This is the solution?

Not just the solution, but Solarution. God knows what solar based perversity goes on in that shed. No doubt a gimp is attached to a heat pump or something. It’s lovely when someone starts lettering without a plan, a measurement, or even a dictionary, but still has a song in their heart. Charles Street North Perth.

Solar softened brain

Solar softened brain

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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16 Responses to This is the solution?

  1. shazza says:

    aagh! This is as bad as the ad in my local paper this week for Solarvation (Solar Innovation). As a member of the grid connected community I am saddened by this apparent trend of philistines entering the solar market.
    Also note Dennis Cardboard Cut-Out Lillee flogging solar on telly these days. Where will it all end?


  2. Bedford Crackpot Fraternity says:

    Aaah crackpots to the left of me, jokers to the right!! The world would be a duller place without nutjobs like this!!Poor bastards just trying to make a buck!! He’s just getting in on the ground level……..!! Love the cactus on the right, is that a hint of his or the worlds impending demise….


  3. Snuff says:

    If that’s the solution, then perhaps this was the problem.


  4. Groucho says:

    At least the sign is in a really nice sunny spot on recycled (preowned) signage


  5. my ning says:

    It could be a film joke – Tarkovsky made the masterpiece Solaris in 1972ish before the yanks (with George Clooney) completely bastardised the whole thing in 2001ish with a movie of the same name.

    The story involved a planet that fucks with the mind – a perfect metaphor for this kind of TWOP endeavour…


  6. Hovean says:

    The borewater stained low fence in the foreground looks suspiciously like it’s made from asbestos – the genuine lung busting variety.
    Solar innovation in an azzy shed suggests a nice continuity of the times.
    I hope the interest in solar is not only it’s usefulness in photosynthesis?


  7. I thought about naming the post Solaris. But wouldn’t you have to be wanting a bad sign, and the alien mind sign would be reacting to your subconscious?


  8. David Cohen says:

    You would have to be using a different operating system. With music by Photek. While wrestling with a supervillain.


  9. Pingback: Cunger | The Worst of Perth

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