Perth Vision a la La Chong

You may wish to see our Patti’s rehashing of nebulous visions for the future of Perth on the C2030 blog. She plans replacing the other plans for the city with a new plan. This is a plan that will resonate with the plan making community and that’s about all.

What is most striking abouut the Chong replan plan is that she says exactly nothing that hasn’t been said a million times before. Make a more vibrant city, blah blah. Missing is any suggestion of how it might be done.

I have refrained from commenting on the blog myself. They were having a forum in Broome. Perhaps Patti could have assisted with making Broome’s Chinatown more than just two shops. Calling it Chinatown feels like there should actually be something there. I really don’t know why Broome is always considered a great destination. It kinda isn’t. Sounds like the sort of place John Bono Butler would go.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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105 Responses to Perth Vision a la La Chong

  1. orbea says:

    Broome Chinatown – Jimmy Chi lane in a ginger sauce. To go.


  2. David Cohen says:

    “…where neighbours are faceless, nameless and clueless people who have lost the art of co-existing together like our forebears.”

    Yes. Like France and Germany, or Japan and China.

    Or like the Kurds and everyone else.

    Or like the Middle Ages generally.

    Or like…


  3. shazza says:

    I just don’t get this whole Chong thing. Why do people give a crap what she thinks?
    Her blog has shown her to be nothing more than a pretentious windbag (thanks Skink). Her literacy skills are average, her line of argument often questionable, and when challenged she reacts with the venom of a 13 year old school girl. I just don’t understand why she has any credibility?

    I am perplexed and bamboozled.


    • Rolly says:

      Don’t be, shazz,

      If you have difficulty understanding people it’s probably because you, too, have been conned into believing that society is comprised of reasonable, thinking, people.

      If that were so all our religious, political and economic structures would never have evolved to the state of acceptance that they have.
      People would have seen the myths, avarice and lies for what they really are.
      Millennia ago.

      In our supposedly advanced state of civic and social development, one thing continues to hold true:

      Bullshit Baffles Brains. The 3B principle.


  4. Bill O'Slatter says:

    To be fair to Chatti (argh) she does correctly identify Perth’s greatest problem “The urban sprawl may allow the Australian dream of the house on the quarter acre block but … (waffle deleted)”. She does not address how to wean the great Australian unwashed off this dream or why they want the dream.


  5. flynn says:

    putting a whole bunch of people together into higher density living does not make the neighbours faceless and doesn’t automatically ensure every-one gets along. It can make for some of the noisiest environments around.
    We dont deal with barking dogs, loud music, inappropriate mobile phone use, unwanted disturbances etc now so where will the sudden considerate neighbour emerge from?
    Rome even has rules as to when you can turn on your airconditioner at night! Try that here.


    • shazza says:

      Brownleigh (sp?) Towers anyone?


      • Bento says:

        I had to hand-deliver about 300 letters at Brownlie Towers a couple of years ago. I started out mildly apprehensive, was genuinely concerned halfway through, and wanted to cry by the end. What a miserable hellhole.

        The tarting up included modifications to reduce opportunities to leap from balconies or the roof.


        • The buildings are fine. it’s the surrounding areas that have the problems. You hand delivered 300 dominos flyers?


          • shazza says:

            The problem with Brownley, like all other high density Public housing is the congregation of the community’s most disadvantaged and vunerable mixed with the communities most disenfranchised, angry and sociopathic. It becomes a hotbed of anti social activities and as Bento points out becomes a miserably oppressive ennvironment for most who dwell there.

            I too had the misfortune to attend in my social work years and have to say that I left with a clear understanding as to why it is notorious for ‘jumpers’.


          • Bento says:

            I was born an Inglewood Pizza man, and I’ll die etc.


          • Bento says:

            It’s also interesting to note Brownlie Towers is listed on the City of Canning’s Heritage Inventory.


    • Brownlie Towers has been massively tarted up, but it doesn’t change the environment.


    • Ljuke says:

      See “High Rise” by Ballard for details.


  6. Snuff says:

    Many years ago Broome really had some charm, TLA. I lived in Chinatown and worked for a dodgy Greek bloke in a Mexican restaurant, bicycle hire, florist and antique shop named Kabuki Gardens. Broome was that kinda place … odds and sods and very, very shady. The Roebuck Bay Hotel bought Kabuki Gardens, demolished the two original Broomestyle buildings, and turned it into a carpark. Post McAlpine, Broome became a mecca for invariably disappointed families from Sydney and Melbourne in search of some mythical tropical oasis. It photographs well, and people brought absurd expectations to what was essentially a pricy, dusty, outback town with a few palm trees and a couple of resorts. Last time I saw it all the rough edges were getting knocked off, and it was turning suburban beige at a rate of knots. Shou ga nai.


  7. Tom says:

    “inner city infill makes people tolerate each other”

    It’s a brave new world when planners are forcing people to tolerate each other.


  8. xald says:

    It would so be nice if someone would tell us how they’re going to tart up Perth. How many times must we be promised vibrancy? How does a planning committee even achieve vibrancy?

    Unrelated: I’m glad someone agrees with me about Broome, there really is nothing there.


  9. NVLII says:

    Currently, there are only about 1500 people living in the CBD. *That* is Perth’s biggest problem.

    Town of Vincent is over, dead. RIP.

    City of Perth (including Northbridge) is the only area of any vibrancy. New bars opening, even old nightclubs reopening. More and more restaurants in the city open later during the week.

    Even St Georges Tce, with the new supermarket, is noticeably busier on Sunday’s now.

    Give it a few years, the progress is slow but steady!


  10. satay steve says:

    With Colin “not over the top” Barnett at the helm Perth is sure to become exciting any minute.

    I blame Carps.

    Also, I recommend Richard Weller’s new book Boomtown 2050 for all those wondering where the 1.5 Million extra people Perth will have to accommodate in the next 40 years will live. Of course, I refer specifically to the chapter “Business as Usual”.


  11. BrownBook says:

    My idea is to reclaim 90% of the Swan between the Esplanade and South Perth – removing the gap to parts south of the river and reducing the dependancy on cars to get into any sort of inner-city area. Surely this is completely feasible?!?


  12. FriendOfCookster says:

    Maybe some of these comments could be replicated on the actual C2030 blog?


  13. Frank Calabrese says:

    Don’t you love Barnett ranting about being called before the CCC.

    Speaking to media outside the ABC, Mr Barnett said he believes the complaint is a desperate attempt by fans to save the property.

    “It’s not about Colin Barnett, it’s not about my son Russell Barnett, it’s not about the heritage value of the house, it’s not about the Parliament,” he said.

    “It’s about The Triffids! It’s about the Triffids! Don’t you get it? It’s about the Triffids!”

    Comedy Gold from our Col :-)


  14. Cookster says:

    Our Colin thinks he’s a train
    Don’t know the difference between pleasure and pain.


  15. Sorry, has to be done:

    “What Andrew Mallard went through was bad enough, but what Ken and my family went through is bad, too.”,,24937950-5012990,00.html

    I see in the pic it mentions her “Dalkeith home.” Not a lot of urban infill there, hey Patti?

    Do as I say, not as I do.


  16. Bill O'Slatter says:

    Little Chrissie Thompson chucks in his own “ides”/anecdotes on why Dullsville is well , Dullsville. It’s all the councils’ fault apparently.


  17. skink says:

    please don’t believe any of the hype that this event is some sort of community consultation.

    Landcorp is on the nose with the Govt, particularly with Buswell and Grylls, who both want to see it gone. They have sinced backed down on promises to reform Landcorp.

    Landcorp ballsed up badly in Broome last year and these two love-ins are an attempt for them to cosy up to developers and local government and show that they are not unscrupulous chisellers.


  18. Bill O'Slatter says:

    … and not only that Chong is the moderator for the 2030 website. Where you been Skink on holidays ?


  19. skink says:

    been trying to break the Chong habit but cold turkey didn’t work.

    may have to go on a program.

    …so cold…

    I think the moderator of the 2030 may be a bit closer to home.


    • Isn’t Spamster behind that thingy?


      • Frank Calabrese says:

        Yes indeed it is the Spamster’s little pet project doing PR work for that luddite and anti Triffids fan Colin Barnett.


    • Snuff says:

      You got plastered and nailed Paris, Cookster ? Respect.


    • shazza says:

      Your not Harold are you Skink?


      • skink says:

        yes, and I suspect that Bento or Orbea is playing Maude to my Harold, which is not a mental picture I am comfortable with.

        Respect is due to Maude for calling Chong a cunt in her column last week.


    • Bill O'Slatter says:

      Well Cookster how come my trackback to the WorstofPerth got deleted. My “conclusion” was that Chong was wearing the pants , with the hammer and nails.


      • Cookster says:

        Bill, it’s in the spam bin for some reason. To be honest, it’s the only comment that hasn’t run, apart from one supposedly from a Maude who had nothing constructive to add to the conversation.

        It’s not TWOP, so you’ve got to understand my position. I’d love to see you all over there banging out the comments, but alas, this is a far more juicy forum. I get that.


        • Shame Cockster. They’re more passionate about the city over here too. And slightly more knowledgeable.


        • skink says:

          er, that particular Maude comment was from me. At that time I didn’t know you were involved.


          • Cookster says:

            You mean on the blog or on the WAtoday site?


            • skink says:

              the Maude on the C2030 site was me (it took a while to bounce)

              don’t know who the one on TWAT was, but I suspect it was one of this lot, since it borrowed one an old post of mine from Rattler


          • Skink says:


            You pretended to be Harold, and I didn’t know it was you. Then I pretended to be Maude, but you didn’t know it was me. I, as Maude, stole one of your gags, which you had earlier put up, under a different name, in response to a post I had earlier put up under a different name. Then you posted on another blog under the pseudonym I used, even though you didn’t know it was me writing pseudonymously, and even though it was the pseudonym under which I stole one of your gags.

            We’re through the looking glass here, people.


  20. skink says:

    Landcorp fucked up in Broome.

    it also cocked up Gracetown, where its plan for new housing met with a torrent of outrage from locals and they had to back down.

    it is also in trouble in Busselton, where it hatched a plan to pay for the repair of the jetty by selling off huge tracts of the foreshore to developers who no doubt planned some sort of hideous Gold Coast en Vasse. Cue entrance of local member Troy Buswell.

    that was nipped in the bud, but not before Landcorp and three local councillors got trapped in the Smiths Beach farce, which ended up in the CCC, and brings us back to…

    …Patti Chong

    can we start a new game of Six Degrees of Chong?


  21. Big Ramifications says:

    Cheers. Thought you’d banned my IP. I think 4 posts refused to come up.

    I know I’m an ornery, disagreeable prick… so I’m thinking “Meh. Fair call. It’s his blog. Wonder what I said wrong?”


  22. Dick says:

    Her vibrancy plan is a plan for vibrancy. She is “passionate about being passionate”. Does this garbage get her anywhere in the court room?

    Rolan on “passionate”:

    Me on Patti:


    • shazza says:

      Welcome Dick, couldn’t agree more. I look forward to your future contributions.


    • Dick, you can add your blog’s url when you comment so people can click it.


      • Dick says:

        Thanks Lazy, it’s weird because I was logged in automatically via WordPress and for some reason there’s no auto link to me blog.


        • Bento says:


          great to welcome another Chongophobe, or should that be Chongaholic?

          if you trawl back through the Chong related material, you will discover that nearly every post on Chong’s blog “The Verdict” is from the Usual Suspects here.

          expect a writ from her when she sees you have been uncharitable about her hair. I criticised her dress sense once, and look what that started.

          what’s with all these thumb votes? they take forever to load

          thumbs down for the thumbs


          • Dick says:

            Thanks Bento. I started out wary about saying anything defamation writ inducing, but couldn’t really help making the echidna comparison. I’ll run the defence of “truth”.


        • skink says:

          oops, still got Bento’s face on.

          which of you miserable bastards gave my Chinatown quote the thumbs down?



    • Bill O'Slatter says:

      Sheer genius , Skink has a Bob Dylanesque level of talent. Will be a big hit with the crowd at the Para-mounting stables.


  23. skink says:

    not my work

    the credit belongs to Rick O’Shea

    never quite made it through all six minutes. It starts to feel like waterboarding after about three.


    • Bill O'Slatter says:

      He musta served his apprenticeship in Chong with you , or is it you with legal underpants ? You need the six minutes for the hypnotic, hallucinogenesis to set in.


  24. skink says:

    and now Landcorp are getting The Worst to spruik for their summit:

    free tickets are up for grabs everyone!

    did nobody want the last set of free tickets they gave away?


  25. skink says:

    a creche? is that a traffic accident in Claremont?


  26. Orbea says:

    Patti has lost it

    She now has fantasies over Lee’s iron fist, creating fruit.
    Don’t worry about messy democracy, Patti-cake is on the case.

    50 years ago, Lee Kuan Yew had a vision of creating the swamps of a tiny backwater island into an international hub of banking, industries, tourism etc.He wanted to rid the triads, the gangs and the lawlessnes which beset his island and he wanted a strong military and police force to guard and protect his people from within and outside.

    He set about with a benevolent iron fist to put his vision into fruition.True, the citizens were not consulted as to whether high rise density was good or bad, they were not consulted as to whether complusory military service was what they wanted and they were not consulted as to whether expensive car ownership to curb traffic congestion was good or bad for thier country. The government just did it.

    We should, to borrow from Nike, ‘just do it’ like Lee Kuan Yew did.We cannot say that Mr Lee’s vision was bad for what is now an international, progressive country.



    • shazza says:

      Thanks Orbea for giving me a Patti fix. Since banning myself from her blog Iv’e wondered what inane ramblings she has been going on with. (Hi Patti we all know you’ll be reading this).


    • Bento says:

      You’re just afraid of Lee Kuan Yew because he’s a successful Asian woman.


  27. David Cohen says:

    What happened to democracy and free speech in Singapore was bad…


  28. skink says:

    clearly Patti Patti believes that Perth needs a benevolent dictator for the city to take the great leap forward

    Patti Patti for Presidente


  29. Frank Calabrese says:

    Speaking of the Perth Foreshore – check out this item as part of Ch 7’s 50th Anniversary as they look at some of the changes in the City and it’s environs in the 50’s & 60’s – and check out a young Brian Burke as a reporter, though I think that footage is NOT from 1966 :-)


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