


  11. meccano101 says:

    This is what happens when you get the chapman Brothers to do your window displays. I love it.
    I think I found the heads –


  12. Mez says:

    shouldn’t that be a dingo in a waistcoat?


  13. Two media savants Hatch and Tognini declared this the funniest post ever. I don’t think it’s a patch on the poster promoting shirt wearing.



  14. Colleen Smart says:

    He seems to have collected a few of those headless children to line his nest!


  15. Pingback: Horned for his pleasure « The Worst of Perth

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