Melbourne Cup Worst

Is this a worst because he’s the lone employee continuing to work while the mob watches the Melbourne Cup on the big screen behind him? Or is it a worst because one  employee won’t get involved in the bonding Teh Cup brings to a workplace? Or is it a worst because the Melbourne Cup is two minutes of crap? Wait, looking closer, isn’t that the UK Swingers Club website he’s looking at? So many questions.

Against the tide

Against the tide

And because I haven’t had anywhere else to put it, here’s Skink’s last She-Ra find, where she literally channels Tiny Pinder.


About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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8 Responses to Melbourne Cup Worst

  1. Anonymous Perthon says:

    I may just be being paranoid here but I think they are all looking at me.

    The woman on the right hand bottom corner of the photo appears to be wearing a blue plastic plate with a disgruntled rat on top of it, on her head, wish I had one.


  2. Ljuke says:

    I sense great vulnerability. A man-child crying out for love. An innocent orphan in the post-modern world.


  3. Anonymous Perthon says:

    Ljuke, well he does have a jar of baby food in front of him, so your man-child assumption is probably correct. An innocent orphan in a shampoo and brushless post-modern world.


  4. johnnyscrotum says:

    It’s just like an Aussie ‘6th sense’ type experience where only we can see dead people. But I can’t figure out who the ghosts are?


  5. David Cohen says:

    They’re all international students at Curtin waiting for suitable accomodation to be found for them…


  6. skink says:

    all yesterday afternoon there was a steady trickle of ladies in short dresses and silly hats doing the walk of shame past my office window, staggering home from Ascot with their strappy shoes in their hands.

    I had to suppress the urge to shout :”hey, you’ve got carrot in your fascinator!”


  7. Is that cream cheese in your fascinator ? One hell of a dodgy event : up there with the Town of Vincent. Bart’s twelfth : yeah right .


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