
An excellent submission from CC. Why has this derelict Western movie set been here for so long in such a busy area? No doubt a fire will go through it now it’s been posted here. CC says…

The old western end of the Innaloo restaurants south of Scarb Bch Rd opposite Bunnings. These buildings have been abandoned and in this condition for as long as I can remember. I recall one of them used to be a Good, Bad and Ugly mexican restaurant and the name is still visible on the building itself, and one was obviously a China Palace or similar. The buildings seemed to go from open and trading to this condition overnight and then have stayed looking like this ever since. I quite like them. Only a few hundred metres away the place is flat-out with people almost constantly, and yet there are ruins sitting there in full view.

We got ourselves a Chinee

We got ourselves a Chinee

What a desert Scarborough Beach road is. Definitely can be tagged with worst street. I haven’t seen any searches for Scarborough sluts lately, but several for Noni Hazelhurst naked.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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21 Responses to Tombstone

  1. Grazer says:

    Oh, I do hope these do stay like this as abandoned ruins. It would be like having the Colosseum in Perth. Although in fact having ruins in close proximity to a hive of activity reminds me of Ayutthaya in Thailand, the former capital that was razed by the Burmese in 1767. This is slightly less picturesque though. Maybe a fire would give it that invaded and destoyed look.


  2. skink says:

    dosn’t this lot sit in front of the old drive-in ?

    I think it was bought by developers aiming to build on that entire corner, but the just haven’t got around to it yet.


  3. It has been like this for some years


  4. Cookster says:

    Even when this precinct was in its prime I can’t recall ever frequenting this end of the strip… and you know I love a good Chinee.

    At the other end was the Pizza Hut where I celebrated many a birthday over the red and white checked plastic tablecloths.

    It all went to shit when the drive in was closed and Sizzler moved its snot filled salad bar in.


  5. Vic Demised says:

    What about that food hall opposite Bungey Park in Northbridge? Full of pigeon shit and dirty picks for five years at least. Perth is really way behind the rest of the civilised world when it comes to arson. Maybe we should recruit guest-arsonists from the Pacific Islands? Or would the local indigenous arsonists be pissed off?


  6. David Cohen says:

    What will aliens
    Make of our early ruins?
    Good, bad or ugly?


  7. poor lisa says:

    I think the drivein was where the cinema complex is now.


  8. David Cohen says:

    Cover it in corflute. Then it could become huge signage for someone. Or a graffiti paradise.


  9. Cookster says:

    Poor Lisa – yes, indeed it was. Shame it’s gone. You just can’t take a bong and a 4 litre cask into the cinema…


  10. Tony T says:

    The old drive-in was an auspicious establishment; I saw Porkies there mid 1982.


  11. #9. Cookster, where were you last week when I could have used that information?


  12. Cookster says:

    @11 TLA – mate, you should know that the pipe is far superior to the bong when smoking in public!


  13. Barney says:

    A Liberal Government will ensure that an Office Park is built on this location by 2014.


  14. Carps says:

    A labor government will build a rail line here and then set fire to it.


  15. Gizza says:

    The Greens will build a lake.

    And a water slide.


  16. poor lisa says:

    Metro, Innaloo, closed 1993
    Shame on you cookster, I don’t know what drive-ins you went to but according to this article they were family places!


  17. If, perchance, one was looking, hypothetically, for Noni Hazelhurst naked, where would one look?


  18. Carps says:

    In the 1970’s.


  19. Slanderer says:

    Shame to toss some “facts” into this. My understanding is that the Peoples Republic of Stirling wanted to redevelop the place with a pub and restaurants but the locals, concerned about the anti-social elements that would be attracted, put the kibosh on the plans, prefering it the way it is.


  20. Kazanna says:

    Hey! I went past here last week and sadly report the ruins are gone.

    On the upside tho, we all get to watch and anticipate what springs up there in their place. Out with the old and in with the new.


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