Roads to Recovery

Do you see the worst straight off? Is it worst because part of the $1.23 billion Roads to recovery funding is being spent on a no through road? Well yes, but no. I hope there is a witty No U turn sign just inside those Frog doors. Thanks Cimbali. Where is this?roadroadcu

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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70 Responses to Roads to Recovery

  1. Cimbali says:

    It is in Kalamunda and I have to give credit to Mr Cimbali for spotting it and reversing at high speed so we could laugh at it. They have been building it for many years and eventually moved in despite it being far from finished – which means I expect it will never be finished.


    • Bento says:

      Cimbali – can I suggest you get some pics of the delightful ‘Hills Gallery’ at the intersection of Stirk Street and Railway Road? I went past the other day, and noted the sculpture garden (which I know has been there at least 10 years) is looking lovelier than ever. Lamentably, I was unable to stop and take pics myself.


  2. oldfart says:

    Design for Xmas Island detention centre housing?


    • oldfart says:

      Upper door is only entrance/exit.


    • Big Ramifications says:

      Hahahaha! Refugee jokes.

      Tangental. Racy.

      Anyway, I thought those jokes were out of favour since Kevin Rudd got handed the baton and made things even worse? Where do I stand on unthinking boilerplate pro-refugee jokes? Please tell me so I can fit in, post Kevin07.


      • oldfart says:

        And here’s me thinking i was being mildly imaginative for an oldfart. Am I so ‘yesterday’? Boo hoo.

        Subtext for BR: Nothing’s changed since Rudd.


        • Big Ramifications says:

          Jailing them in Indonesian hell holes = nothing’s changed? I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

          ps: hell holes!


          • G'day from WA says:

            Those aren’t hell-holes, they’re all-in-one multipurpose holes.


          • oldfart says:

            Pacific solution. Indonesia solution. No big picture change there (though I agree latter will be worse unless someone in Jakarta can make a shirtload of money out of it). And the Indonesia Solution is already dead in the water (oops) anyway.

            Real refugees welcome here.


            • curious says:

              as are asylum seekers, then we set in motion the process to ascertain if they are refugees.


            • Big Ramifications says:

              What the fuck is a “big picture change”?

              When I was a student at Curtin recently – when evil Jackboot Johnny was PM – the bleating about treatment of refugees [and therefore implying we need a change of government] was almost unbearable. Both on campus and in the mainstream meeeeja. Also from my lecturers, FFS!

              And no, I wasn’t studying Refugees 100 so shart the fark arp about refugees already, and teach me what you’re paid to teach me.

              They even spent STUDENT GUILD FUNDS so the Guild Veep could travel up to Woop Woop and yell slogans at a barbed wire fence. I shit you not.

              Now all the howler monkeys have got their wish and Labor’s in power and it’s all Basil Fawlty “don’t mention the war!”

              It is glorious to watch the gutless hypocrisy.


                • oldfart says:

                  Spot on snuff. Maybe time for BR, Wilson Tuckey and the 10-15% Hansonite minority to go back to Europe to see if they can fit in better there.

                  On the other hand…no, BR, stay! You may live among us even though you think, believe and speak a different language to us here. We hope you will see the light one day and become a real ‘fair go’ Aussie. Welcome.


                  • Big Ramifications says:

                    He dodges, he weaves! Well done, chaps. Full marks. My gripe is with the HYPOCRISY, not the policy. Are you idiots, or just being coy?


                    Wow. This game is fun to play. And I don’t have to think or anything.


                    • shazza says:

                      He who uses the most gratuitous capitalisation loses.


                    • Big Ramifications says:

                      shazza FTW! Ahh, shazza, you loveable intellectual lightweight, you. where do I begin?

                      Too much CAPSLOCK, eh?

                      Despite your concern being completely irrelevant, yet outstandingly ironic given my last few posts, let me explain.

                      It’s from my bad old days of reading the occasional The Picture magazine where they’d RANDOMLY put the some words in caps. It used to make me LAUGH! Although my ALLCAPS sentence about Iraq is pretty unforgivable, I have no real excuse there.


                    • shazza says:

                      Planning on attending the TWOP drinks eve BR?


                    • curious says:

                      he can sit in the naughty corner with bs.


                    • skink says:

                      we have had a genuine fulminating whackjob around here for a while.

                      it’s quite refreshing, you can almost feel the spittle as it sprays onto his keyboard.

                      It’s so much more entertaining when they allude to irony

                      LA needs to be a bit more contraversial in the aim of trolling in a better class of ranting nutter.


                    • Big Ramifications says:

                      Ha ha! Nothing like getting the self righteous crowd going than using the term “irony.”

                      Blah blah ad hominem, blah blah spittle on keyboard blah blah fuck off we’re full yada yada you better not show up to TWoP drinks blah blah caps lock blah blah only I, skink, know the true definition of irony bow before my irony definition knowing glory yada yada.

                      Just look how this topic came about. A freaking misplaced door handle somehow elicits a snide pro refugee remark. And yet I’m the wackjob when I decide to play along? Good heavens.

                      I think I’ve made some valid points. eg. Rudd’s refugee policy seems to be much more brutal than Howard’s and yet I’m hearing decidedly less howling from the howler monkeys. DECIDEDLY less.

                      Care to comment?


                    • Big Rammer's Mum says:

                      Oh, the ironing!


                    • Big Ramifications says:

                      I knew you were gonna say that, mum.


                    • WAtching says:

                      Big Ram. My Gravatar reckons you are the second smartest right wing loony ever.


                    • G'day from WA says:



                    • CB One says:

                      The door handle looks in the correct position to me. I think you’ll find it is the door that is in the strange position.


                    • Big Ramifications says:

                      I’ll pay that!


                    • skink says:

                      you might find that shazza was actually inviting you to drinks.

                      but carry on.

                      nobody even questioned your propositions regarding refugees, only your style of delivery, and your delightful combination of self-rightiousness and self-loathing.

                      perhaps you should turn off the computer, open teh curtains, and clean up all the soiled kleenex from around your bed. Go outside, get some fresh air, maybe run a lap of Yokine reserve. Your calico seems unbalanced.


                    • shazza says:

                      my question was not a threat.


                    • Bill O'Slatter says:

                      Leaping to conclusions is the loops forte.


                    • Big Ramifications says:



                    • WAtching says:

                      “Take it to Andrew Bolts blog.” Can’t remember when… but you said it pal.
                      Not you Greg.


                    • Big Ramifications says:

                      Actually, this is remarkably like Andrew Bolt’s blog.

                      You have a group of regulars and self appointed attack dogs parked in the comments section 24-7, and it’s a shit flinging pile-on if anyone has the temerity to question the political status quo of the blog. It’s a really nasty place.

                      Case in point. The Inseminators Ball thread. Fuck, talk about spittle and Kleenex [congratuations on scaring them all off, I might add].

                      And let me save you the time, shazza: “yeah but I was only joking when I said all those things.”


                    • skink says:

                      if you look at the home page, you’ll see that this is a humourous site, not a political one.

                      unfortunately humour has a well-proven left wing bias.

                      Tories just aren’t funny. You can laugh at them, but seldom with them. I think it’s because they are inherently selfish and mean, and humour requires generosity.

                      sorry, that’s the way it is.


                    • Big Ramifications says:

                      Wow, I hear that theory a lot on left wing blogs. “We’re the funniest! Right wingers aren’t funny!”

                      I would say IRREVERENT people are the funniest by a mile, and in my vast experience they tend to be apolitical, or at least hold their political cards close to their chest. There’s just way too many things in the left wing list of “things you are not allowed to poke fun of” aka political correctness. Nah, sorry. Not buying it. Left wingers are grumpy hard asses too.

                      Woops. I better get the Kleenex.

                      I do find the repeated claim “left wingers are funny!” funny. What’s up wit’ dat?


                    • WAtching says:

                      Dear Big Ram,
                      Please could you wait till I am online before you have your next breakdown. I miss all the good bits.

                      Dear TLA: Could you please let a few more crackpots through the net. They are far funnier than people with compassion…


                    • Big Ramifications says:

                      if you look at the home page, you’ll see that this is a humourous site, not a political one.

                      EGGS FUCKING ZACKLY.

                      That’s how this whole thing started. It shits me to tears. Refugees? Terrorists? The fah? It’s a fucking DOOR, people. Lighten up.

                      Telling that you spent a hell of a lot of time arguing here with me, and not the protagonists.


                    • Bento says:

                      The protagonist commented with tenuous, irrelevant, pretty lame joke, which was met with mystified silence. This is quite different from saying something offensive, which is generally met (appropriately) with a fairly hostile response.
                      It’s not hypocrisy, it’s a proportionate response. So just calm down, big fella.


                    • shazza says:

                      BR, you are currently displaying one of the most oustanding examples of projection I have had the pleasure to witness in some while. Your posts over the last month or so have been continually provocative. Yet you haven’t had the bites back you were expecting or hoping for, so you now accuse posters of being meanies.
                      Outstanding lack of insight. And humour.


                    • Big Ramifications says:

                      Yep. Bullies. And you’re the worst, shazza.

                      Provoke. Pick. Prod. “but it was a joke I didn’t meeeean it.” “I always randomly enquire about catching of for drinks in the middle of a flame war. Why, I’m offended you read anything into that.” Followed by the usual gaggle of Knights In Shining Armour defending your shenanigans.

                      Rinse. Repeat.

                      Hey shazza, you should check this page. It’s a hoot fest. This is skink and your good self. To a T.



                    • WAtching says:

                      So now my gravatar thinks you are the third smartest right wing loony ever.
                      But that’s still something right?


                    • G'day from WA says:

                      Anyone who comes to this blog to make “valid points” is obviously in the wrong place.


                    • Richarbl says:

                      That’s a valid point WA


                    • oldfart says:

                      Kee nog stan.

                      PS. Try thinking or anything; it might help.


              • The guild sent money to Angolan freedom fighters when I was a student. Perhaps there is some poor cunt missing some bodily extremities who can thank them for providing some extra machete money.


                • skink says:

                  it was all about Nicaragua when I was a student.

                  the music and the food was better, and I still have memories of drinking rum and watching lovely latin ladies dancing salsa, on a rainy night in England.

                  no pasaran, and so forth


                  • oldfart says:

                    Makes me cum over all nostalgic. Us long-haired, draft-dodging, free-loving, pot-smoking louts from the 60s thought we started it all – but even we got around to reading our history books…. Yeah man!


                  • Bento says:

                    They’d moved on to East Timor by my time. No saucy latin ladies, just John Fucking Pilger on a seemingly endless loop. That cunt shits me to tears, Winton-style. The hardline Resistance types had no idea about proper drinking, either.


  3. Bento says:

    Watch that first step, it’s a doozy.


  4. Rolly says:

    A sort of step into the unknown.


  5. Bento says:

    Is that a electrical socket to the left of the guest exit? This appears to be Kalamunda’s answer to the Hearst Castle.


  6. stu says:

    I think every house should have dual sentry boxes at the front. Remember folks we simply cannot afford to let the terrorists win.

    The no through road smacks of Italian Mafia design, they’re famous for building roads that just………….end


    • Big Ramifications says:

      Good grief.

      Reffo jokes AND War on Tuhrr jokes? All because a house has a second story door handle ludicrously placed?

      Can I play, too? I also am white and have self hate and think The Herd’s song 77% is the greatest song evarr. I want to fit in.

      ps: I am currently trying to pork some birds wot are studying Arts with me, so any advice would be greatly appreciated.


      • Richarbl says:

        My advice in this area would be less talking and more painting/creating, and for homework ….google ‘erogenous zones’ and probably don’t mention any racist stuff…like fucking none!


        • Big Ramifications says:

          [studiously taking notes…]


          • Homer Simpson says:

            “Family Skills” Lecturer: There are a lot of little tricks to it, things you should have learned a long time ago. Such as, if you leave milk out, it can go sour. Put it in the refrigerator, or, failing that, a cool wet sack.

            [much later]

            And put your garbage in a garbage can, people. I can’t stress that enough. Don’t just throw it out the window.

            Marge: This is so humiliating.

            Homer: [writing furiously] Garbage in garbage can…hmm, makes sense.


  7. rolly says:

    Note my gravatar: My new shopping “gopher”.

    Because I’m definitely *not* on any road to recovery.


  8. flynn says:

    think how much more road could actually be built if the signs were not an obligatory part of the spend.
    We know the money is actually OURS; the govt are just the distributor.


  9. BS says:

    pseudo socialist liars pack of


  10. Big Ramifications says:

    Yeah I just wanna know, who owns those trucks? Does the military? Or what? And if they do, were they brought to Iraq to be used for this? Man those are totally kick ass machines!

    Think of this, take the weapon setup of an AC-130 and put in one of those Ford F350s FX4s! Guns from every direction, a 30mm cannon….clear everything for 100m! BAM! To the next level!

    -Fusion Time Machine


  11. skink says:


    if you think that what we are doing is bullying then you are a bigger wuss than I suspected.

    all the aggression is coming from your side, along with some sort of bizarre dungeonhammer revenge fantasy

    we have only projected love and compassion and beer and muffins.

    You pay out, and we bring you your change on a little silver plate.


    • Bento says:

      Aha! Maybe it’s the little silver plate that’s driven him to swivel-eyed lunacy! Fair enough, in that case.


      • Bill O'Slatter says:

        The boy needs therapy , as his daddie was a maddie or something. I sugest a visit to the Tezza temple for him as the Cylons are just about to attack.


  12. Big Ramifications says:

    But it was a joke I didn’t meeeean it.

    I’ll leave you guys to your circle jerk. Have fun.


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