Fisting on Douglas

Now this was a big mistake. It’s right out on the street. This sort of thing should be confined to a private garden. Somehow it reminds me of the work of the oversized norks sculptor. Douglas Avenue South Perth. I think it’s a new addition to the street. Dirty fingernails might have made it work.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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21 Responses to Fisting on Douglas

  1. skink says:

    Paul Nurry’s neck seems to be missing from the centre of this sculpture


  2. meccano101 says:

    What is above the mail box L.A?


  3. C says:

    About 3-4 months ago the sculpture was just the hands (no arms) and was a little different. One day it disappeared, and then a few weeks later this replaced it. I just laughed because the original looked so much nicer and this just looks pathetic. I was actually going to send a pic in of this but thought it wasn’t TWOP enough.


  4. Another ill conceived piece. It is a tiled scene of ye olde Paris I think.


  5. squib says:

    That’s really strange. Creepy almost. Not Paris, I mean the hands coming out of the ground. It’s a bit Michael Jackson Thriller-ish


  6. cimbali says:

    It looks like it is one of the devices designed to receive your daily paper – particularly the ridiculously oversized Saturday West.

    I like your iced Vovo Squib


  7. Tigre says:

    I originally thought this was the “hands” and was wondering why this was on TWOP. But since C has mentioned it, these pair of arms are clearly different and in a whole class to themselves. The original was much better! Anyone got a before & after pic?


  8. Blandwagon says:

    It’s out on the street? Countdown to complete destruction by vandals in 5… 4… 3… 2…


  9. mazarina says:

    It’s not a sculpture, these are the hands that were intended for Edward Scissorhands, but alas were not to be.


  10. Ljuke says:

    When I read the title of this post, there was a brief and wonderful moment when I thought that maybe “Disclosure 2: The Widening” was in production.


  11. Cookster says:

    LA, yes, what does that mosaic above the mail slot depict? I’m getting curioser and curioser…


  12. as i say it’s tiles with a painted town scene, possibly Paris.


  13. Cardinal Fang says:

    This reminds me of a certain house in the hills that TWOP should visit.
    Glenlea Drive, Helena Valley, home of an enormous backyard concrete black swan. Seriously – its fading red beak overlooks the house!,+helena+valley&sll=-31.9554,115.85859&sspn=0.051195,0.075188&ie=UTF8&z=17


  14. erinstark says:

    C – comment number 3:

    I live near Douglas, and I thought something looked different… but then I thought it was just me. So they really did change and come back uglier? Hmm.


  15. tfltest says:

    It looks like the scheming hands of a Bond villain… giant scheming hands.


  16. Angela Trevithick says:

    Some people put up flags, others put up giant statues of hands cupped together in the shape of our proud nation. Each to their own…


  17. King of Bayswater says:

    Looks very similar to that Hungry Jacks ad where they hold an invisible whopper .

    Also looks like the old body language favourite where control freaks have steepled hands.

    But aside from that it is a truly and deeply horrendous piece of art.


  18. Johnny B. Goode says:

    (Mr Burns voice) Excellent…


  19. Saltation says:

    someone needs to creep in under cover of night, and install a large burger in those hands


  20. They’ve grown. I wonder what happened? I think street view is going to be great for TWOP.


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