Black Men, Asian Thighs

This struck me as the quintessential worst of Perth. A bloke, Purple Wyrm, goes into the bog at a restaurant, and propping up the door is a pornographic dvd. He takes a pic and submits it to me to become a permantly recorded detail of the city. This piece of Perth ephemera would otherwise have been unnoticed and lost. What is this doing in the toilet of Fasta-Pasta in Innaloo? There’s not even a DVD player. You’d be lucky to get vhs in there. I asked Senor Wyrm to supply an uncensored close up. Perhaps fortunately it is blurred enough to be considered censored anyway. The original is posted here on flickr. That hideous gradient fill title font could be considered a worst in itself. Ai ya!

black men asian thighs

black men asian thighs

black men asian thighs

black men asian thighs

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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25 Responses to Black Men, Asian Thighs

  1. shazza says:

    What surprises me most about this DVD is the demure cover. Given the subject nature I feel it was an oversight to exclude ping pong balls, and long black schlongs. Most disappointing.


    • Grrr says:

      This is Inside Cover worthy (the old version, not the new version).

      And possibly the first use of actual nipples on TWOP. Possibly the first actual NSFW posting as well.

      Being unfamiliar with Mach 2 Productions, I went to Wikipedia but they lack a website.
      Thankfully Google tells me this is one of at least three in the series, and there is also a Latin variant.

      But, really, Fasta Pasta in Innaloo?
      Porn in the toilets at Fasta Pasta in Innaloo?

      I wouldn’t be eating the special sauce.


    • skink says:

      Frank from WAToady will be appalled by the blatant racial stereotyping in this DVD.

      I am impressed by your patience in arguing with him, Shazza

      I am starting to understand why his wife slapped him around


  2. I’ve got the Tibetan “Lamas on LLamas” but not this one. The nipples are blurred enough to be considered censored.


  3. Groucho says:

    Found in a loo in Innaloo…expect nothing less….

    Is Fasta Pasta next to Hurry Curry ?


  4. Bento says:

    Porn free, as free as the wind blows
    As free as the grass grows
    Porn free to follow your meal

    Live free and Asian thighs surround you
    The world still astounds you
    Once you’ve broken the seal

    Stay free, where no stalls divide you
    You’re free as the roaring tide
    So there’s no need to hide

    Porn free, and life is worth living
    But only worth living
    ’cause you’ve porn free

    (Stay free, where no stalls divide you)
    You’re free as the roaring tide
    So there’s no need to hide

    Porn free, and life is worth living
    But only worth living
    ’cause you’ve porn free


    • Groucho says:

      Reminds me of another favourite ……

      Porn in the U.S.A.
      Porn in the U.S.A.
      Porn in the U.S.A.
      Porn in the U.S.A.

      I got in a little hometown sperm
      And so they put a cock in my hands
      Sent me off to Vietnam
      To go and fuck the yellow woman


  5. shazza says:

    This is more my style,

    Get your motor running.
    Head out on the highway.
    Lookin for some nice thighs.
    or whatever comes my way.
    Yeah Darlin going make it happen,
    Take the world in a love embrace.
    Fire all of your guns at once,
    explode into an asian woman.

    Porn to be Wild.
    Porn to be Wild.


    • Grrr says:

      explode into onto an asian woman.

      Actually, I believe the done thing in porn is on to the woman.
      With several men in the case of Asian women.

      That’s what I have heard.


      • Bento says:

        Clearly you are not familiar with the ‘creampie’ genre, which is more ‘into’ than ‘onto’.

        Or so I’ve heard.


        • Richarbl says:

          If anyone is not familiar with the term “creampie”
          I suggest using the Keith Urban Dictionary for explainations of “exotic entertainment” Skink reccomended it to me whilst I was pandering to his Rasputin Complex on a previous post.Thanks Skink. Keith must have had quite a life until Princess Nicole slowed him down, still it must be cool to have a dictionary named after you.


        • Grrr says:

          I bow towards your modern knowledge of porn.

          Speaking of which, has anyone noticed the old Savoy Hotel sign in Perth (as seen from the Barrack St end of the mall) has been repainted?
          I thought the Savoy closed down years ago (and I associate the Savoy with adult films).

          We noticed when we popped in to the town call to see the exhibition on Perth Buildings.

          Aside from a few drawings of Council House (a Worst?), there are a not inconsiderable number of pictures that make one wish Sir Charles had not allowed the wholesale destruction of Perth’s classic buildings.


  6. Dukes says:

    Good to see local businesses supporting other neighboring businesses. Adult shop and Fasta pasta setting a shining example for the rest of innaloo


  7. Pingback: Ant Music | The Worst of Perth

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